80+ Caption About Being Depressed

We’ve all been there. Feeling down, being scared, just wanting to give up. You’re not alone. Sometimes, it’s hard to put words to how you’re feeling. This article compiles the most thoughtful captions for being depressed to help put your feelings in perspective,

80+ Caption About Being Depressed

  1. Feeling down? We have the answers.
  2. Feeling down? Reach out for help.
  3. Hey, depression is just another way of seeing the world.
  4. Depression is a feeling of sadness and hopelessness, but it is also more than that. It can make you feel as if everything in your life is hopeless.
  5. If you’re depressed, you’re not alone. Here are some steps to help you feel better:
  6. Feeling like you’re trapped in a dark place? Reach out.
  7. There’s no need to suffer in silence if you’re feeling depressed. We’ve got your back.
  8. Feeling blue? We’re here for you. ☀????
  9. Feeling low? There are many people who can relate and it’s okay to talk about your feelings. Therapy is a great first step in recovery.
  10. Nothing makes me feel worse than being depressed. I often wish someone would just tell me what to do about it—what works for others!
  11. Depression is a disease that needs to be killed. Knowing that someone is there for you will help you get through the hard times.
  12. Hey everyone. It is the middle of the day and I am not feeling so great ???? Can you guys tell me how I can get over this depression?
  13. Feeling sad and blue is a normal part of life. But sometimes, it can be hard to figure out what you’re feeling. If you’re having trouble figuring out the exact source of your sadness, here are some feelings that came up in our research:
  14. You might feel down, but that’s normal. You can get through this feeling better by talking about it with your friends, or a therapist. Get help if you need it.
  15. Be kind to yourself. Find a way to turn everything around and see the bright side of things.
  16. It’s okay to be depressed. It’s a feeling everyone has experienced at one point or another in their life. No one is immune to it, but depression doesn’t have to completely consume you.
  17. Don’t let depression take hold of you. If you’re struggling, there’s help. You are not alone.
  18. Being depressed is not a sign of weakness. It’s an opportunity to grow in strength and courage.
  19. No matter what, if you’re feeling low and down, remember that you are not alone. And there is someone out there who will love and support you no matter what life has thrown at you.
  20. Feeling down in the dumps? Here are some things to cheer yourself up.
  21. Feeling blue? If you’re having a hard time, there are ways to make yourself feel better.
  22. Sometimes, the hardest part about depression isn’t being sad or feeling blue. It’s being alone with your thoughts and feelings.
  23. I feel so lost, why do I feel like this? I just want to be normal.
  24. I have a hard time making friends, so I do things alone. I’m always on the outside looking in. Oh, and I get depressed sometimes.
  25. When you’re feeling down and low ???? ???? , don’t give up. Just follow this link to learn about the journey I went on, and how it could help you too.
  26. How to tell if you’re depressed? There are many signs and symptoms. If you think you might be depressed, talk to someone.
  27. If you’ve ever felt depressed or anxious, there’s a very good chance it was because of your current state of mind.
  28. You can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. You have to feel it.
  29. When you’re feeling down, take a deep breath and remember that there is always someone out there who cares.
  30. You’ve got this.
  31. It’s okay to feel a little depressed from time to time. It’s healthy to want to take a few days off, sleep in and catch up on your favorite shows. But if you feel yourself slipping into bad habits like overeating or excessive alcohol consumption, tell somebody about it.
  32. The best thing you can do is learn to accept the things that are out of your control, and remember they don’t define you. You will always be amazing, no matter what happens
  33. A friend told me, “You have to remember everything. It’s not going to be forever.”
  34. We all have days when things don’t feel right, and you just want to be alone. But here’s a secret: It’s OK to be sad and depressed, everyone feels that way every now and then.
  35. If you’re feeling the blues, we’ve got some really great ways to cheer you up!
  36. Depression is real, and it’s ok to feel sad sometimes. It’s a normal emotion that comes with being human. You should always reach out when you’re feeling down because there’s always someone who will listen, support and help you feel better again.
  37. I’m not depressed. I’m just a little low, but that doesn’t mean I’m in a dark place. It just means I’ve been overwhelmed with my schedule, and the stresses of life…
  38. When you feel like your life is spiraling out of control, take a deep breath and remember that it’s all right to have dark days.
  39. It’s okay to be sad sometimes. But don’t let it win. Because depression is like a plant that needs sunlight for healthy growth, drink lots of sunlit water, and try to focus on positive things in your life to get you through this tough time. ????
  40. Hey there ????????‍♀️. I know you’re going through a hard time right now, and that’s OK. But remember, it gets better! Just hang in there and try not to think about the bad things that are happening to you right now.
  41. It’s not what happens to you that matters, but how you react to it.
  42. I’m not depressed; depression is just a state of mind. I love myself, and that’s the most important thing.
