100+ Caption About Lasting Love

With so many relationships ending in divorce these days, it’s reassuring to know that there are people out there who’ve managed to stay together. Here’s our list of captions that best describes a lasting love.

Caption About Lasting Love

  1. No matter what life throws at you, lasting love is better than any other kind.
  2. You don’t have to be a true expert in love to know that the most important thing about love is that it lasts.
  3. I believe in lasting love. Lasting love doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a little bit of time and work to make it happen, but when you find it, hold tight!
  4. Don’t wait for love to find you, it will always find you when it’s time. ☝????
  5. Keeping your loved ones close is the best way to keep them safe.
  6. You can’t buy lasting love. It’s a choice you make. Choose wisely and hold on to the ones you love – otherwise they might slip away forever.
  7. When you find the right someone, it feels like you have been in love forever.
  8. You are a light and you are loved. Embrace this for all it is worth.
  9. You’ve found the one. You know it may be hard at times, but you’ll get through it together.
  10. What is real love? It’s being there with someone when they are down, when they need you the most. It’s being there through thick and thin…
  11. Your love is a value that cannot be bought or sold. It’s priceless and always will be. Happy Anniversary
  12. You’re probably thinking about someone you love this month. They make your world seem full of possibility, hope and joy. They bring out the best in you and make what’s missing in everyday life feel like it’s there.
  13. There’s no place like home. There’s no feeling like knowing that you’re safe and loved.
  14. The best kind of love is the kind that never ends.
  15. When you feel loved, it’s hard to walk away.
  16. The best things in life are worth waiting for.
  17. The best things in life are not things. They are relationships.
  18. Nothing beats a friendship that’s been around for years.
  19. Love is all around us,we just have to open our eyes and see it.
  20. The best kind of love is the kind that awakens your soul, makes you want to take on the world and makes you a better person.
  21. It’s not just about loving yourself, it’s about loving someone else. It’s about giving that person a reason to love you back.
  22. The best way to learn how to love is by loving yourself first. ❤
  23. The secret to a lasting relationship is doing what you both enjoy, not what you think will make her happy.
  24. Sometimes, you have to let people go. But it’s so worth it when you find the right one.
  25. We think love should be as easy as breathing. And that’s why we’ve created a pure and timeless scent with our signature blend of warm Vanilla and rich Amber woods.
  26. Lasting love is a deep connection that makes you feel safe, loved, and at peace.
  27. Love is a promise. And promises are made to be kept.
  28. The power of love is the strongest force in the universe.
  29. It’s the little things that last.
  30. There is nothing as beautiful as two people who truly love each other.
  31. Don’t let the world get you down, always remember that love is the only thing that lasts.
  32. Falling in love is one of life’s greatest adventures. But what really matters is how you stay in love with your partner after the adventure is over.
  33. You will know true love when you find someone who treats you right, listens to you when you need to talk, and loves you even when they don’t get the chance to do it themselves.
  34. When you find it, hold on to it. #lastinglove
  35. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered and never conceited▪️❤️
  36. I want to leave this world loved and having lived well. I want to weave a tapestry of love and friendships that will last forever.
  37. I want to be loved and I want to love you. Let’s start with a kiss on the forehead, but let’s go all the way.
  38. The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself.
  39. The best way to fall in love is when you don’t have a plan.
  40. Serving up the best in lasting love.
  41. The one I love is a movie about love like no other.
  42. Lasting love isn’t about how long you’ve been together, it’s about how well you know each other.
  43. Don’t give up on love, it lasts forever.
  44. Lasting love doesn’t happen by accident. It takes work, but it’s worth it in the end.
  45. The greatest gift you can give yourself and someone else is the gift of love.
  46. Lasting love is a choice, not a fate. It means saying yes even when you want to say no. It’s trusting that your best days are still to come.
  47. Love is a verb. When you are in love, you do things for the other person that they appreciate and that they return.
  48. When you find the right one, it’s like falling in love all over again.
  49. The feeling of unconditional love is often romanticized, but it should be ordinary. Love never ends, just when we stop expecting it to last.
  50. When you love someone, you have to work on them. And when you work on someone and they really respond, that’s the best feeling ever!
  51. Lately, I feel like the world is filled with more love than ever before.
  52. There’s a connection between our soulmate and us that is hard to explain. Similar to the way we feel about our loved ones, most people feel love for their soulmate too. The feeling can be overwhelming, especially when you’re young and just starting out in life.
  53. You’ll never know the things that matter until you find someone to share them with.
