130+ Caption About Being Drunk

Have you ever wondered what happens when you’re drunk or what captions to write about your drunk experience? This article compiles the most catchy and funny captions that captures the scenario of being drunk.

130+ Caption About Being Drunk

  1. I’m drunk and I’m ready to go.
  2. I’m drunk, but I can still tell you, drinking is the best thing ever.
  3. ????????The drunker you are, the harder it is to stay awake.
  4. Sometimes you just gotta get drunk and act like a fool.
  5. Hey, buddy! You’re a little tipsy. I feel like this one is for you ????
  6. So happy when I’m tipsy. ????
  7. That’s the way it is when you’re hammered. You can’t think straight.
  8. I am drunk and I’m happy.
  9. What happens when you get drunk? ???? ???? ????????
  10. i’m so drunk my face hurts i’m so drunk my teeth hurt i’m so drunk my feet hurt but i sleep like a baby
  11. Don’t worry, it’s not the alcohol talking—it’s just me.
  12. So many days, we just don’t feel like getting up. But that’s okay. We were drunk all along.
  13. When you have a martini, and your friends have to explain why they’re drinking it.
  14. You know what goes well with a hangover? A shot of whiskey, or so I’ve heard. ☕
  15. What’s your favorite way to celebrate? ???????? #GettingDrunk
  16. When you’re drunk, and your friends say they like your caption. ????
  17. Drunk and disorderly.
  18. I’ve been drinking, and I’ll be damned if I can’t think of a good caption for this photo.
  19. Been drinking a lot of beer lately.
  20. It’s Friday, and I am on my way to being completely drunk.
  21. If you could get drunk on booze , what would your drink be?
  22. We’re not trying to lead you astray, but this is how people get drunk when they’ve had a few drinks.
  23. Somebody get me a cab ???? ???? ???? #VeryDrunk
  24. It’s like you’re in a different world when you’re drunk. Everything is better and more fun, and there are no rules. It’s the perfect time to be silly, do something spontaneous and just have a great time.
  25. It’s okay if you feel funny when you’re drunk. That’s normal. Sometimes the best nights happen while you’re buzzed and don’t know what the heck is going on. ????
  26. The best thing about being drunk is that you don’t even know how good it feels until the next morning.
  27. What happens when you mix alcohol, skydiving and a cute boy who can’t stop smiling? You get this.
  28. I’m in the zone. #BeingDrunk
  29. It’s all fun and games until someone vomits on your shoes.
  30. It’s always sobering to wake up the next morning after a night of drinking. ????
  31. You can’t see me but I am definitely drunk.
  32. When you’re drunk and having a good time.
  33. I’m so drunk, I think I can do anything.
  34. Being drunk is pretty much the best thing ever.
  35. We’re all getting drunk tonight.
  36. I’m feeling soooooo #drunk ????????????
  37. When you’re drunk, it’s important to use your best words—like this one!
  38. There’s no such thing as a bad time to get drunk ????????
  39. Today is a good day for drinks.
  40. Wanna go to the bar? Don’t know how to get there?????
  41. You know what they say: don’t try to drive after only one drink. ????
  42. Being drunk is the only time that you can have fun without thinking about tomorrow’s responsibilities.
  43. I’m being serious, this is the best way to enjoy a cocktail.
  44. Unaware of what I’m doing, but I’m not complaining.
  45. You know you’ve had a good hangover when: A) You remember the night before and B) You still feel like shit.
  46. Am I drunk? Yes. But am I mostly sober? Yes!
  47. I’ve been drunk before, but this is the first time I’ve ever been drunk and unashamed.
  48. So, what’s the best way to prove you’re not drunk? By posting photos of yourself being drunk.
  49. Stumbling back home from 4+ drinks in 15 minutes.
  50. I may be drunk, but I’m still an absolute boss at giving the middle finger.
  51. well I don’t know what it is about getting drunk but I really like that feeling ????????
  52. You know you’re a true millennial when you can be drunk and still post about being drunk ???? ????????
  53. Being drunk is like a superpower. I am unstoppable, fearless and invincible when I am drunk.
  54. When you wake up with a hangover and you’re still drunk. ????????
  55. When you’ve had a few too many ???? ???? ???? ????
  56. I’m a grown up who likes to have fun, but I’m also a responsible adult who knows how to behave responsibly. #beingDrunk
  57. I’m not a morning person but I have a headache. . . . . . . . . #hangover
  58. I gotta say, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. #beingDrunk
  59. I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster and I don’t know how to stop. #Drunk
  60. You don’t have to be drunk to be a party animal
  61. Drunk, but also kind of awesome.
  62. I’m drunk, I know. But everyone deserves a good time. ????
  63. I’m drunk and I know it.  I’m also a mom who is also on vacation.
  64. I may be drunk, but I’m sure as hell not throwing up. #nostolgics ????????
  65. In all honesty, it’s really hard to go from sober to drunk. ????
  66. Be careful what you wish for. #BeingDrunk
  67. It’s like your tongue is a party of its own, and you’re the host. #drunk
  68. Drinks are optional, but so is our friendship. Cheers to that!
  69. Stay hydrated and never get too drunk because you don’t want to feel that way again. ????
  70. Being drunk is the best way to communicate. ????
  71. I’m so drunk I can barely get out of bed.
  72. I’m drunk, but it’s not because of you. #ShoutOutToMyDrink
  73. Drinking. Feeling good. Good times.
  74. I never thought I’d be able to say this, but being drunk is so much fun.
  75. I got wasted last night. I woke up with no recollection of how I got home and was too drunk to move ????
