100+ Caption About Being Chubby

Are you looking for captions for being chubby? You are welcome. Here are some thoughtful captions about being chubby to make you learn and love your body more each day!

100+ Caption About Being Chubby

  1. It’s so hard being chubby but I’m so happy I got to be me.
  2. I’m so chubby, I can barely fit through my front door.
  3. I’m not always this chubby, but I love the feeling of comfort. ????
  4. When you’re not feeling chubby, you should make sure that you’re always feeling fabulous.
  5. Being chubby is not a disease or a medical issue, it is just a part of life. That’s why we are here to help you with every step you take towards better health.
  6. Being chubby can be a struggle, but it doesn’t have to be! We’re here for you. No matter what your size or shape, we’ll always have something to wear.
  7. I’ve always been chubby. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more comfortable with my body and even started to embrace it in a positive way.
  8. Being fat is not a crime.  Being chubby is not shameful.  Being comfortable in your body is beautiful!
  9. I used to be overweight. But then I started lifting weights, and now I’m stronger than ever!
  10. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I love my shape, but from time to time, I have a problem keeping my shirt tucked in.????
  11. When you’re chubby and your clothes are falling off.
  12. It’s okay to be chubby. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
  13. I love being chubby. ????????
  14. Being chubby is great! It means you have enough to eat, and that you don’t have to diet.
  15. If you’re anything like me, you love being chubby. It’s so comfy, and I don’t have to worry about my clothes not fitting because they always do. So…are you chubby?
  16. Being chubby is a beautiful thing, as long as you’ve got the right people around you.
  17. I’m not trying to be skinny but I’d like to be a little healthier. #chubby
  18. I am not perfect. I am chubby. and I know that it’s hard to accept me, but don’t give up on me just yet.
  19. I’m not saying all skinny people are mean, but most of them are.
  20. I’m not trying to glamorize being overweight. I’m just saying that if you’re 90 pounds and feeling good, why change it?
  21. Don’t worry, you’re not fat. You’re beautiful and sexy. And people are going to love you no matter how much weight you gain or lose.
  22. We all have different bodies, but if you’re going to embrace yours and be proud of it, you might as well embrace all parts of yourself. #chubby
  23. You can’t see it, but I’m still chubby.
  24. Being chubby is no excuse for not living a full and abundant life.
  25. There’s nothing wrong with being a little chubby. I’m a big believer in the #LoseYourUglyFat movement.
  26. Chubby or not, I’m still here.
  27. Being chubby can be a tremendous relief for some people, but it can also take away from your confidence.
  28. Being chubby used to be a thing I hated, but now it’s a part of me. And I’m okay with that.
  29. I don’t mind being chubby, so long as I’m not the only one. ????
  30. I’m not ashamed to be chubby. I don’t care if my body doesn’t fit into your idea of the ideal body type. This body is mine and I feel sexy in it, no matter what!
  31. Being chubby doesn’t mean people won’t love you, it just means that there could be a learning curve for them to learn how to love you.
  32. You don’t have to be skinny to be beautiful, but you do have to work hard.
  33. I used to be larger than all of this but now that I am thin again, I can appreciate how beautiful I am.
  34. I’m glad I have pockets to hold all my fat, so I can just walk around and not feel self-conscious.
  35. I was never a skinny kid, but I always felt special because of my curves. It’s cool to be who you are and love it! #chubby
  36. If you love yourself more, everyone else will too. #chubby
  37. I like being chubby because I can do anything and look amazing ????
  38. Who says chubby is bad? I feel good about my body and I am proud of it. Happy chubster day!
  39. Hey everyone, I’m here to tell you my story about being chubby growing up. I hope this post helps you feel less alone as you figure out your body type!
  40. If you’re chubby and people tell you to lose weight, don’t listen. You’re never going to be a skinny person but you are a beautiful one ????
  41. I’m not the most fashionable person in the world. I’m just a chubby lady who loves to be comfortable. ????
  42. Just call me “The Fat Girl.” I love feeling comfortable in my own skin and embracing where I am at on this journey.
  43. We all have those days when we feel a little chubby. But not everyone deals with it in the same way.
  44. Being chubby is not what I would call negative, but it can be very confusing for people who don’t understand why I am so heavy. It is not a personal attack on anyone’s body, nor is it an insult to any other person. Please be kind and understand that it is just me being myself.
  45. I used to be called chubby and I had many negative things said about myself. But after lots of hard work, I’ve become the healthy, happy person I am today!
  46. I’m not a size 2 but I have feelings too. #beingChubby
  47. Staying positive even when you don’t want to be. #beingChubby
  48. If you can make it through your teenage years, you can make it through anything. #beingchubby
  49. I’m no longer the chubby kid from high school. I’m just a guy who likes to eat and enjoy life.
  50. When you’re fat, people are always asking you if you’re hungry, if you want a snack. At least I don’t have to hear that anymore.
