110+ Caption About Missing Someone

We’ve all been there. When you miss someone, it’s hard to keep busy. Here are a few samples of thoughtful captions to help you express yourself better during times of missing someone.

Caption About Missing Someone

  1. Missing someone? We can help.
  2. When your loved one goes somewhere and you can’t be there.
  3. Missing someone today…should we all be so lucky?
  4. Today we remember the people who are missing from our lives. All of you, wherever you are, know that we miss you.
  5. It’s hard to miss someone who never leaves your side.
  6. Missing someone is like a hole in your heart. But it will always be filled with memories.
  7. One of the hardest things to do in life is to miss someone. It’s okay to miss someone you love, but remember they are always with you.
  8. I miss someone who I used to be able to talk to about everything. I miss the person I used to be—the one who didn’t give up and kept moving forward.
  9. There’s a hole in your heart that can never be filled.
  10. You are in my heart and thoughts.
  11. Missing someone special today ????❤
  12. It’s never easy being away from a loved one, but it will be worth it in the end.
  13. When the day is long, the night is dark and lonely. When you feel like nothing can change your mood, just remember that there’s always someone to hold on to.
  14. Hey, you’re missing something. And we’re here to help. Find your missing someone with our new app ????
  15. Missing someone? Share a photo of them, and other people will comment and add with their own memories.
  16. Missing someone special? We’ve got the perfect outfit to help you feel your best!
  17. So hard to believe someone is missing you. Keep them close in your heart.
  18. Missing somebody is like a little piece of your heart missing every day.
  19. Missing you like crazy, love.
  20. Thinking of you today and every day.
  21. Missing someone is a part of life. But that doesn’t mean it has to define you.
  22. Missing someone you love is never easy. When they’re far away, it can be even harder. But we’ll always keep you in our hearts, wherever you are.
  23. Missing someone is a slice of life, but when it’s this good, you don’t notice the pain.
  24. We all have a little piece of our loved ones with us, in these moments we can feel that connection. ❤️
  25. We hope you’re enjoying your weekend and we miss you a lot. Stay warm, get some rest and take care of yourself. ❤️
  26. Hey, it’s you. The way you laugh when I call, the way you make me feel, there is nothing like you still inside my heart.
  27. Missing someone who has gone through a tough breakup. I know how it feels ????
  28. We all feel the pain of missing someone, even if they’re not gone.
  29. There’s a hole in my heart that won’t go away. I miss you, ____.
  30. Missing someone is a bittersweet reminder of how quickly life can change.
  31. Missing someone is hard. But sometimes it’s okay to grieve the loss of something you never had.
  32. I miss you. I wish you were here. I hope you’re happy, wherever you are. ????❤
  33. Thinking of you today and wishing I could see your smiling face. ????
  34. Missing someone is a feeling that’s hard to describe, because it’s not just the missing of a person, but more so the feeling that you have left behind all the good memories you had together.
  35. Like a fresh summer breeze, we miss you. We love you ❤
  36. To those who have found their way home, we wish you comfort and joy. ❤
  37. Don’t know what to say, but still think about you everyday. I miss the good times we’ve had together even though it’s been so long since I last saw your smile or heard your laugh. ????
  38. I miss you, good morning ☀
  39. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to pick up your kids from daycare today. I hope they had fun and won’t be mad that you weren’t there to greet them.
  40. Missing someone. You know who you are.
  41. Missing someone so damn much.????
  42. Missing someone, someone who always makes you feel better even when they’re not around. ❤️
  43. I miss you like a missing tooth ????
  44. We’re all missing someone. Today I’m missing my mom. Tomorrow, it might be you ????
  45. Just thinking of you makes me smile.
  46. Sometimes I miss someone so much that I feel like I want to cry. But then, I realize that it’s just a feeling and that it goes away soon.
  47. Missing someone is a temporary feeling. You can always tell when they’re missing you, but it will only last a few days or maybe a few hours. Sooner or later, they’ll be back in your life again.
  48. And so it begins…the week I’ve been dreading. The beginning of the week when we miss someone, or have to talk about someone who is gone.
  49. I miss you. Our first date was so much fun and I wish you could see how great life is with me.
  50. Finding strength in the little things. When you miss someone, nothing else is ever compared to it.
  51. We’d like to offer you a cupcake in remembrance of the loved one you’ve lost. In case that’s not enough, we’ll throw in a candle for good measure.
  52. If you miss someone, they’re missing you too. ????
  53. Missing a special someone who no longer calls your name.
  54. Missing someone can be hard. We’re here for you if you need us.
  55. May you be found soon and remembered forever.
  56. Thinking of you this weekend.
  57. I miss him a lot. He’s been gone for over two years, but every time I try to move on, he comes back to me. It’s hard not to think about him and wonder what life would be like without him in it.
  58. Missing someone is a part of life. And sometimes it will be hard to manage your emotions. But remember that no matter what, you are loved and always in our thoughts and prayers.
