80+ Caption About Being Taken For Granted

Have you ever been taken for granted? I know I have. It’s the worst feeling in the world! If you have been taken for granted then this post is for you! Take a pick from the listed captions highlighted in this article.

80+ Caption About Being Taken For Granted

  1. Being taken for granted is no fun, but a reminder to appreciate the little things in life. ????
  2. Being taken for granted is just a way of saying you have been too long without a smile.
  3. It’s so easy to take someone for granted, but it’s so hard to realize how much you mean to them.
  4. Being taken for granted is no fun, but it’s not the end of the world. Don’t let it ruin the day! ????
  5. No one wants to be taken for granted, and it’s never too late to appreciate the little things. ????
  6. We tend to take things for granted. But this video will make you appreciate these little things, again and again.
  7. You know the feeling when someone is taken for granted, yet that person never seems to notice. Well, it’s been that way for me as well. But now I’m lucky and blessed to have found you.
  8. You’re so smart, talented, and kind…I just want to take care of you and not take you for granted.
  9. It’s so easy to take someone for granted, but how nice it is to be reminded of how fortunate we are to have people like you in our lives! 
  10. You never know how much someone cares until you watch them handle you like glass.
  11. When someone does something for you, don’t just accept it and move on. This is a big deal! Thank them at least once and take the time to let them know you appreciate it.
  12. Someone who is taken for granted and finds it hard to get noticed.
  13. That feeling of being taken for granted, when you don’t get what you deserve.
  14. Everyone takes you for granted without knowing how much you give.
  15. Isn’t it nice to be taken for granted? ????
  16. Being taken for granted is the saddest thing in the world. Be grateful and notice when someone does something nice for you.
  17. Being taken for granted is the worst feeling. I’m here to remind you that you’re worth it.
  18. So I’ve been taking for granted how nice it is to get a little appreciation. So thank you for that. ❤️
  19. It’s easy to take someone for granted in life, but it’s really not that bad. Friends are the best gifts you can ever get.
  20. Being taken for granted is hard. But being appreciated and valued for who you are is even harder. So thank you for noticing and appreciating who I am and for making me feel like an important part of the team ????????
  21. Being taken for granted is one of those things that can get so big in your life that it feels like it’s the only thing that matters.
  22. In a world full of amazing people and experiences, we sometimes tend to take someone for granted. Letting them know how much you appreciate their presence is the best way to reward those who are there for you ❤️
  23. When you find someone who is always there for you, someone who makes you laugh and smile all the time, it’s hard to imagine life without them.
  24. When you’re taken for granted.
  25. Being taken for granted can be tough. But it doesn’t have to define your life.
  26. I’ve been taken for granted a lot in my life, but there’s only one thing I can say about it: I’m grateful.
  27. It’s hard for someone to take you for granted when they know how much you mean to them.
  28. You can’t take me for granted. I’m worth more than that.
  29. Being taken for granted is like going to the movies and being told that the lights went out while you were there.
  30. Just remember to be thankful for the things you have and never take them for granted.
  31. It is refreshing to be taken for granted. It is something we should all do more often and appreciate.
  32. Sometimes people take you for granted. It’s important to remember that even though we’re a part of their lives, we’re always someone special in someone’s life.
  33. I’ve been taken for granted by too many people that don’t appreciate what I used to do. I’m making a change today.
  34. You think you know me, but I could be the most unique person you’ve ever met. I am a person who takes for granted that people love and care about them, because it has been so long since I have taken for granted myself. #TakeMeForGranted
  35. I’m so thankful for the people in my life who take the time to say hello and remind me how important I am.
  36. We all need reminders that we’re loved, appreciated, and valued. Today is a reminder to live it up—without skipping a beat.
  37. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s okay to cry, and it’s okay to be down on yourself sometimes. All we have is the time that passes by and the memory of our mistakes. Without trying hard, there would be no getting back up again.
  38. Life is so busy. I feel like I’m taken for granted sometimes, but here’s a little treat to make you smile. ☺
  39. Sometimes people take you for granted and don’t recognize your talents, but we’re here to remind you that you are appreciated and loved.
  40. I never know what to say when someone takes me for granted. It’s like they don’t even care.
  41. Some people are lucky enough to never be taken for granted, but most of us fall somewhere in between.
  42. I’ve been taken for granted and I’m not going to let you do it again. Don’t even save my number.
  43. It’s easy to take time for granted when you have it all sorted out. Here’s to unexpected moments to cherish!
  44. I’ll admit that I’m a bit of a complainer, but you don’t even know how much I appreciate you.
