100+ Caption About Leaving Friends For College

You and your friends are having a sleepover. It’s your last sleepover before you leave for college. And you are thinking what you should caption this picture? This article contains a list of creative captions for this purpose!

Caption About Leaving Friends For College

  1. It’s never easy leaving friends, but there are so many new ones waiting for you over in college.
  2. Leaving your best friends for college is the hardest thing you’ll ever do. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got your back.
  3. College is the time to explore what you want to do in life, meet new people, and grow as an individual.
  4. The hardest part of going away to college is leaving friends and family behind. But hopefully, you’ll find some new people to have fun with this season.
  5. College is a big change, and sometimes leaving your old friends behind can be even bigger. So make sure to keep in touch with those who matter most.
  6. Time to say goodbye to the friends you love, and hello to the ones that are so much more.
  7. Leaving friends behind is hard, but it’s a privilege to start over with new ones.
  8. Leaving friends behind to chase your dreams is never easy, but you’ll find that the journey is always worth it.
  9. Leaving friends behind for college is never easy, but we’re rooting for you! Take a look at our collection of stylish Ivy League clothing to get in the spirit of the season.
  10. Friends can be great, but they’re never as good as your new friends.
  11. It’s a bittersweet day to say goodbye to friends who have become family over the last 8 years.
  12. You’ll meet new friends, experience things that you never could have imagined before, and learn so much about yourself.
  13. Time for a change, the time to start over. The time to be yourself. To take your own path, to find what you want in life. The time to explore, the time to realize new things, the time to be free.
  14. I’m going to college. I don’t want to leave you, but I will.
  15. Leaving friends behind is never easy. But it’s necessary for the person you’ll be in college.
  16. Leaving friends for college can be hard, but remember that it’s going to be worth it.
  17. Leaving friends for college is a big step, but it’s also the best time of your life.
  18. The hardest part about going away to college is saying goodbye.
  19. I’m leaving my friends for the first time since I was a child. I’ve never been so excited to start college.
  20. I’m leaving for college, but I’ll miss y’all. ????
  21. I’m leaving friends and family for college. It’s gonna be hard, but I’ll make it work somehow.
  22. Friends can be a lot of fun, but the time has come to say goodbye.
  23. Leaving my friends for college is like living in a tent. But it’s worth it.
  24. You will make a lot of friends, but there will be some that will never let you forget you’re leaving. #FriendshipIsForever
  25. I’m leaving this summer for college. How will you be supporting those who are letting go?
  26. College is an exciting time, but it’s also an important time to make friends in your new town or city. So don’t be that person who passes on the chance to LIVE IT UP!
  27. Leaving friends for college. How about that?
  28. On the road to college, we’ll leave your best friends behind.
  29. Leaving friends for college is just a phase ????.
  30. Leaving friends behind to go to college is a big deal, but at the same time it’s so worth it.
  31. It’s not easy to leave friends behind when you go away to college, but it’s a necessary step. Let us know how your first year went.
  32. Leaving your friends behind for college can be tough, but it’s something everyone has to do one day.
  33. It’s hard to leave friends, but it’s even harder to say goodbye. College is the time of your life when you get to really explore who you are both as a person and a student!
  34. Leaving behind friends, family and home for college is one of the biggest challenges in life. But leaving behind the things that matter most is what makes it a dream come true.
  35. The best part of college? The friends ❤️❤️ to let loose with.
  36. Leaving friends and family for the first time can be scary. I promise it will be worth it.
  37. College is hard. But college is also fun. And sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get there.
  38. Life is about taking chances and making the most of your opportunities.
  39. Not all of our friendships last forever. But never fear—we’ll always be friends on Facebook ????
  40. College is the perfect time to make new friends, but I know it’s also a pressure to meet more people. How do you find balance in college?
  41. College is a time for making new friends but it’s also about leaving them behind.
  42. I’m going to college. I’ll miss you guys, but it was time for me to move on.
  43. Don’t judge me. I’m packing my bags and moving to college with all my best friends. ????
  44. Leaving your friends and going off to college is something that most people don’t consider until they actually do it. But before you leave, make sure you have a plan to keep in touch!
  45. Leaving your friends behind for college is a scary but exciting time. Make sure they know you still love them and will always be there for them – even when you’re miles away.
  46. Leaving friends behind and starting new ones is an exciting time, but it doesn’t mean you won’t miss them.
  47. It’s been a crazy few weeks, but I’m super excited to say that I’m leaving for my new adventure in college tomorrow.
  48. I’ve only been gone for a couple hours and already I miss you.
  49. It’s hard leaving your friends behind—sometimes you have to do what you feel is best for you (and our society). But we hope you make the best decisions for yourself and stay in touch as much as possible! ❤️
