90 Caption About Missing Someone In Heaven

Losing someone is hard, especially when they are so important to you. It’s a feeling that seems unshakable and leaves a huge void in your life. Here is the best caption about missing someone in heaven

Caption About Missing Someone In Heaven

  1. Missing someone in heaven? We know how you feel. ????????
  2. I miss you down here on Earth. I wish you could be with me in Heaven.
  3. I miss my loved ones dearly. I pray to God that they can be with me again someday, in heaven.
  4. I miss you so much, but I know you are in a better place.
  5. I’ve always thought that There was someone special missing from heaven, and then one day I remembered her name.
  6. Missing someone in heaven is hard because you feel like they are still with you. But you shouldn’t worry, God has everything in the best place.
  7. If you’ve ever loved someone very much, then you know that when they’re gone it’s like a piece of yourself is missing.
  8. The love of your life is not forgotten. Feel their presence in your heart with the help of a candle, today.????
  9. A million things, but you’re not here anymore. I miss you so much
  10. Tears after the loss of a loved one are never easy to bear, and it’s hard to find the words to describe your feelings. But I hope this piece can help remind you that your loved one still lives on in the hearts of all who knew them.
  11. I don’t want to say goodbye, but until then I’ll keep your memory close.
  12. I’m sorry you’re gone. But I’ll always remember your smile, your laughter and how you were always there for me.
  13. Everyone has lost someone in heaven. We remember you and hope that you will watch over us from on high.
  14. To all the angels who have left us and to all those who are missing them, we’re thinking of you. #missingheaven
  15. I missed someone in heaven and my heart aches. The only things left are memories, stories and smiles.
  16. Heaven is missing you; there’s nothing better than that.
  17. To all the people that have been lost in this world, we hope for you to find your way home.
  18. When you realize that you’ve lost someone in heaven, there’s nothing to do but accept it.
  19. When you’re missing someone, the world is a bigger place without them.
  20. We live in a world where someone is always missing someone. But we have to remember that they’re watching over us and we’re going to meet them again someday. ❤
  21. There are moments where we just want to feel closer to the one who left us, someone who isn’t here anymore.
  22. When your heart is filled with joy and love and you can’t stop smiling, it’s a good thing to know that he/she is in a better place…
  23. When life is too hard to bear, remember that you are never alone.
  24. There are so many stories about how we lost someone. We don’t know all the ways to express our grief and sorrow, but we do know that one day we’ll be reunited with those who have passed away. Until then, remember that they are always with you, watching over you and loving you. They will never leave your heart or your memory.
  25. You can’t see them but I know they’ll always be there. ❤
  26. Sometimes you just miss someone in heaven. Even though they’re no longer with us, we still want to see them every day.
  27. When someone you love goes missing, it can be hard to know what to do. We hope this helps you through. #MissingSomeoneInHeaven
  28. This is how I feel every time I think of you. Can’t wait to see you in heaven one day.
  29. We miss you so much! We hope you’re having a wonderful experience with your heavenly friends. ????
  30. Knowing that she’s in a better place, still watching over us from above.
  31. No matter how far apart the two of you are, always remember that heaven is a place where you will never be apart.
  32. When you least expect it, someone you love will be there.
  33. A small reminder to remember the ones who have passed on. Keep them always in your heart, and you will always have someone to share your joy with.
  34. When you lose a loved one, it’s never easy to move on. But when you can find the strength to do so, the memories will always make you smile.
  35. When you’re not here to share your laughter, hugs and kisses with those who are gone. We wish we had more time to make amends.
  36. We may not know that person’s name, but we know they will never be forgotten. #MissingSomeoneInHeaven
  37. Missing someone in heaven is like missing part of yourself. It’s a reminder that everything changes, but we can always hold on to reminders of the past.
  38. We all miss someone in heaven. The ones we love, the ones we lost, and sometimes even ourselves. But it’s never too late to let them know we remember them, love them and are confident they are still watching over us.
  39. Missing someone on earth can be tough. But missing them in heaven is even harder to handle. Take care of yourself and don’t take this too hard.
  40. The most beautiful gift we can give someone is the gift of time and presence in our lives. Let’s send love to all those who are missing someone in heaven today.
  41. You’re never truly alone in heaven, but our hearts still ache for you. May God comfort you as you wait with Him eternally.
  42. When someone you love is missing, there are no words of comfort or healing. But I know you’ll find them in the arms of a loving God.
  43. We have no idea what it feels like to lose someone we love, but we try to remember that everyone who’s gone is in a better place.
  44. Hope you are feeling better. We miss you so much and we will keep your memory alive forever.
  45. We miss you so much, but our memories keep you alive and close to us every day. We love you always ❤️
