100+ Caption About Being Grateful To God 

Gratitude is a good thing. Being grateful to God is a very good thing. If you’re not sure how to go about expressing your gratitude to God, the captions below will help you get started. 

Caption About Being Grateful To God 

  1. Being grateful to God is the best way to show that you are thankful for all that He has done for you. 
  1. I am so grateful to God for the chance to do what I do. 
  1. Being grateful to God makes a person happier, healthier and more contented. 
  1. If you’re feeling grateful to God, I hope you let Him know. 
  1. I am thankful for the way my life has turned out; grateful God has given me so many blessings. 
  1. Being grateful to God is being thankful to God for all the happiness he gives you, and it’s when you start helping people that life becomes more meaningful. 
  1. Being grateful to God for everything He has given us is so easy and yet, it is one of the most important things we can do in our lives. 
  1. We are only as good as the God who has graced us with His love and allowed us to exist. 
  1. I’m grateful to have been given a life full of not only purpose but also peace. 
  1. No matter what you have or don’t have, be grateful. There’s a lot of things to be thankful for in life and in this one moment. 
  1. We are grateful to God for creating beautiful things, birds in the sky, scenery and sunsets. We can be grateful that we have such a generous and loving world. 
  1. I’ve learned to stop focusing on what I don’t have and start focusing on all that I do have. 
  1. I’m grateful for the sunshine and warmth on my face, the warm breeze in my hair, and the smell of coffee brewing on my way to work.???? 
  1. We are reminded to be grateful for all that God has given us. 
  1. Always be grateful to God for the smallest things. 
  1. Thank you, God, for the blessings in my life. 
  1. No matter what you have going on in your life, being grateful to God will make it better. 
  1. Being grateful is a beautiful thing. ✨ 
  1. Being grateful is a simple thing, but it makes life a whole lot better. 
  1. Gratitude is the fullness of being; it fills the heart, mind, and soul with a sense of well-being. 
  1. It’s great to be grateful for all the blessings, especially when you take a step back and realize just how blessed we are. 
  1. No matter what God is doing in your life, or where you are in your journey, let this quote inspire you. 
  1. I am grateful to have this life and able to do what I do and experience the things I am experiencing. 
  1. Sometimes, I’m incredibly grateful to God for the little things in life. From a little tomato growing in my garden to a friend asking me out—thank you God! 
  1. If you’re not thankful for what you have, someone else must be supplying it. So, be grateful and appreciate what you have today! 
  1. I am thankful for the new things I learned this month. 
  1. The simple act of being grateful makes you more likely to be happier and healthier—and it doesn’t even require any effort on your part. 
  1. Just being thankful makes us happier. So be grateful to God! 
  1. Being grateful for the blessings God has given us is a way to show how much we love Him. 
  1. Life is a gift. Thank God for it, every day. 
  1. It’s not always easy to be grateful to God, but it’s worth it in the end. 
  1. Always be grateful to God, for everything he has given you, and never take life for granted. 
  1. Being thankful to God is a choice. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. 
  1. Being grateful is the key to happiness. Share this quote with your friends! 
  1. Thanks, God, for the beautiful moments that we are blessed with. 
  1. God bless each of you as you work towards your goals. Thankful to God for all that He has done and continues to do in our lives. 
  1. Be grateful to God for your many blessings, and sometimes He may put a barrier in your way as a reminder that there’s more for you. 
  1. It’s time to thank our Creator for all the blessings we have, and for letting us be part of a family that makes everything better with each step of the journey. 
  1. We do not have the right to ask questions like, “Why?” And rather, we should be grateful that God has chosen us to live his life purpose. 
  1. I’m so grateful to God for this beautiful baby girl. She brings me so much joy and fills my heart with love. 
  1. It’s one thing to say I’m grateful but it’s another to show it by the way we live our lives, in everything we do. 
  1. Being grateful for what you have is a great way to start the day. It’s so easy to forget how lucky we are, but we should always keep it in mind. 
  1. Being grateful to God, you give me faith in myself! 
  1. Being grateful to God is taking the opportunity to be thankful for all that he has made in your life. 
  1. Being grateful to God means doing the things he has already done for you and letting him do it again. 
  1. It’s the little things that make me thankful to God. 
  1. Being grateful is the most powerful gift you can give yourself. If you’re grateful to God, then trust God and let yourself be enveloped in His love. 
  1. That’s why it’s important to start your day by thanking God for all that He has given us. 
  1. I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life, including the opportunity to experience everything God has for me. 
  1. It’s easy to forget to be grateful. So, take a moment to pause and be thankful every day. You never know what God has in store for you tomorrow. ???? 
  1. We’re so grateful today to have all the things we do—and to be able to share them with others! 