  45. I came from a place where people took advantage of me. But I had the strength to never give up.
  46. When you’re in a relationship with an amazing person, you never have to worry about remembering to take them out for date night. Even when you forget, they remind you. And when that time comes where you feel like you’re being taken for granted—you just laugh it off and remind yourself of how lucky you are in this moment to be holding hands with your best friend.
  47. I’ve been kind of riding the fence lately. I’m not sure if this is a personal thing or not, but I’ve started noticing that people are taken for granted. 
  48. We never take our favorite things for granted—like those warm days at the beach. ????????
  49. It’s taken me a long time to realize how much people really do care, but I had to learn that lesson the hard way. And it hurts now more than ever before.
  50. We are not taken for granted, we are appreciated.
  51. You were taken for granted in childhood. But that was no excuse for what you wanted.
  52. It’s so easy to take someone for granted. And that’s the greatest tragedy of our time.
  53. What makes holidays so special is that they’re a time to be taken for granted.
  54. Just because someone is doing a job does not mean that you have to take them for granted.
  55. Sometimes we forget to appreciate the little things.
  56. Sometimes, we all need a reminder that no matter what, you’re someone to be cherished.
  57. I’m so thankful for the people who take care of me, and I’m sorry if I ever forget to say thank you. ???? #grateful
  58. I was taken for granted many times. But this one is special because you are the reason all my dreams come true. I wish I could give you a billion hugs!
  59. If you have someone who is always there, who cares about you and puts up with your nonsense. Hug them today…
  60. You never know how much a person means to you until they are gone.
  61. There’s a moment when you catch yourself being taken for granted and it’s like the world has become a little duller, a little less interesting and you find yourself suddenly just wishing for your best friend to come back.
  62. You’ll always be there, in my life and in my heart. I can’t take it for granted that you have chosen me to be your forever.
  63. Being taken for granted is one of the most painful feelings in life. Advice to remind yourself that someone cares about you and what you do everyday:
  64. We’re all guilty of taking people for granted. So, here’s to the people who deserve to be recognized and appreciated for their amazingness: you! ????
  65. If you’ve been taken for granted, it’s time to let people know. And if they have, give them a chance to make things right. ❤️
  66. I have been taken for granted so many times and I am tired of it. I’m a human being, not a walking ATM (or phone charger), and deserve to be taken seriously.
  67. If you take someone for granted, you’ll regret it. And if you remember the things that make them special, it will last forever.
  68. Sometimes we take people for granted. So, let’s take a minute to be grateful for the relationships we have with our loved ones and those who mean the most to us. ❤️
  69. We should always be taking time to say thank you to others.
  70. You don’t realize how much someone means to you until they’re gone.
  71. It’s so easy to take people for granted. But once you remember how grateful you are for that person who is always there for you, it doesn’t matter if they can’t see your face right now… thank you, my friend.
  72. We don’t need you to remind us how much we matter. You’ve been taking care of us our whole lives, and we’re grateful for that. ❤
  73. You know what is really sweet? When people take the time to give you a gift, even if it’s just a simple compliment. ❤️
  74. You will never know how much you are loved until your love is challenged.
  75. I didn’t always get the appreciation I deserved. But I’m so glad someone liked me enough to show it. ❤
  76. I used to think that if people didn’t act like I was the center of their universe, I could somehow make them realize it instead.
  77. Being taken for granted is the worst thing. Be nice and thanks for the compliment!
  78. I’m perfectly ok with being taken for granted.
  79. Being taken for granted can leave us feeling low, sad and lonely. Just like when you got heartbroken by a person who promised to love you forever but then left you for someone else behind your back. 
  80. Being taken for granted isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s just as endearing when you do it as well. ☺
  81. Being taken for granted is a feeling you really want to avoid. Keep on going!
  82. I’ve been taken for granted for so long, but I’m learning to appreciate the things that make me happy.
  83. Sometimes I just have to be reminded that people are here to help me. So thank you for being there.
  84. You can’t always be “seen” in someone’s life. But when you are, it’s a blessing.
  85. Life is too short not to appreciate the small things. Here’s to living life to the fullest. ☺
  86. You know what’s better than a surprise visit? A surprise visit that makes you feel appreciated. Thank you for always taking the time to do that—it means a lot to us.
  87. We do exist and never forget to thank someone we once had the opportunity to meet along the way.
  88. The best way to start your day is taking the time to appreciate what’s in front of you.

Also See: 100+ Caption About Being Ignored

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