100+ Caption About  Jesus Love

Captions About Jesus’ love reminds us that God wants us to love one another, by showing us the true meaning of love through His Son, Jesus. Find in this article below for captions for more understanding. 

Caption About  Jesus Love

  1. Jesus’ love can fill your heart and lift you up.
  2. Jesus is love. And He gives us His love to share with others.
  3. Jesus is love, the ultimate demonstration of God’s grace and generosity.
  4. You’ve got Jesus. You’re good to go.
  5. Jesus loves you. Don’t let anyone take your freedom away.
  6. He loves you as much as the Father loves him. He died for you, so that God could live in you.
  7. Jesus loves you. If you are someone’s friend, he already knows that you love him and care about him. Jesus cares about me. He knows exactly what I need and wants to help me.
  8. Jesus loves you and me, the good and the bad. He knows we are not perfect, but he still wants to be in our lives.
  9. God loves you, no matter what. He’s always been there for you.
  10. We are living in an age where love is being devalued. If you want to tell Jesus how thankful you are that He came and died for us, then make sure you show Him thanks today.
  11. God is love. We can’t stop loving him, even when we don’t like him. He shows us his love through sacrifice when we think it won’t work out and forgiveness when we are mad at him.
  12. Jesus loves you! He knows you have been through so much, but with His love and power, it will get better. Be still and know that He is God!
  13. No matter how tough our day gets, we can trust Jesus to hold us through it.
  14. Jesus loves you and strengthens you.
  15. Jesus is the greatest gift you can give yourself. #JesusLove
  16. Jesus loves you, so don’t be afraid to love others.
  17. The love of Jesus is all you need to smile and be happy.
  18. Our Jesus loves you. He knows exactly what it’s like to be you, and He wants everyone to know that too.
  19. For love is what makes you want to give more than you take, and it’s what makes the good things in life taste that much sweeter. Jesus loves you.
  20. Jesus loves you. He died for you. You are precious to him, and he wants what is best for you.
  21. Have you ever been around a group of people and felt Jesus’ love?
  22. Jesus loves you, yes I said it. He died on the cross for you and me so that we can enjoy a relationship with Him forever!
  23. Jesus loves you. Trust in his goodness and he will carry you through thick and thin.
  24. #JesusLove, without fail, is the most powerful force in the universe. He will always be there for you.
  25. God shows us his love in actions, not just words. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
  26. Jesus loves you and He would never ask you to do something that He knows would hurt you. Jesus knew that He would eventually die for his friends and for all of humanity, so why does He still struggle with certain things? Because he doesn’t want them to feel pain or sadness.
  27. Jesus loves you. And he has sent me to be your friend.
  28. Jesus Loves You. He will always be there for you.
  29. Jesus loves you. That is good news for all of us.
  30. Jesus loves you and He’s not just talking about on the outside, but on the inside.
  31. Jesus is the Love of our lives. He died for us to show that there is a perfect love and we need to embrace that.
  32. Forgiveness is the only way to break the cycle of abuse. #LoveJesus
  33. Always remember that  Jesus is the reason why you live. He loves you and He’s always with you.
  34. Jesus loves you! He gave His life for you, so that no one else could do anything to harm you and He wants you to be happy in this life and the next. He wants you to know that He is always with you and never leaves your side.
  35. Jesus loves you unconditionally. He never discriminates and hates no one.
  36. When you find yourself walking through the valley of death, remember that Jesus loves you ????
  37. Jesus love. God’s love can change your life!
  38. Jesus loves you, Jesus cares for you, Jesus would take your sins upon His own shoulders and wash them away.
  39. Jesus’ love is always present, never ending, and it always makes a difference.
  40. Jesus loves you. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save sinners like you. He died on the cross for your sins. That’s why He can give you forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Him.
  41. Jesus love is a love that doesn’t expect anything in return, Jesus love is the love that doesn’t care about what other people think of it and Jesus love is the only thing worth living for
  42. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life hands you Jesus, love Him back and tell him how much you appreciate Him.
  43. With Jesus, you’re free to let go of the past and make a fresh start every day. Be brave, he’s watching out for you, just like he promised.
  44. You are loved and so beautiful. You are loved and a gift from God. You are loved and so special. You are loved, always and forever.
  45. We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. Forgive us of our mistakes, and help others to forgive us for theirs. Teach us how to love, in every way possible.
  46. Jesus loves you and has a great plan for your life.
  47. Jesus lives and loves you no matter what.
  48. Jesus Loves Me. I am sure of it because He first loved me. If anyone has seen the Father, they have seen the Son, and if anyone has seen the Son, they have seen the Father.
