90+ Caption About Makkah

Makkah is the holiest city in Islam. It is where the first house of worship (Kaaba) was built by Ibrahim and Isma’il, peace be upon them. Here are a few samples of captions that talk more about Makkah.

Caption About Makkah

  1. Makkah is a city that covers the entire area of 7200 square kilometers, making it the biggest city in Saudi Arabia and one of the most important cities in Islam.
  2. Makkah is the 2nd largest city in Saudi Arabia and located 380 km south of Jeddah. It is also known as Madinah Al-Munawarah, which means “the city of peace”.
  3. The city of Makkah is the 2nd largest city in Saudi Arabia. It is known for its white houses, beautiful trees and gardens, and clean streets.
  4. Makkah is the city of mosques and its residents are respectful, considerate and welcoming—just like us at @username ????
  5. The most sacred city in the world is waiting for you. Make it your destination in 2023
  6. Makkah, City of the Prophet and his family.
  7. The city of Makkah is the holiest city for Muslims.
  8. Your passport to Mecca ✈️
  9. Mecca, the birthplace of Islam and the holiest city in Islam.
  10. Makkah is the holiest city on Earth, where people from all around the world come to perform Hajj.
  11. Makkah is a shining gem, a city of gold. It beckons the faithful with its spectacular sights and fragrant aromas.
  12. Makkah has a rich cultural heritage, a history of natural beauty and awe-inspiring places to visit.
  13. Makkah is the second holiest city in Islam and is located in Saudi Arabia. The Prophet Muhammad also called it al-Madinah al-Munawwarah – “the illuminated city.”
  14. The city of Makkah, which is the center of worship in Islam and the direction of prayer in all the Muslim countries, is located at the southern end of Saudi Arabia.
  15. The city of Makkah is a welcoming place where people from all walks of life can find peace, comfort and joy.
  16. The Holy City of Makkah, the holiest place for Muslims, is the spiritual home of Islam and houses the Ka’aba, where Muslims around the world face Mecca when they pray.
  17. Makkah welcomes you and your family with open arms. We wish you a blessed journey and good memories to last a lifetime.
  18. Makkah is the holiest city on earth. The place where Abraham sacrificed his son, Ishmael. Where Prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven and where he received his first revelation. #Makkah
  19. The most universal symbol of Islam is the Ka’bah. It was built by the prophet Abraham and it has become a sacred Mecca to all Muslims, who come to perform the Hajj pilgrimage there.
  20. The city of Makkah is one of the oldest cities in the world. It was founded around 2200 BC, by Abraham, and has been continually inhabited ever since.
  21. Makkah. A place of peace, beauty and spirituality.
  22. Makkah is where you can find peace and tranquility.
  23. Makkah, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammed and a holy city in all religions.
  24. Makkah, the holiest city on earth. Beautiful and peaceful.
  25. Have you been to Makkah? I can’t wait to go back soon.
  26. We’re on the road to Makkah, can’t wait to meet you there.
  27. Makkah is the city of peace. It is also called Jeddah, and its original name was Madinat al-Salam.
  28. Makkah is the second holiest city of Islam and the destination for millions of Muslims around the world.
  29. Makkah is a city of faith and one that we are so thankful for in our lives.
  30. Makkah is a place of prayer, pilgrimage and worship. How better to spend your Eid than here?
  31. The great prophet Mohammed is believed to have said: “I am the city of Makkah and its inhabitants are my people.”
  32. The Holy Ka’bah (or Makkah as it is commonly known), is a building in the city of Mecca. The site was chosen by Abraham as the place to build an altar for sacrifice
  33. Makkah, the city of peace and tranquility.
  34. No pilgrimage is complete without #Makkah
  35. Makkah is the city of mosques. The city where Muslims go for pilgrimage, to worship and perform Hajj.
  36. Makkah! The city of Allah (swt) is the third holiest place in Islam, after Mecca and Medina.
  37. The city that is home to the Kaaba, and the Holy Qur’an. Makkah is one of the most important cities in Saudi Arabia.
  38. Makkah is the holiest city in Islam and home to the Kaaba, the sacred black stone. ???? ????
  39. The path to Makkah is destined for all who desire to walk it.
  40. Makkah is the holiest city on earth, where Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation of the Quran.
  41. Makkah is a city of Hajj and Umrah, where people from all over the world come to perform the pilgrimage, which has been the most pivotal annual event since time immemorial.
  42. Makkah, the capital of Saudi Arabia, is the birthplace of Islam and has been declared as a universal heritage site by UNESCO.
  43. Makkah. A place that has a special meaning for every Muslim. And if you’ve been to Makkah, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.
  44. Makkah is known for its annual hajj pilgrimage, but it’s a city where people from all over the world are welcome. Feel at home.
  45. Who says you can’t have fun in Makkah? Come to see the sights, have a bite to eat and enjoy yourself at one of our famous malls!
  46. Makkah is always a breath of fresh air, especially during the Hajj season. Here are some photos for your inspiration #hajjmakkah
  47. Makkah is the holiest place on earth, where thousands of Muslims from all walks of life come together to perform Hajj. This is how it should be every year!
  48. Makkah, the city of sacrifice.
  49. Makkah, the city of peace and blessings.
  50. Makkah is a city of beauty, worship and peace.
  51. Makkah is a city that is full of history, culture and monuments.
  52. Makkah. A city that is built on faith and filled with hope.