  76. Nothing like a good buzz to get the party started.
  77. Being drunk is like being in love. It’s a state of mind, not a state of being. ????
  78. You know the feeling. When you’re too drunk to care about what people think of your outfit or how you act.
  79. The best part of being drunk is waking up and realizing you did nothing but sleep the whole day.
  80. When you’re drunk and someone tries to tell you that they want to talk about something serious, don’t worry about it. Just nod and go back to making out with their friend.
  81. Falling down drunk at a party. Getting up and laughing when you don’t know how. That’s how we roll ????????
  82. Being drunk is like being at a really good party. You can get very close to someone who has slightly more experience in partying than you, and that is the best feeling ever.
  83. I’m a little drunk.
  84. Why yes, I was just drunk and had the best time.
  85. Want to know what it feels like to be drunk? Just try drinking this. ????
  86. Getting a little tipsy tonight ☕️
  87. I’m feeling a little drunk again. What is the world coming to?
  88. I’m not drunk, it’s just the way I am. ????????
  89. You know that feeling when you’re drunk but everyone else is too?
  90. We are all feeling a little tipsy and ready to celebrate.
  91. Being drunk is about a state of mind, not a state of being or all about social drinking.
  92. Hey, are you drinking? We were. We’re still not over it.
  93. Last night was a blast. ???? #BeingDrunk
  94. In case you’re wondering, I was totally not drunk when I wrote this.
  95. WTF. I’ve never been drunk, but I was just told it’s like being in the middle of the ocean with all your clothes on.
  96. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: “Drink six glasses of water a day and you’ll be a happy drunk.” Well, here’s another one for you: Drink wine every day and you’ll be a happy alcoholic.
  97. I feel like I’m living in a time warp and I never want to go back. #Drunk
  98. I’m so drunk I’m sobering up.
  99. I just want to take a moment to say, I’m drunk.
  100. When you’re drunk, you’re always on a date with yourself.
  101. Only if you think the wine is good, can you understand why I’m so drunk.
  102. You’ve had a few drinks tonight, right? Drinking is fun, but don’t forget that you’re not drunk until you can’t do anything without falling over.
  103. When you’re drunk and you crack a smile, it’s a good thing. ????????☕
  104. It’s like drinking from a fire hose.
  105. It’s Friday, and that means it’s time for happy hour! We might be a little off our game tomorrow, but we’re already celebrating today. Cheers to this week!
  106. I’ve never had more fun! #StickinglyDrunk
  107. True story: A guy at a bar got really drunk and played a game of darts. Unfortunately, he threw himself into the dart board and died.
  108. We’re not responsible for how you drive after we serve you. ???? #Drunk
  109. I’m drunk. I like being drunk. It’s super fun!
  110. Drunk. But still a good time.
  111. I’m drunk and I don’t give a fuck.
  112. I’m so drunk I have no idea what I’m saying, but I’m going to say it anyway.
  113. I don’t care if you’re drunk, if you’re not then I’m in the mood to party.
  114. That feeling when you’re drunk AF and can’t stop laughing at everything. ????
  115. hey you guys, if you’re drunk and your friend is drunk, they have a name for that. It’s called “being drunk”. ????
  116. We’re all about quality time, but it’s even better when you’re drunk AF.
  117. It’s a good day to be drunk, because you’re too awesome to give a fuck.
  118. Being drunk is like an open house. You give everyone a tour and help them find their way around.
  119. What happens when you get drunk off your ass and realize the most important things in life are free?
  120. It’s International Beer Day! Here’s the perfect way to celebrate: a celebration of craft brews and all things alcoholic. ☕️
  121. Just remember, the harder you try to resist, the harder it is to stop. #drunk
  122. Feeling pretty drunk.
  123. So, I’m drunk. And this is what I thought about today.
  124. I’m not sure how I feel about being drunk right now.
  125. You know you’re drunk when…
  126. It’s hard to remember what you did when you’re drunk.
  127. Being drunk is like a superpower. It’s super unique and fun.
  128. Being drunk is like being a little kid again. You don’t care what other people think ????????
  129. Being drunk is like being a kid that can’t stop playing with his new toy. It’s funny but also adds to the experience
  130. When you’ve been drinking all day, it’s hard to remember what you did yesterday.
  131. When you call someone and they answer the phone and say, “Man, I’ve been drinking all day. What are you doing calling me now?”
  132. When you’re drunk, your brain is clearer. You just act on that clarity. #DudeBro
  133. Trying to make it home after a night out but ended up in the wrong place.
  134. We all have a friend that loves to get drunk. Here’s how you can help them avoid a DUI or worse, an arrest.
  135. So you’re drunk. So what? It’s not like you’ve never been before. You just need to know that the next time you are inebriated, don’t use this as an excuse to slack off on your responsibilities or let yourself get carried away by your emotions.
  136. When you’re drunk and you think everyone is drinking too.
  137. Soooo drunk I’m still talking about how drunk I am.
  138. #Drunkselfie of a girl with a bottle of beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
  139. When you’re drunk, you can’t really remember the last time you stood on your own two feet and were sober.

Also See: 145+ Caption About Cold Drink

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