Caption About Being Pregnant

Pregnancy can be an amazing time, but it’s not always easy. The following captions about being pregnant will help you get through to the other side.

Caption About Being Pregnant

  1. You’re pregnant, I’m so happy for you! ????????
  2. When you get the thrill of being preggers all over again!
  3. Being pregnant is one of the most magical, awe-inspiring experiences you’ll have in your life.
  4. This is the best part of being pregnant—the anticipation. ????
  5. Pregnancy is something that we should never take for granted.
  6. Being pregnant is the most amazing thing. Feel free to take advantage of the whole experience for yourself and your partner ????????
  7. Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you love. ????
  8. Being a mom is the best thing in life!
  9. Being pregnant is a rollercoaster of emotions. Here are the things that make life better for mamas-to-be and their little ones.
  10. Being pregnant changes everything, but one thing stays the same: your smile.
  11. Pregnancy is a time of growing, changing and learning. And the best part is that you get to do all of it with your partner by your side. ☺
  12. It’s hard to believe, but I’m almost 18 weeks pregnant. I’m definitely feeling the changes and can feel my baby’s heartbeat more than ever before.
  13. My due date is February 11th… I’m REALLY excited to be this close to my little one.
  14. The most beautiful moment in my life and the happiest time of my life.
  15. It’s been a crazy journey, but hopefully this is just the beginning of our little family! ☺
  16. The most magical two-word sentence in the English language – being pregnant.
  17. Being pregnant is the best ????
  18. Being pregnant is actually a lot of fun ????☺
  19. Oh, how we love being pregnant. ????
  20. #Beingpregnant: the most beautiful and wondrous thing ever. It’s like being in a dream.
  21. Hey there! You’re pregnant! ???? It’s like a little being inside you, growing and changing. We love you and wish you all the best.
  22. You’re growing a human inside you. You’ll be so happy when that baby comes out. ????
  23. Being pregnant is not just another thing in my life. It’s an experience. And I love every second of it.
  24. Being pregnant is a beautiful, magical thing. But it’s also one of your most vulnerable times. Below are some tips and tricks to help you stay safe during this time ????????
  25. Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with joy, frustration, and lots of hormones. Here’s what you can expect when you’re expecting #TravelWithYourBabies
  26. You know what’s even more wonderful than being pregnant? Being pregnant with twins!
  27. Being pregnant is a wonderful opportunity to be present in the moment with your partner and your expanding belly. You’ll grow so much as a couple, as well.
  28. Please be patient with yourself through this pregnancy. The biggest challenge is knowing when you’re not feeling well enough to work at the office, but not feeling quite right enough to go home.
  29. You’re pregnant, you’re growing a human in your belly. You’ve got this. ☺
  30. We’re thrilled to announce that we’re expecting!
  31. What’s it like to be pregnant? We’re here to share our experience with you and answer all your questions.
  32. Every day is a blessing, especially being pregnant.
  33. I feel like I’m pregnant, but it’s only because I’m in the best shape of my life!
  34. Being pregnant is the single most beautiful, joyful and awe-inspiring thing in the world.
  35. Being pregnant is not easy, but it’s the most incredible ride you’ll ever have. ????????????????????????
  36. I’m thrilled to share that I am pregnant! I can’t wait to enjoy this new adventure with my sweet husband and grow our family.
  37. Being pregnant is a magical experience. The first bump feels like the world’s biggest hug, and see how your little one changes you so much.
  38. Being pregnant feels like you are walking a tightrope. One misstep and your baby could fall. The only way is forward.
  39. It feels like the whole world has been pregnant: getting bigger, eating more, sleeping less and all of the emotions that go along with it.
  40. Our pregnancy journey is full of excitement and wonder. With a little help from your friends, we’ve made it through the first trimester so far! ???? ????
  41. A word to the wise: Give your body time to adjust to growing a human. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.
  42. It’s that time of year again. Time to be pregnant.
  43. I’m excited to announce that I am pregnant!
  44. Being pregnant is an amazing and incredible journey.
  45. You’re going to be so happy you’re pregnant. ????
  46. Being pregnant is a beautiful thing. Here’s to the miracle of life and all the joy that comes with it!
  47. The joys of being pregnant are truly endless. ????
  48. Being pregnant has been the most beautiful journey of my life.
  49. This little life growing inside you is a miracle.
  50. Being pregnant is like being on an adventure, but with less risk of falling off a cliff. ????
  51. It’s no secret that being pregnant is a wonderful, special time. Enjoy every second of your pregnancy, and give thanks to those who made it possible.
  52. It’s hard to believe that baby is growing so fast! ????????
  53. I’m so excited for our little one to be born. I can’t wait to meet this little one and start a family of three. ????????#babybump
  54. Life with a little one is so unpredictable. Here are five things that surprised me in my first pregnancy:
  55. The best things in life are the ones that you get to do with your partner. ❤️☺️
  56. We’re pregnant! This little one will be arriving any day now…
  57. If you’re pregnant, it’s okay to be emotional. You’re a mom now!
  58. She’s 9 months pregnant, but this isn’t just another bump. This is our little peanut.
  59. Being pregnant isn’t easy, but it’s worth the struggle. Good luck ❤️
  60. Being pregnant is a beautiful, magical, and (sometimes) terrifying time. Here are some tips on what to expect during this exciting time in your life!
