90+ Caption About Being Sick

Ever been sick? You’re not alone. In fact, I’ve been there too. We all have! Here are a few samples of thoughtful captions you can use to express yourself while you are being sick.

90+ Caption About Being Sick

  1. I got a little sick today and my body felt like it was falling apart ????
  2. Being sick sucks. Unless you’ve been there and done that, you won’t know how much it sucks to feel like a human Guinea pig.
  3. Six weeks ago I was all about my health. Today I’m sick again. What can I do?
  4. You’ve been there. The sore throat, the headache and fatigue that leaves you feeling drained. But one thing’s for sure: You’ll feel better soon with our new products!
  5. A sick day is the perfect time to stay in bed, Netflix and chill. #SickDays
  6. Hey guys, I know I’m being a little MIA this week but I was so sick over the weekend that I just needed some comfort food ????????☘️
  7. Being sick is like being stuck on the moon. There’s no gravity, and you can’t see anything except your own reflection. 
  8. It’s not easy to be around when you’re sick but if someone says, “Are you feeling better?” I’m glad that I’m around to catch a smile.
  9. My throat is so sore, I can barely talk. But don’t worry. My voice will return in time for my next appointment.
  10. I’m feeling much better, but I’m still very congested. I kept telling myself that it’s not that bad and that I’m okay, but when I saw my doctor she told me it was actually worse than she thought.
  11. I can’t wait to be healthy again. But until then, I’m determined to make the most of this temporary ‘illness’!
  12. I’m super bummed about this cold, but I’m really feeling better since my doppler check revealed a baby heartbeat ???? #adoptthebabywithin
  13. I was feeling so good yesterday. Then I got sick.
  14. When you’re sick, everything looks like a mirage.
  15. Who says you can’t be sick and still look good?
  16. I feel like I’ve been sick all week. I really didn’t want to put it out there because I know some people don’t enjoy being around sick people. 
  17. Being sick is no fun. It’s the worst feeling in the world, but you can take care of yourself during a cold or flu season by eating healthy and staying hydrated.
  18. I hate being sick. Yeah, it sucks. But at least I can take a nap now????
  19. Being sick makes you want to stay in bed all day and watch Netflix. But you can still manage to look good and feel great with some of our new styles ????????
  20. If you’re sick, stay home and get better. Don’t suck it up and go out in public, where everyone is comparing their sniffles to your cold.
  21. Feeling like I’m a walking germ, but I’ll survive. #NoFilter
  22. I’m not someone who is used to being sick ????????‍♀️ I’m thankful for the love and support from all my IG family during this time. ????????
  23. I was feeling under the weather and couldn’t do much. I turned to these tea’s and the rest is history! Thanks @username
  24. It’s not a fun feeling, but you can’t let it stop you from getting better. Cheers to a speedy recovery! ????
  25. I’m feeling great today! Thanks for asking, you’re sweet! ????
  26. Feeling sick right now.
  27. Sometimes being sick is just the best.
  28. I was sick for a bit. But now I feel much better!
  29. We’ve been sick for a week, but we’re feeling better today. ????
  30. We’re all different, but we have one thing in common: we get sick. ????????
  31. Hey, I’m so sorry I’ve been sick lately. I’d love to take a selfie but I can’t move enough to get my phone out of my bag!
  32. It’s hard to express what a drag it is being sick. You want to go out, and you don’t really want to stay home. You want to do all the things you used to do when you were healthy, and you can’t do any of them. 
  33. Yes, I’m feeling a bit under the weather. But hey, it’s summertime and who wants to stay inside all day? ☀????
  34. Nothing compares to the feeling of being sick, but I’d rather be sick on vacation than at home. ????
  35. It’s been a rough week. I’ve been sick, so I apologize if this post is a little more raw than usual. I had to get it out though because it was bothering me! ????
  36. I have a cold. But it’s just a minor one, so I’m still up and about working on this week’s schedule ????????
  37. If you’re sick, you shouldn’t feel guilty about catching a cold. It’s all part of being alive: unexpected surprises and surprising battles with the immune system.
  38. I’m feeling less robust than usual. If you could get me some soup, that’d be great.
  39. I’m just super tired and my muscles are sore, but I’ll be back soon. Thanks for all the well wishes!
  40. Sick of feeling like this all the time? Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We’re here to make sure you get the best care no matter what!
  41. Being sick sucks and you feel like you are fighting a losing battle. That’s why I’m here and I want to help. Let me know if I can do anything to make your life healthier.
  42. Being sick can suck. But we all get that way—sometimes it’s just a part of growing up.
  43. Feeling the worst ever, but I would rather be sick than watch this again. #sick#maxtv
  44. So sorry to hear that you’re sick. Let us know if we can help in any way. Thank you for being a loyal customer!
  45. Getting sick is the worst. Sometimes (not always), feeling better is harder than getting sick.
  46. I’m sorry to say this but I got a cold and it makes it hard to laugh at memes.
  47. I’m not sure if it’s because I stayed up late last night or because I had a bad cold, but I feel like I’ve been sick for the past two days. ????