  51. I’m going to go ahead and say it: being chubby is awesome. This weekend, I wore a pink skirt and got compliments from men, got a lot of attention from men, even. People made comments like, “You are beautiful!” and “You look so skinny compared to me!” The only negative comment I got was that I looked like I was wearing a costume for Halloween.
  52. Hey there guys, I’m new here and I wanted to share a story about being chubby.
  53. Being chubby is a state of mind.
  54. I used to be chubby and I don’t care!
  55. I love being chubby. It’s the best!
  56. I’m not fat, I’m a healthy size. ????
  57. Chubby or not, you’re still beautiful. ❤️
  58. Being chubby is a blessing and a curse. It’s good because you’re able to eat whatever you want, but it’s bad cuz you have to carry around extra weight.
  59. One of the best things about being chubby is that I have so many great friends.
  60. When you’re chubby, it’s easy to fall into a “I know I’m fat but I don’t care” mentality. But the reality is, most (if not all) of us are. It’s OK! Let me tell you why…
  61. Being chubby is a learning experience. And I’m glad it’s mine ????????
  62. Being chubby is a blessing in disguise. When you are bigger than your age, it means that you are wiser, more patient and kinder than those who don’t have the same problems.
  63. Sometimes it’s ok to be bigger! You are not alone, there are many out there who feel the same and feel beautiful just the way they are. Self confidence is a great gift.
  64. This is where I belong. I make no apologies for my size, and I’m not afraid to say it out loud. Because we all have hard times in this body. But you’re still beautiful and strong, even when you feel fat and ugly Sometimes, all you need is a friend to remind you that your worth is reflected in your heart, not your waistline.
  65. Don’t be afraid to love yourself for who you are. You’re beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. #chubby
  66. I’m not perfect and I will never be. But I’m still beautiful and I don’t care what anyone says????
  67. It’s okay to be a little chubby.
  68. I’ve always been chubby. It’s OK.
  69. If you’re chubby and insecure, don’t be. You’re beautiful.
  70. Being chubby doesn’t make you any less of a person. It’s about what you do with that extra flab!
  71. Being chubby is no joke. But it sure can be fun! ????
  72. Being chubby isn’t all bad. Sometimes, it’s good to be the bigger one. ????
  73. No one likes being chubby. But I love my curves and I’m proud of them.
  74. I’m not saying I’m fat, but I just really like eating.
  75. I’m no longer chubby or skinny, I’m just me. A human being who happens to have a few extra pounds ????
  76. When you’re fat and in your 20’s, people think you’re old. But being chubby doesn’t have to mean 50 years old.
  77. You see me, you think I’m fat, but guess what? I’m healthy and happy. Don’t hate on my curves! ????
  78. It’s not about being chubby, it’s about loving the skin you’re in.
  79. We can all agree that being chubby is not the most flattering body type. But, I am proud to be a little bit chubby because it makes me unique and unique is always attractive in this world.
  80. We’re all in this together—and we’re here to support you. #beingChubby
  81. Being chubby can make you feel good about yourself, but it’s not always easy. I remember when I was a chubby kid and my friends teased me for it. It still made me feel shy and insecure but I learned to love myself no matter what!
  82. Being chubby is awesome. I like it!
  83. “Being chubby doesn’t have to be an identity crisis. It can be a beautiful thing.”
  84. Caution: The only thing worse than being chubby is not being chubby. Always be well-fed!
  85. I used to be fat — but I’m not anymore!
  86. Being chubby is a thing. Being fat is another thing. And being both? Well, that’s something else entirely.
  87. Hey, we’re all chubby. Chances are you may be a little bigger than your friends, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be fabulous.
  88. Everybody loves to laugh at someone who is chubby. I mean, come on, you’ve probably got a fat joke to tell! ????
  89. For some reason, being chubby is in. It’s not a bad thing; in fact, it’s beautiful. And I’m going to show you how to wear your fat like a gemstone with confidence and style
  90. I’m not chubby, I’m just right.
  91. I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but never “chubby.” ????
  92. I’m not saying that you need to be like me, but if you could just get a little chubbier we’d appreciate it. ????????
  93. Being chubby isn’t bad. It’s just a different body type, and being overweight isn’t the same as being unhealthy or unhealthy.
  94. You can love yourself, you can eat what you want, and it doesn’t matter. Being chubby is beautiful.
  95. “Chubby”, a term used to describe someone who is considered overweight. To be chubby means you are big in all the right places.
  96. Being chubby is definitely a nice way of saying I was born this way. ????
  97. If you’re not chubby and in love with yourself, let me introduce you to your body.
  98. You know the feeling? That’s how I feel about being chubby. ????
  99. Being chubby is the most freeing thing in the world.
  100. This is what it feels like to be chubby. People ask me all the time, “Are you ok? We’re so sorry!”
  101. Being chubby is no big deal. Being able to make yourself feel good about it and embrace who you are is.

Also See: 100+ Captions About Accepting Your Flaws

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