  59. Missing someone is like a piece of you missing. But when you have your own slice of happiness, it’s true that life can be sweeter.
  60. Life is better when you have someone to share it with.
  61. Remembering my grandfather. My dad passed away in January, and I miss him terribly. Thanks for all the support comments, likes and shares!
  62. I still miss you. You were always there for me. I’m so glad we had this time together. I hope you’re feeling better now.
  63. You are never really alone. Thoughts of you will be here always, in our hearts and minds
  64. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost a year since we lost you. You’re always in my heart and in my thoughts every day, buddy. I hope you’re listening in there somewhere and are doing alright.
  65. Missing someone, who’s not there.
  66. Missing somebody who was there for you when you needed them most.
  67. We miss you, and we hope that you are okay.
  68. Missing someone today. It’s a little too quiet without you. #wheresomuchlove
  69. I am missing him. My heart is heavy with the ache of unmet needs and unfulfilled dreams.
  70. Thinking of you today. Here’s hoping you’re doing alright…
  71. Missing someone today? Grab a coffee and catch up with your friend in #linkhere.
  72. Missing someone can be a struggle, but make sure you’re not alone. Text your friends and family to let them know you’re thinking of them as they recover.
  73. I miss you. I wish you were here to hold me in your arms again.
  74. Can’t figure out why I hurt so much when you’re not around.
  75. Not because I’m alone but because you’re not.
  76. There are only a few things you can’t learn from a book—but losing a friend, that’s something that stays with you for the rest of your life. ♥
  77. Missing someone is a difficult thing, but keeping their memory alive helps give you hope that someday you will see them again.
  78. ‘Tis the season to be missing someone who is far away. May you find comfort in knowing that our hearts are always with you, wherever you are. Happy Thanksgiving!
  79. Missing someone is never easy. That’s why we’re here for you during the toughest times.
  80. Missing someone is something you can’t ever truly forget. They live on in your heart, whether you see them or not.
  81. Missing someone who means the world to you? We’ve all been there, but don’t give into your sadness. Instead, celebrate the person you love and be thankful for everything they have given you.
  82. I can’t help but think about you when I see this. It’s like I’m missing a part of my life that you’ve been a part of ⛱️❤️
  83. It’s always sad when someone you love is missing, but it’s also comforting to know that they are always with us. ???? ????
  84. Missing someone you care about. ????
  85. Missing someone today? We’re here for you.
  86. And then, the floodgates of despair open up and you find yourself missing someone.
  87. Missing someone is like a shadow. It follows you everywhere, even when you’re trying not to see it.
  88. Missing someone is a reminder that you don’t love yourself fully. Be kind to yourself and to the people around you.
  89. Sometimes, you just need a good distraction.
  90. This is my story of a life lived without you. Every moment since the day I left you has been a descent into darkness and loneliness.
  91. Missing someone who has been part of your life for a long time is never easy. Sometimes, the pain of missing them is even harder than the memories that remind you of how happy you used to be with them
  92. Missing someone is a grieving process. Missing someone that you love will be different every time.
  93. Missing the good ol’ days when we would just walk and talk away the day.
  94. When someone you love is suffering, your heart aches for them. But in that moment, it can feel like the whole world is falling apart. So let’s hold tight together and try to keep it together as we wait for sunshine to chase away dark days. ❤️❤️
  95. Missing someone today.
  96. Missing someone but not sure how to move on.
  97. I am missing you, my friend.
  98. I know you’re out there. I just can’t find you.
  99. Missing someone is a constant reminder that you just can’t live without them.
  100. Missing you, my friend. You’re always on my mind.
  101. Missing someone today, who was good to me. I think of you and keep you in my heart. I know that you are watching over us, even now as we speak.
  102. Missing you already ????
  103. I miss you. I love you. I’ll see you soon
  104. Life isn’t complete without you.
  105. Missing you already. It’s been too long, and I can’t wait to see you again.
  106. We all miss someone. But sometimes it’s hard to say exactly what we mean. Right now, call or text someone you haven’t talked to in a while and see if you can get together.
  107. Make memories with the people who matter most to you. #KeepMemoriesalive
  108. I wish I could turn back time and bring my mom here ????
  109. Heyyyyy, you were missing someone today. I was missing you too!
  110. Missing someone, my heart aches. I wish you were here, but I know how much you miss me too. I’m thinking of you and praying for you every day.
  111. What keeps you up at night? Is it missing someone? Or is it missing out? #missingsomeone
  112. Missing someone is not a feeling that should go away. It’s normal to feel that way, especially when it’s been so long since you’ve seen them last. 
  113. I can’t help but remember how happy you were when we were together. I hope you know that wherever you are, I’m wishing you the best. ❤

Also See: 140+ Caption About Missing Friend

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