100+ Caption About Leaving A City

Just because you’re leaving a city, doesn’t mean you can’t be friends anymore. I’ve got new and great captions about leaving a city in the post below. 

Caption About Leaving A City

  1. Leaving a city is scary, but it’s also exciting.
  2. One of the best parts about life is leaving one city and moving to another.
  3. It’s time to leave the city and get back to nature.
  4. If you’re looking for a change of pace and some fresh air, I have the perfect city for you.
  5. Leaving the city means leaving all the noise, traffic and stress behind.
  6. I’ve lived in cities my whole life, and now I’m leaving. I’ll miss you, but it was time.
  7. Leaving a city can be tough, but it’s never easy. I won’t forget this place, not the good, not the bad, just glad to have lived in it.
  8. Leaving a city that never fails to surprise you, not just with its beauty but its way of treating you.
  9. Leaving a city and everything you knew behind, is like starting over again. But it’s also exciting. It’s like you finally get to discover the world.
  10. It’s time to make a change.
  11. It’s been great to be back home, but now it’s time for me to get back out and see what’s next.
  12. It takes a lot of courage to move somewhere new, but it’s so worth it.
  13. Life is about movement. It’s about changing, adjusting and growing. It’s about living life on your own terms.
  14. Leaving a city or town can have its advantages. It’s easier to find true friends, and you don’t have to worry about getting mugged every time you go out on the street.
  15. Leaving the city has never felt so good.
  16. We said goodbye to the city, but we didn’t say goodbye to each other.
  17. This is me, after years of living in the same city. Now I’m ready to see what’s out there.
  18. I’m leaving this city. What will you do when you leave?
  19. After a year in a major city, I’m ready to get back to the open road.
  20. Leaving a city can be exciting, but it is not always easy. You have to make sure to take the time to explore and find what you really want in your new surroundings.
  21. Leaving a city is always a little scary, but it’s like shedding old skin. You’re free and light and you can breathe easy again.
  22. Leaving is hard, but leaving with a new perspective and new adventures is even harder. I’m off to see the world!
  23. Even if it’s hard, move to a place that makes you happier. ????
  24. It’s time. I’ve had a good run here, but the heart wants what it wants and the fall has to end.
  25. A city is only as good as the people who live there. Thanks for a great season.
  26. Leaving a city is hard. That’s why I’m going to make it easy for you.
  27. Leaving a city can be hard, but remember that it’s always better to leave on your own terms. ????
  28. Sometimes, you just gotta get out of that.
  29. I’m leaving my city this week, and I’m excited! I’ll miss you all! Hope to see you on the other side of the world.
  30. When it comes to leaving a city and starting over somewhere new, there is no better feeling than being free. #movingon
  31. I’m leaving my old life behind and setting off on a new adventure. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me.
  32. A city is not a home, but it’s the only place where I feel comfortable.
  33. It’s time to find my next adventure, somewhere remote and beautiful.
  34. This is no place to settle down, but it sure is a nice place to visit.
  35. It’s been a good run but I’m ready to live my life on the beach ????
  36. It’s time to escape from the city.
  37. Leaving my old neighborhood for a new adventure.
  38. I’m leaving a city that is so full of beauty and craziness that I’m not sure how I got here.
  39. You know it’s time to leave. You just never know when, where or how.
  40. Leaving my old city in search of a new life, adventure and love. I will miss the people and places that have shaped who I am.
  41. I’m leaving a city where they don’t believe in me anymore. I’m heading south to a place that is big enough for both of us, and will grow with me.
  42. When the time comes to leave a city, it’s hard. But the thing is, that feeling of leaving what you know behind is kind of magical.
  43. Leaving my home in the city for a little bit of peace and quiet. I’ll be back soon.
  44. Leaving a city is like leaving behind a home. It may seem scary, but you will always be welcome back.
  45. One of the best things about leaving a city is that you are open to experiencing new, exciting restaurants and shops.
  46. We left for a reason. We’re moving to the coast! Leaving behind our city homes and city life for a simpler way of living, a place where we can slow down, connect with nature and each other, and spend more time with our loved ones.
  47. On the road to a new life, I’ve discovered that there’s no better place to be than where you’re going.
  48. Moving can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow our guide for how to make the transition from city to country life smoother and more enjoyable ???????? ????
  49. Leaving a city to see what’s out there…
  50. Here’s to leaving a city and leaving behind the hustle and bustle.
  51. Leaving a city can be hard, but we promise it will be worth the ride.
  52. Leaving a city is not easy but you have to keep pushing and make the best of it.
  53. I’m leaving my city. I’ve been here for too long and I’m ready to explore. I will miss you all, goodbye ????????
  54. Leaving the hustle and bustle of a big city to live in the country.