  46. We can only hope that the loved ones in your life know how much you love them. May they be reunited in a better place ????
  47. Because we can never truly be apart, love ones who have passed on will always be with us. They are the most important part of our lives and we miss them dearly.
  48. When we lose someone in our lives, it’s easy to understand why the phrase: never forget. We all want to hold on to that special part of what they made us feel. But life is never going to be the same again after they are gone. #RIP????
  49. Someone is missing from your life here’s a chance to let them know you miss them.
  50. A special message to those who are missing their loved ones in heaven. They are always in our hearts and although they may be gone, we never forget them.
  51. When you’re missing someone who’s gone, but you know they’re still watching over you.
  52. When you really miss a person that’s gone, sometimes it feels like they’re still hanging around you. So why not say hello from heaven?
  53. Today we are remembering those who have passed on, and sending love and light to their loved ones.
  54. We hope you’ll join us in remembering our loved ones exploring the world above today.
  55. It’s a very special time of year when we remember those we’ve lost, and what they meant to us.????
  56. It’s always a good day when you see someone on the street that reminds you of your best friend, who passed away only months ago.
  57. There’s no greater feeling than knowing someone is looking down and smiling at you.
  58. I’ve always found comfort in knowing that you are up there somewhere, watching over me and smiling at my silly mistakes.
  59. They’re not gone. They’ve just been moved to a better place. You can still see them, and they’ll come when you call.
  60. When you lose someone in heaven their memory is never lost.
  61. Sometimes, we just need to remember that someone special is missing in our lives.
  62. Missing someone in heaven is like that feeling you get when your favorite song starts playing and you just know it’s a sign.
  63. They’re never too far away. Always with you. Forever loved and missed
  64. When you’re far from home, knowing someone is always nearby.
  65. There’s no way to properly express your emotions in words. We love you and miss you every day, but we hope this photo can help remind us of the special connection we still have with our loved ones who have passed on.
  66. Even when you can’t see them, they’re there in spirit.
  67. Sometimes we don’t realize how much someone has meant to us until they are no longer around
  68. You never know what will happen between you and your loved one in heaven. Remember to always have faith and trust that they are there with you, holding hands as a reminder of their love for each other.
  69. Life without you is empty. There is no love, joy or happiness without you in it. You were the love of my life and I can never thank you enough for loving me
  70. If you’re missing someone who has passed away, don’t be afraid to say it. It’s okay to feel sad or anxious about their absence. But don’t let that control your life. We all have different ways of grieving, and we will all get through this together.
  71. It’s okay to miss someone in heaven. A part of you will always be with them, and that’s okay.
  72. Looking for a way to honor the deceased? There’s a grave marker for that.
  73. A reminder to remember those who are no longer with us. ????
  74. Remembering that missing someone in heaven can make things seem gray, but you can always see the sun. ☀️
  75. When you love someone, you’re always thinking about them. But when they’re gone from this world and in a better place, you can still think about them and miss them every day.
  76. I wish he was here to see this, but we know he is. Sometimes a smile helps to heal and make you feel better.
  77. The waiting is the hardest part. My love, I have faith that you’re in a better place.
  78. I’m a little bit homesick for you. A lot of people are. I wish you were here, but we all remember how to smile and make the best of life on our own. ☕
  79. You might feel sad for a little bit, but you’ll get through it. It’s a part of life.
  80. Missing someone in heaven is like missing a friend that’s always with you.
  81. Missing someone in heaven is like a daydream.
  82. There’s a missing someone in heaven who can’t be replaced. He is with us every moment, helping us to be better people and lead better lives today.
  83. When your loved ones are gone and you don’t know what to do. My condolences to you and your family.
  84. Being in the presence of someone who’s gone, it’s something I can’t describe. It’s like being in the presence of God…
  85. I’m missing my mommy, she was always there for me and I miss that. I will always cherish our memories together, she was the best mom ever ❤️
  86. We all know that we’re not meant to be here on earth, but when someone you love has passed away, it can be very hard to cope.
  87. There’s a time and place for everything, including missing someone in heaven.
  88. Missing someone in heaven is not just a feeling, but an ache. It’s an ache that only you can fill until they return. Until then, we must live a life looking for them, asking if they are okay, remembering that the heart is always searching for the one who was taken from us.
  89. When you find yourself missing someone, who you can’t imagine living without.
  90. I’m missing someone in heaven who blessed me with their presence. I hope you are having a wonderful day❤️

Also see: 135+ Caption For Someone Special

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