  50. I’m going to miss you guys, but I’ll be back soon!
  51. I’m leaving friends behind and leaving this place behind. I’m going to college!
  52. Leaving friends behind ???? to make new ones ????
  53. Leaving friends behind for the unknown—but never forgetting them.
  54. Leaving friends behind to go off to college is hard, but it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.
  55. Leaving my old friends behind to start a new chapter of my life in college. Thanks for the memories (and awesome parties).
  56. It’s time to say goodbye to old friends. It’s time to set off on your own journey as a freshman in college. It’s time for a new chapter.
  57. It’s not easy saying goodbye to my friends. They’ll always be there for me, but I’m headed off to college, and it’s time for me to grow up.
  58. It’s time. Time to leave home and make a new chapter of your life, but not without some goodbyes.
  59. I’m off to college and will be living on my own. I’ll miss the laughs we shared at parties, but it’s time for me to grow up. #college
  60. I don’t want to leave you guys. I’ll miss you so much.
  61. We had a great time at our last get together, but it’s been a hectic time for me with college applications and all. We’ll catch up soon!
  62. I’m all grown up now, leaving my friends for college.
  63. Leaving friends behind to go to college is a bittersweet feeling.
  64. Leaving friends behind to find my own place in the world.
  65. It’s been a whirlwind these last couple of months, but I’m happy to be leaving for college soon. This summer felt like it lasted forever, but now that I’m about to embark on the next phase of my life, I can’t help but feel excited.
  66. Leaving friends behind to figure it out on your own.
  67. Leaving your friends behind for college is scary, but it’s also an exciting time.
  68. Say goodbye to your friends, hello to new ones.
  69. I’m so excited to be leaving my friends behind and going to college. I have a lot of exciting things to look forward to doing there.
  70. Leaving friends behind for college can be a challenge, but we’ll always have each other’s back.
  71. It’s tough to leave friends behind but it’s worth it if you want a better future.
  72. Leaving friends and family behind to go to college is hard, but living life without a smartphone or Netflix is even harder. ????
  73. It’s not what you have in common with your friends that matters most, but who you are when you’re away from them.
  74. It’s the time of year when friends and family are saying their goodbyes for the summer. But this is not a time to be sad, because it is a time for celebration????
  75. College is the time to leave behind your friends and family for a new adventure ????
  76. Leaving friends for college can be tough, but it’s totally worth it. ????
  77. Leaving friends behind for college will be a challenge, but it’s one that I am eager to take on.
  78. I’m going to miss you guys so much, but I’m off to college.
  79. Leaving your friends behind and heading off to college is no easy feat, but we’re here for you through it all.
  80. College and all the new adventures it brings! Happy senior year to all of our friends who are off to make their mark on the world.
  81. College is a powerful thing—it has the ability to change your life in so many ways. Leaving friends behind is tough, but it’s also one of the most exciting things you’ll ever do.
  82. It’s not easy to leave friends and family behind, but it’s necessary.
  83. I’m so excited to leave my friends and start a new chapter of my life. I can’t wait to explore new places and make new memories.
  84. Watching the friends I knew turn into strangers, but that’s how it goes. Good luck to all!
  85. I’ll miss you. But, I also know that this is going to be the best thing for me! So thank you for everything and I’ll see you soon!!
  86. It’s hard to leave friends for college, but I’m excited for the adventure.
  87. Leaving behind friends and everything that you love for a new adventure. ⚡️
  88. Leaving your friends for college isn’t about growing apart. It’s about joining new relationships, friendships and experiences with people who will help you grow.
  89. Leaving your friends behind for college can be tough, but it’s what you have to do and you’ll always be able to see them soon enough.
  90. Leaving friends behind for college can be hard, but it also marks a new beginning and adventure. Something you couldn’t have imagined possible a year ago.
  91. Going away to college is scary but exciting. Good luck on your journey!
  92. Time to say goodbye to my friends, but not forever. College is a new chapter in my life and I can’t wait to start it! ????????
  93. We’ll miss you guys. We wish you the best this fall.
  94. College is a time of big change—for you, for your friends and for your life. But that doesn’t mean that all of your old friendships will disappear.
  95. It’s going to be hard, but college is the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself.
  96. Good luck, new adventures and great memories ahead. ????
  97. I’m super excited to start this new chapter of my life.
  98. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks since I’ve left home and started college. I can’t believe I’m here, but can’t wait to see what all this means!
  99. Leaving friends behind to take the next step. #college
  100. Leaving friends behind, making new ones. College is the best time of your life.
  101. Leaving friends and family to start off life at college is a transition you’re sure to remember.

Also See: 90+ Caption About  Going To College

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