  54. The best kind of love is the kind that makes you want to grow old together.
  55. True love is hard to find, but once you’ve found it, hold on tight.
  56. Lasting love is not about being perfect. It’s about learning to forgive, grow, and support someone in their imperfection.
  57. Don’t let anyone take your love for each other for granted.
  58. The greatest thing you can do for your relationship is to love each other. ❤
  59. This couple has been together for more than a decade and they have their own unique love story to share. Now that’s what I call a real relationship!
  60. It’s not always easy to find someone you can last with, but when you do, it’s the best feeling.
  61. When it comes to love and relationships, the question is, “How do you make something last?” The answer is simple. You make it last by loving them back and showing them your love all the time. ⭐️
  62. There’s only one way to find lasting love. Start with the people around you.
  63. The best things in life aren’t always the most expensive, but it is important to find that special someone who will accept you…
  64. It’s the little things that count. A smile, a hug and knowing that someone cares about me ????
  65. You’re not just someone’s girlfriend or wife. You’re their best friend, and they’ll always be there for you no matter what.
  66. They’re the type of friends you can always count on, trust and rely on!
  67. He loves them, their family and the game of baseball. He’s a great Dad.
  68. If you want to find the one, let go of all your expectations. Some people will never be a good fit for you, but that’s OK because you’ll find someone who makes you happy and fills that special place inside you.
  69. Love is something that lasts forever.
  70. The best kind of love is the kind that lasts forever.
  71. Knowing that you’re loved is the most important thing in the world.
  72. There’s only one thing better than finding the one. And it’s finding the one that lasts.
  73. The best gift you can give yourself is the gift of finding love, because when it comes to real love, nothing lasts like it used to.
  74. Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s always better when you share it with someone special.
  75. You are the very reason we were brought together.
  76. Lasting love doesn’t happen in a day. It doesn’t happen in an hour, or in five minutes. But what does happen is your willingness to let someone into your heart.
  77. If you’re looking for love, don’t look for it. Love will find you when you least expect it and give you all that you ever wanted.” – Unknown
  78. Love is all around us and it is just a matter of believing. You can have love in your life, I promise.
  79. A million tiny moments are your clue that you’re in love. You say you’re in love, but honestly, you don’t know it yet.
  80. Relationships are hard work. But they’re also the most important work you can ever do.????
  81. When the day gets too long for me to carve all my initials into the top of a tree, I climb into bed next to you and hold on tight.
  82. A relationship is a lot like a rainbow: You never know what you’re going to get until you get it.
  83. Lasting love is like a precious gift that you should treasure and protect.
  84. Lasting love is when you find someone who can be happy whether you’re sad, angry, or even happy.
  85. Lasting Love is when you look at the world and see yourself reflected in all of it.
  86. We find love in unexpected places.
  87. The best kind of love is the kind that makes you smile.
  88. Your love is like a warm hug. It’s beautiful, comforting and full of strength.
  89. You can’t buy love, but you can teach it to grow.
  90. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that love fades. It only fades when you stop going after it.
  91. Love is a gift, but it’s also a verb. It’s what we do when we look out for each other and take care of our relationships.
  92. The most heartfelt thing I can say today is that you matter the most to me.
  93. Love is a decision. It is not the result of an emotional response to another person. It’s a decision to keep growing and evolving together, over time.
  94. When you invest in the long-term, it’s like buying a bag of chips. The more you buy, the longer the bag lasts.
  95. Let’s capture the lasting love story between you and your loved ones.
  96. There is love, and then there is loving.
  97. For lasting love, you must first have a foundation of trust.
  98. The key to lasting love is keeping your relationship fresh and exciting.
  99. Looking for someone to love you for who you are. And not just for what you look like on the outside.
  100. When you love someone, nothing can stop you from loving them.
  101. Love is patient and kind. In true love there is no single thought or idea but only the feeling of oneness with another person.
  102. The best things in life are always worth waiting for. ????????
  103. When you find that one person that makes your heart skip a beat, it’s worth the wait.
  104. Happiness doesn’t just happen, it’s a choice. Be happy and make your own lasting love today.
  105. You don’t need to be asked for love, you just need to give it away.
  106. When you find the right person, they’re the one who makes your heart skip a beat. ????
  107. Studies show that people who are truly in love share a number of common characteristics, including being more physically affectionate and feeling more positive emotions.

Also See: 125+ Caption About Long Lasting Friendship

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