  49. Jesus’ Love is a gift to each of us. Accepting it and acting on it makes the world a better place.
  50. God loved you when you were still a sinner, He died for you on the cross, and He will love you forever.
  51. Come to Jesus. He will forgive you and change you so that your life will be all you’ve ever wanted it to be.
  52. Have you ever wondered why Jesus came to Earth, and how it all happened? Well, he was sent to make us happy, healthy, get us out of the mess we make and take away the pain.
  53. Jesus loves you, and so will we. We want to be a part of your life and make memories that last a lifetime.
  54. The God of peace has sent his divine love to the world. Hopefully, you will know this incredible divine kindness if you experience it in your daily life.
  55. Jesus Loves you so much, that he died for your sins.
  56. When you love Jesus, you’ll be full of joy and peace.
  57. Jesus loves you the way you are, not the way you think you should be.
  58. Jesus, who would not love to share your peace, joy and hope in every heart?
  59. Jesus loves you just the way you are! He didn’t come to change your life, but to give you an abundant life.
  60. Jesus loves you. No matter what, He will never give up on you.
  61. Jesus’ love never fails, never gives up, he’ll never leave you without hope.
  62. Jesus did not come so that we could receive His salvation, but rather He came so that we might have a relationship with Him.
  63. Jesus loves that you are special and unique. We pray that God’s love for you will always be a part of your life.
  64. When you’re hurting and lost, reach out to Jesus. He will never give up on you.
  65. You will be perfect to the world, if you love it enough.
  66. Jesus loved me and gave himself for me.
  67. Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
  68. Jesus came to live among us and to touch our lives with his love and grace.
  69. Jesus has infinite love for you, He understands your pain.
  70. Jesus’ love is the only thing that will save us from ourselves and each other.
  71. Jesus loves me. This I know, for the Father has been mindful of me and has given me a name that stands forever.
  72. Jesus, love us when we mess up. Jesus, love us even when you see us fail. Jesus, love us when we are foolish. Jesus, love us even when we sin.
  73. Jesus loves me and you. He died for me and you. I love Him, because He first loved me. And His love is greater than any other love because it is self-sacrificing and sacrificial.
  74. Jesus loves you this morning. He always loves you. Nothing can separate us from His love! God bless you, Jesus!
  75. It’s a beautiful thing to be loved.
  76. The best way to love someone is to set them up with Jesus.
  77. Jesus shows us the best way to live.
  78. Jesus loves you, not because of who you are but because of who He is.
  79. Jesus loves you, so forget about yourself and think of others for a change.
  80. Jesus loves me, this I know. Because He first loved me.
  81. Jesus, the supremely reasonable and caring God who gave up everything to love you. ❤
  82. Jesus said “If you love me, keep my commandments”. Love is the key to eternal life.
  83. Jesus is the most loving person in the universe, who loves you and me so much. God bless you !
  84. God’s love is the kind of unconditional love that doesn’t discriminate. It only wants to bless you!
  85. Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve. He came to sacrifice Himself on our behalf so that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.
  86. Jesus loves you. He died on the cross so that you could be forgiven of your sins and live a new life in Him. He is waiting for you to come back, accept Him as your Savior, and start a new family with Him.
  87. Jesus said that even if we are rude and hard to love, God will be with you. So don’t give up!
  88. Jesus’ love inspires us to live a life filled with His grace and mercy.
  89. God loves you, and He wants to help you succeed.
  90. Jesus loves you, so you need not fear the future.
  91. Jesus loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to be our atoning sacrifice, making it possible for us to become reconciled to God.
  92. Let it be known that Jesus loves you, today and forever. He does not love in word or speech, but in truth and unfailing kindness.
  93. Because God is love, Jesus will always be there for you. Love each other and peace be with you!
  94. The love of Jesus is the strongest kind. It is real, it’s powerful, and it reaches all corners of the world!
  95. Jesus’ love is always there. Even when you’re in a bad place and feel like you’re no good. Jesus loves you.
  96. Jesus loves you. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you less, but you must do something that will increase His love for you: believe in Him and in His Word!
  97. We believe in the power of love. And we believe that love has the ability to change the world. ???? ???? ???? ????
  98. Like water, like wine, little Jesus is all the more sweeter for mixing with our daily lives.
  99. I love Jesus because he came to earth to sacrifice himself for you.
  100. Jesus loves to see you happy and healthy!
  101. Jesus loves you, even if you’re a little bit messy.
  102. Jesus, the one and only way to the Father.
  103. The love of Jesus runs throughout the world, and beyond. He’s always with us.
  104. Jesus loves you so much. He is always with you and will never leave you.
  105. Jesus loves you, and so do we. Keep moving forward.

Also see: 100+ Caption About God’s Love

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