  1. I’m so grateful to have this beautiful season to enjoy with my family, friends and especially God! ???????? 
  1. As the day goes on, I’m thankful for the little things, like a perfectly cooked omelet and my favorite coffee. But mostly I’m grateful to God for His grace and love. 
  1. We are so grateful for the amazing people in our life who have a positive impact on us every day. 
  1. I am grateful to be alive, to have family and friends who love me and make me laugh, to have a roof over my head and food on the table. 
  1. Whatever you are grateful for in your life is a gift from God. 
  1. Being grateful to God for blessings is not a burden but joy. 
  1. Grateful to God for the blessings in my life ???????????? 
  1. Being grateful to God is the best way to spend your days. 
  1. Being grateful to God is not a simple phrase. It’s a way of life. 
  1. Being thankful to God is like being grateful to a good accountant. 
  1. One of the best ways to be happy is by being grateful for what you have. 
  1. We should be always grateful to God for all the blessings we have, every single day and moment. 
  1. As you take time to think about what you’re grateful for, let’s thank God for the things we’ve been blessed with this week. 
  1. I’m grateful to God for a lot of things, but one of my greatest joys is having the luxury of choosing to be happy. 
  1. If you want to be happy, be grateful. If you want to be wealthy, be generous. If you want to be healthy, appreciate the small things in life. 
  1. You too can be grateful to God for all the blessings in your life. 
  1. Be Grateful to God for the beautiful things, the sun, the memories 
  1. Being grateful for everything in life is a wonderful way to truly appreciate God’s creation. 
  1. Grateful to God for all the blessings in my life, especially this beautiful life. 
  1. Grateful for our God for the little things that we may take for granted. 
  1. Thankful for the blessings God has given me, especially in this season. 
  1. “I am a grateful person. I have a lot to be grateful to God for. He’s given me love and joy, my health and friends; food, shelter and clothing.” 
  1. Gratitude is the secret to living a happy and healthy life. 
  1. Today, I’m grateful for the day and to God. 
  1. Being grateful to God is one of the greatest joys we can experience in life. 
  1. Being grateful to God is a beautiful thing. Thankful for all the blessings in my life and thankful for the opportunity to serve Him. 
  1. Grateful to God for the good things in life, and the bad days that make us stronger. #grateful 
  1. Being grateful to God means being thankful for everything He has given you, even when it doesn’t make sense. 
  1. Gratitude to God for all that he has done and brings into my life. I know it’s not always easy, but please remember to be grateful. 
  1. No matter the situation, we are all blessed by God. So, let’s celebrate it and be thankful for what we have. 
  1. Grateful to God for being an awesome parent. He has given me the strength and courage to face every day with unconditional love and support. 
  1. Being thankful is one of the best things you can do to make your world a better place. Happy Thanksgiving
  1. We are constantly reminded to be grateful for what we have, no matter how great or small it may be. What are you thankful for today? 
  1. Thankfulness is an act of worship. It says what you are thankful for, and how grateful you are to God. 
  1. So thankful for all the blessings God has given me! 
  1. We are so grateful to God for the beautiful life he has given us. 
  1. There are times in our lives when we are thankful for the gifts and blessings that we have been given. 
  1. We are grateful that God has given us so many blessings. He is always with us and will never leave. 
  1. You know what I’m grateful for? Everything. All that happens to me is a blessing, no matter how daunting it may seem sometimes. Thanks, God! 
  1. Whatever your circumstances, remember that you are surrounded by a loving and caring God who is always there for you. 
  1. The real “gratitude” tip is to always be grateful for a good one, even if it’s not perfect. 
  1. What if we all took a moment to reflect on all the blessings in our lives? ✌???? 
  1. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life but take a moment to be grateful for everything you have. ❤️❤️ 
  1. You never know what God has planned for you until you let go of your own plans. 
  1. Life is a journey, not a destination. Never forget to appreciate all the small things that make life worth living. ✌???? 
  1. Being grateful to God for all the blessings we receive. 
  1. Gotta be honest, being thankful is great on the surface. But it’s even better if you can find ways to express your gratitude to God. 
  1. Being grateful for all we have, is the only way to go about our days and what better way to start than with being grateful to God. 
  1. It’s easy to be a good person, but to be grateful is a different story. Here’s why I am so grateful to God. 
  1. Thanking God is one of the most important things in life. 
  1. Being grateful to God is not a burden but a privilege. ❤️ 
  1. We are grateful that you exist. And to God, we praise you. 
  1. Grateful for all the blessings God has given me. 
  1. Thank you, God, for everything, we are grateful to You 
  1. Being grateful to God means being thankful for being able to be in this world. 
  1. Being grateful to God is more than just saying a prayer. It’s the way you live your life that shows your faith in action. 

Also see: 100+ Caption About Being Grateful

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