  53. Makkah is a city that embodies the peaceful and tranquil spirit of Islam.
  54. Makkah is the second holiest city in Islam, where Muslims go to perform Hajj and Umrah.
  55. Makkah is where the Prophet Muhammad lived and is home to the 2 most important mosques in the world.
  56. Makkah is a place where you can find everything that makes you feel at home and happy.
  57. The night of the full moon, Makkah is filled with a special energy.????
  58. Makkah is the second holiest city in Islam. It is a center of pilgrimage and spiritual life for millions of Muslims.
  59. It’s impossible to forget the beauty of Makkah when you’re surrounded by it.
  60. Makkah, the holiest city in Islam. Each year millions of Muslims from all around the world travel there to perform Hajj, a pilgrimage required by Allah in order to enter paradise.
  61. Making a wish upon the Ka`bah, which is the holiest site for Muslims.
  62. Makkah is a city of contrasts, where you can experience both the tranquility of desert and the hustle and bustle of urban living.
  63. We’re on our way to Makkah! ????
  64. Makkah is a place of peace, harmony and tranquility.
  65. Makkah is the holiest city in Islam. Located in Saudi Arabia, it has served as the site of the Kaaba and its surrounding buildings, the Great Mosque and many other landmarks.
  66. Makkah—the holiest city on Earth, a place of worship and pilgrimage. The city was built by the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him), and is the capital of Saudi Arabia.
  67. Makkah is the third holiest city in Islam. It is located in Saudi Arabia, and is home to the Kaaba and Masjid al-Haram mosque.
  68. Makkah, the holiest of places on Earth. The place where the Kaaba, the holiest place in Islam was built and from where Muslims believe God created the world.
  69. The Holy city of Makkah is now open for visitors to celebrate Eid ul-Adha with the Muslims around the world. ????
  70. Today’s your day to witness the beauty of Makkah and the feeling of Hajj. #Hajj
  71. Makkah is the holiest place on earth. If you want to explore all its beauty and benefits, do come here and make it your home.☀️????
  72. Makkah, the fourth holiest city of Islam, is often described as a paradise on earth. These snapshots from Makkah reveal its peaceful tranquility and spiritual nature
  73. It’s fun, it’s a little crazy, but the best thing about Makkah is that you can make it your own.
  74. Makkah is where we were first called to worship as a community, and our houses of worship are still growing.
  75. Makkah is the city of God and mercy.
  76. Makkah, the city of peace and Makkah, the city of beauty.
  77. This is a picture of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Makkah means “Mecca” in Arabic. It’s the second holiest city in Islam, after Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
  78. Makkah, the city of Islam. It is blessed with a special quality which adds to its beauty and charm.
  79. Makkah: the city of gold and fruit, where night turns into day and is lit up by the beauty of the sunset.
  80. A city of dreams, a city of beauty and peace. Makkah, I love you
  81. Makkah is the home of the largest, oldest and holiest Muslim sanctuary. In this city, pilgrims come together to perform Hajj, a pilgrimage that requires them to travel to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.
  82. Makkah is a city rich in history and culture. It’s a great place to visit with friends, family or just for some R&R.
  83. Makkah, the holiest city in Islam, is a place where people of all faiths are welcome to worship.
  84. Home of the Kaaba and Masjid-e-Nabvi, Makkah is a holy city where more than 1 million Muslims pray together every year.
  85. Makkah was built by one hand and demolished by another. Thousands of years later, it has been rebuilt again!
  86. Makkah—the city of peace, the city of blessings, the city of mercy and forgiveness. Yes, it’s true that we have the hair-raising Hajj experience each year, but I know for sure that this time in Makkah is everything I ever dreamed of.
  87. Coming to Mecca? Here are some tips on what you can expect to see and do in Makkah.
  88. Makkah is the place where Allah’s name is most glorified, and it is also one of the holiest cities in the world.
  89. Makkah, the city of peace and prayer, is the most sacred place on earth.
  90. Makkah, the 2nd holiest city of Islam and center of Islamic worship. People come here to pray and perform Hajj.
  91. Makkah. The holiest city in Islam, located in the Hijaz region of Saudi Arabia. A city that plays host to millions of people every year as they embark on their Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.
  92. Makkah: the place of pilgrimage. A city of peace, where people from all over the world come together to worship Allah. Sufism is the key to understanding how Muslims pray, how they live their lives and how they should treat each other.
  93. Makkah. The place where we get to experience the best of both worlds and get to celebrate with family and friends.
  94. Makkah, the holiest city in Islam. A place where you can feel peaceful, safe and in harmony with yourself, your family and friends…….
  95. Makkah — the holiest city in Islam, which is also a city of peace and tranquility. Here, you can find serenity and bliss.
  96. Makkah is the birthplace of the holy Prophet Muhammad. We are extremely grateful to Allah SWT and His Messenger for bringing Islam to the world and inviting people to a life of peace, justice and mercy!
  97. Makkah is a special place to us. We are blessed to be able to share this moment with you.
  98. The Holy Mecca. A place where millions of people are converging, praying on the same spot, and that is what makes this place special from all other cities.

Also See: 80+ Caption About  Islam

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