  61. You are always pregnant with the trust of your unborn baby and your hopes for her to grow up in a healthy, safe and happy environment.
  62. I am pregnant and can not wait to meet my sweet little one. My skin is glowing, I have more energy than ever, and I feel wonderful.
  63. We’re over the moon about being pregnant. It’s exciting, scary and amazing all at once. We can’t wait to meet our little fuzzball!
  64. I feel like I’m having a baby. This little one is not just growing inside me, but it’s growing in every aspect of my life.
  65. You may feel like you’re in a fog, but that’s just because you’re so focused on the baby.
  66. Be prepared to be emotional, tired and terrible at first parenting!
  67. I’m feeling it. I’m growing, making changes & this is all new to me.
  68. It hasn’t always been easy…but we made it through.
  69. We’re all about being pregnant. ????
  70. The #1 question I get asked about being pregnant is “what does it feel like?”
  71. Being pregnant is so much fun. ????
  72. Being pregnant is the most beautiful thing in the world. ☀????
  73. Pregnancy is one of the most incredible things that can ever happen. Here’s a little more about the experience…
  74. Being pregnant is an incredible gift. I’m so grateful to share it with you.
  75. Being pregnant is an amazing experience that every woman should have. I’m so excited to be a part of it with you!
  76. Being pregnant is a wonderful experience—it’s not just about the nine months of pregnancy, but also the preparation and anticipation leading up to baby’s arrival.
  77. When you’re pregnant, everything is new. You’re seeing things in a whole new way—and it’s amazing.
  78. Some days, the feeling of pregnancy can be downright magical. ????
  79. We’re in love with this photo of a mom-to-be eating her favorite meal. It’s the perfect reminder that you are strong and beautiful, no matter what stage of pregnancy you’re at.
  80. Being pregnant is a journey of self-discovery. You’ll learn to love your body, find joy in new ways of thinking, and grow your relationship with yourself as a person.
  81. When your belly is the size of a beach ball and you feel like an astronaut.
  82. You can mimic this look with a little makeup and some dewy skin.
  83. The mood swings are real…but so are the belly laughs. The feelings of love and joy that come with being pregnant are just as important as the kicking baby inside you.
  84. Say hello to the joy of being pregnant! ????
  85. You can’t see the baby, but you can feel them moving.
  86. I’m so excited to be pregnant. The thought of a little baby growing inside me is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
  87. Being pregnant is a magical time. It’s the season of growing, changing, and new beginnings. Let us help you during this exciting time in your life ???? ????????
  88. This little one can’t wait to join our family.
  89. Being pregnant is one of the happiest times of your life. You’re experiencing a whole new world, and you can’t wait to get there.
  90. Being pregnant is a beautiful time in your life, it is also one of the hardest and strangest things you will ever do.
  91. I’m so excited to meet my little preemie!! ????
  92. So many of us could use a little help with our moods these days. That’s why we’re sharing the best way to feel better—whether you’re pregnant or not!
  93. Being pregnant can be a bit of a rollercoaster. But the ups and down are worth it to see your little one come into the world, don’t you agree?
  94. I’ll be the first to admit that this is the last thing on my mind when I’m feeling it!
  95. Believing in the miracle of life is like believing in magic. It will happen to you when it happens to you.
  96. Here’s to the growing, changing, and expanding world of two ???? ???? ????.
  97. We’re not just pregnant, we’re mommy-to-be! ????
  98. Being pregnant is a beautiful, magical and exciting time.
  99. Being pregnant is an amazing time.
  100. Looking forward to the day when I have a little one to show off. #pregnant
  101. I’m feeling very pregnant. ????
  102. The best part of being pregnant is feeling the change happening inside.
  103. The best part of being pregnant is feeling the baby move.
  104. Getting ready for baby ????????
  105. Being pregnant is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. I feel so lucky to be here and am so grateful for my growing belly!
  106. Ready to be a mom? ????????????
  107. There’s nothing like being pregnant—your body is more sensitive and you have to take better care of yourself. So, I’m excited and happy that I’m going to be a mommy!
  108. Sharing some of our favorite photos from being pregnant. What was your favorite moment?
  109. No matter how you feel about being pregnant, we can all agree on this: there is nothing more beautiful than seeing a child grow inside of you. ????
  110. You feel like you’re living in a dream. You’re eating for two, sleeping for three, and your body is growing a little person inside. ????
  111. I’ve got a lot of changes happening in me. This is a big one ????
  112. I’m pregnant! Being pregnant is the best.
  113. Here’s to being pregnant! ????
  114. Being pregnant is a beautiful, delicate time. Enjoy it and take it easy!
  115. What do you think about being pregnant? What’s your experience been like? ????
  116. Last month I had a baby.◾
  117. You feel it in your bones—you’re pregnant. But you’re also nervous, excited and ready to do what it takes to make this little one’s birth day a happy one!
  118. Being pregnant is all about the little moments and big changes. Here are a few of our favorites so far. #pregnancy
  119. Being pregnant is a beautiful, miraculous journey. It’s been mine, and I’m so thankful to be here and share it with you! ????????
  120. Happy to announce that I’m pregnant with our second and final child! We are so excited for what the next year will bring ????

Also see: 130+ Caption About Baby Bump

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