  43. I was feeling so sad and blue, but then I saw this picture of a puppy and it made me smile again.
  44. Here’s to those who risk being seen and heard in the face of adversity. ❤️
  45. The best thing about depression? The fact that you can browse Instagram, stare at your phone all day, and know that nobody will be there to judge you. ???? #happyday
  46. Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut? That you’re just going through the motions and not living your life to the fullest? ???? ????
  47. You have to enjoy the storm—even if you’re going through a hurricane of emotions.
  48. I don’t mean to be a downer, but I’m kind of depressed.
  49. Just because someone is stressed doesn’t mean you have to be. ????
  50. When you feel like you’re the only one who feels this way.
  51. Hey, you’re feeling down today… May I make a suggestion? ????
  52. Depression is no joke. Please reach out if you need someone to talk to about it. I know that there are people who care about you and want to help you get through this tough time. ????????
  53. I began to wonder how depression felt and how it affected people. If you have been depressed, please know that it can be overcome. You are not alone and we are here for you.
  54. It’s okay to feel sad for a little bit. Remind yourself that your mind is supposed to be full of negativity and you’re only human. You’re not alone, and when the clouds clear, you’ll find a silver lining.
  55. Sometimes life just sucks. But all you have to do is try and make it through one day at a time—and that makes all of the difference, right?
  56. It’s hard to feel like yourself when everyone else seems to be having a great day. So try to find the good things in life and be grateful for what you have. Everyone needs a little sunshine every now and then.
  57. When you’re not feeling up to a regular workout, walking is the best way to feel better.
  58. I am so grateful for the positive energy I am receiving through therapy ????????
  59. Sometimes the best medicine is a cup of tea, a good friend, and the world’s biggest bag of chips.
  60. The most beautiful thing about depression is that it forces you to reflect on your life. What are you grateful for?
  61. Feeling down today? Here are some words of encouragement from @username.
  62. You’re not alone. There are lots of people who have felt this way, too.
  63. When you are feeling down, I’m here to remind you that life can be hard but it’s also beautiful.
  64. When you’re sad, don’t feel sorry for yourself. Be kind to yourself and know that you are not alone.
  65. Drawing inspiration from the deepest corners of my mind and soul.
  66. Hey, depression isn’t something to be ashamed of or afraid of. Instead, take this as a chance to learn what it does to your body and mind. It’s an important part of the process of becoming happier and healthier.
  67. Did you know you can be depressed and happy at the same time? Here’s how to tell if you’re experiencing this.
  68. Depression is a real thing, but it doesn’t have to define you. You can face your struggles head on and find the strength and courage to move forward from them
  69. Everyone has a dark cloud that comes over them in the midst of their lives. The key to overcoming it is recognizing it—and then acknowledging that these feelings are normal and that after more time passes, you’ll be happy again.
  70. Just because I’m feeling down doesn’t mean I’m giving up. ????????‍♀️
  71. You are not alone. It’s a dark time in your life, but it will pass. Just keep moving forward.
  72. I’m still here, but my dark days are at an end. Take that for what you will ????
  73. I’m not perfect, but I’m trying.
  74. I’m not perfect, I don’t always make the right choices and sometimes I let myself get down. But believe me when I say this is not normal
  75. Being depressed is like being totally stress-free. In both scenarios, you don’t have to worry about anything; your worries will get taken care of by the universe.
  76. Sometimes, the worst thing about being sad is having no clue why you are sad.
  77. You know that feeling when you’re just so down in the dumps, no matter how hard you try to be happy?
  78. There is always someone who has it worse than you.????
  79. Being stressed and anxious can be a normal part of life. But if you’re feeling down or depressed, talk to someone about it. You don’t have to go through it alone.
  80. When you feel like there’s no way out of your slump, remember you’re not alone. Depression can affect anyone and I’m here for you.
  81. The best way to get well is to laugh at yourself.
  82. Hey, if you’re feeling down, it’s okay to take a break from the screen. Talk to someone about your feelings. Give yourself some space. We’re here for you. ❤️
  83. I was feeling so down, but then this guy messaged me and made me feel better. It’s like he knows my depression ????
  84. If you’re feeling down, reach out to someone. It’s never too early to start a positive change in your life.
  85. When you’re feeling down, it’s hard to see the positives in life. Here are some things that make me smile today!
  86. When you’re not feeling well, the world seems small and all its problems seem impossibly big. But at least you know one thing: You’re not alone. And that’s a start.
  87. Sometimes you just need a little more light.
  88. When you’re just one step away from the end zone, but the end zone doesn’t look so fun.
  89. You’ll always be the best friend I have. Don’t worry if you don’t feel like getting out of bed for a while—I’m here for you.

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