  55. Before we leave, let’s enjoy a few final glimpses of the city we’ve called home for so long.
  56. I was in a city where the weather was always gray and people didn’t smile. I decided to leave that place and move to the country.
  57. Leaving my hometown behind, the sun comes out and makes me smile.
  58. When you’re about to leave, take a minute and reflect on all the great memories that have been made there.
  59. Leaving a city is always bittersweet; you miss the beauty of its people and the energy of its culture. But nothing beats taking off on an adventure with your friends and family!
  60. Leaving home for a new adventure.
  61. Leaving a city, for the first time in my life…
  62. Leaving a city is never easy but it’s always worth the move.
  63. It’s time to say goodbye to the city and get out to nature.
  64. Leaving a city can feel like leaving home. But when you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, it’s just another chance to explore and see the world differently.
  65. Leaving a city is scary, but it’s also really exciting, and kind of exhilarating. We don’t have to be stuck in one place anymore.
  66. Leaving a city can feel like taking a leap. But you only need to step outside yourself once.
  67. Leaving is hard, but leaving a place that doesn’t feel like home is even harder. ????
  68. Leaving a city is like leaving a relationship. But it’s also like breaking up with the idea of growing older. Of developing into someone else. Of having more responsibilities and obligations.
  69. Leaving a city where I have lived since I was a child is bittersweet. But, what a gift to be able to travel, explore new things and make connections with the people I do meet!????
  70. Leaving a city is like taking a step into the past. It’s like living in your childhood memories for one more day. It’s like when you go to the beach after it rains.
  71. Leaving the city and heading back to nature. I can’t get enough of that smell of trees, fresh air, and all things bright
  72. We are looking forward to a new beginning in a new city.
  73. It’s time to explore new places, make new friends and create memories we can be proud of. We were in a city, but now it’s time to leave.
  74. When you’re ready to leave your city behind for a more inspiring and fulfilling life, we’ll help you find the right place.
  75. Freeing myself from the distractions of the city and getting back to nature. #citiyes
  76. I’m leaving my city today, but I’ll still be looking for a great brunch place to visit on the weekends.
  77. Even if you don’t have much time to leave a city, it’s always good to remember how special it is.
  78. Ever think about taking a break from life? I’ve been on the lookout for an excuse to head out of town.
  79. Leaving a city that’s been home for 4 years is always bittersweet. But I will always remember all of the good times we had, and how grateful I am to have made so many memories here.
  80. When the city feels like home, it’s time to leave.
  81. Leaving. A city, even though I love it. Will miss the people and vibes, but excited for what’s next and can’t wait to share those thoughts with you in this caption.
  82. Sometimes you have to leave a city, not because of what it lacks but because of what you need.
  83. I’m leaving (insert city here). Seeing the world, and meeting new friends, it’s time.
  84. Leaving a city can be difficult, but leaving it on your own terms is the best way to do it.
  85. It’s time to say goodbye. A new adventure awaits ????
  86. It’s time to say goodbye to the city. I’m leaving for a simpler life among greener pastures.
  87. When you have to move, you leave more than a city behind. You leave behind the people and places you love, but ultimately your home is wherever you make it.
  88. Caring for your city isn’t something to be ashamed of. Leaving your city is. And I’m glad I did.
  89. Leaving a city for the first time is an adventure that takes you into new places and new people. Yes, it’s sad to leave your home, but so exciting to see what the next chapter of your life holds.
  90. Leaving a city is like waking up from a dream. It’s what we’ve been waiting for but don’t know how to live without.
  91. I left my city behind and now I am living in the mountains. The pace of life here is slow, there’s nothing like traffic here, but it’s all worth it!
  92. I left my city behind to start over. It was time for a change.
  93. Leaving behind everyday is like leaving behind the best part of you
  94. Leaving a city is tough but I’ve found a brand new life in the wilderness.
  95. Leaving a city is always a little bit sad. But it’s even more fun to get out of your comfort zone, start over and live life on your own terms.
  96. Leaving my favorite city this weekend just in time to hit the town and spend some time with friends.
  97. I grew up in a city, but now I’m leaving. I feel like I’ve been here for a hundred years, but my life is changing.
  98. Left my city & everything that had me there and started over again. Start a new chapter, get out of my comfort zone, and enjoy life!
  99. Leaving a city is like saying goodbye to a lover you know will be with you forever, but there’s something about saying goodbye that hurts.
  100. It’s time to make the move.
  101. After living in the same city for 5 years I finally decided to take a leap of faith and move away. Here’s to my new adventure ????
  102. If you love the city but feel like you’re in a rut, we’ve got the perfect solution for you. ????

Also see: 110+ Caption About Leaving A Place

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