  48. Feeling like I’m going to heave, I can’t wait to get back to my couch.
  49. Pace yourself. Take breaks. Get enough sleep. It’s hard to beat a severe cold, but it’s also worth it to feel better than you did when you first got sick.
  50. I haven’t had a cold in years, but I haven’t been feeling well. I’m hoping to get some rest, take it easy and hope this passes.
  51. We know there’s nothing worse than when you’re feeling down, so we want to help! One of our health & wellness experts is always here to answer your questions, give advice or just listen.
  52. I’ve been having some issues lately with my allergies. Hopefully by the time summer comes around I’ll be better ????
  53. Hey there! It’s a pleasure to return to my normal self. Thanks for the well wishes!
  54. It’s cold outside, so I’m staying inside with a cup of hot chocolate.  ☀
  55. I’m so sick ????
  56. Not feeling well today. Don’t worry, we’re here for you ????
  57. Not feeling your best? Don’t worry, we’re here to help.
  58. Good morning! I’ve got a cold. Hope you’re not feeling too bad today ????
  59. I’ll be honest, I’ve been feeling a little under the weather lately.????
  60. Feeling under the weather? We’ve got you covered with our flu kits and cold remedies. ⛄️
  61. Ugh. Being sick sucks. It’s the one time I have trouble getting enough sleep and have to ask for extra work ????
  62. I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more coffee. ????
  63. I’m no fan of being sick. I’m also not a fan of being lonely either.
  64. Hey guys, so I’ve been sick for the past few days. Feels like I should be blogging about something else but I’m hoping you still want to check out my latest makeup look.
  65. It’s not the worst feeling in the world to be sick. It just means you get a little break from doing chores, cooking and cleaning! ????
  66. Been sick for the past two days. Got rid of my cold today so I’m back to work full steam ahead.
  67. Not feeling the best today. But if I’m honest, I’m feeling pretty great. Cheers to an optimistic outlook and a positive attitude—most days! ???? #beingSick
  68. It’s a good thing we all have a little bit of Mom in us, because she sure is here with us during cold and flu season.
  69. I feel like I’m living in a cloud. I can’t remember how to live without coffee, or if I even want to.
  70. I feel like I’ve been sick for a long time.
  71. I’m so sorry, but I am feeling a little under the weather today. ????
  72. I’m feeling a little under the weather today (but hopefully just a cold ???? )
  73. I’m not going to lie. Being sick sucks. But it’s still a good excuse to take a break from social media for a few days. ????
  74. I’ve been feeling under the weather lately. Could you buy me a coffee?
  75. I’ve been sick for the past week and I’m doing better today. Thank goodness for cold medicines!
  76. When you’re sick, a lot of times you feel like you have it all under control. But then you realize that your body has a mind of its own and things can get out of control very easily. So I’m just going to be patient and hope that this passes.
  77. I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, but I’m gonna make it through. I’ll be better in no time!
  78. Feeling down? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. ????
  79. Are you sick? Stay hydrated and stay healthy with this refreshing cold brew coffee. ????
  80. It’s not your fault you’re sick. It’s not your fault the world is a little more crazy than usual. And it’s definitely not because of anything you’ve done, said or thought.
  81. It felt so good to get out of bed and into the sun today. Even if it was mostly for my own sake, who am I kidding? It was all about him—the man above me. #beingSick
  82. I feel better today! Still catching up on sleep, but feeling much better. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
  83. I was sick and spent a lot of time on the couch this weekend. I hope you had fun, too!
  84. If you’re looking for a happy medium between misery and wellness, I suggest being sick.
  85. If you’re feeling sick, it’s okay. I feel your pain and hope that you get better soon!
  86. Being sick isn’t just about being a little under the weather. It’s about feeling helpless, not knowing what to do and not feeling like you can do anything at all.
  87. I don’t know about any of you, but I’ve been feeling under the weather ????
  88. I had to cancel a few plans this week because I got really sick. ☹
  89. Every year when the flu season rolls around, I get sick…like this week.
  90. I really hope you’re feeling better soon. ????
  91. You’re going to feel like you have the flu for the next few days, but don’t worry—you’ll get over it.
  92. I’ve been feeling under the weather lately, but I’m slowly getting better. Stay strong!
  93. Hey, guys. I’m not feeling well today. I’m chugging back some iced coffee, hoping that will help me out a bit.
  94. I’ve been sick for the past couple of days, but I’m finally feeling better. Looking forward to getting back on my fitness routine!
  95. I feel like I’m about to fall down for the millionth time this week. Anxiety, cough and pain are killing me. That’s why I’m forcing myself to rest and stay at home today.
  96. So sad I missed the fun at @username because I was sick during the weekend
  97. I’m gonna sit on my couch, eat ice cream and watch Netflix. I hope there’s some good TV. ???? #beingSick

Also See: 80+ Caption About Being Depressed

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