105+ Caption About Giving Up

Do you ever find yourself wondering what people say about giving up? You’re not alone. Giving up isn’t always the right decision. Here are some inspirational captions about giving up.

Caption About Giving Up

  1. “I’m not supposed to be here. I gave up.” ????#quote
  2. When you’ve given up on yourself, give a break to others.
  3. Giving up is not an option, so don’t give it any thought.
  4. The best thing about “giving up” is that you then get to pick up.
  5. I don’t know about you, but I am giving up on trying to find something that will make me happy.
  6. Giving up is not an option. It’s something we’ve done since the dawn of time and will probably do again in the future.
  7. I was so good at giving up on myself, but now I’m taking charge and working my butt off.
  8. The hardest thing in life is to give up. But if you don’t try, you’ll never know what’s out there.
  9. Sometimes we have to give up on the things we don’t like. But when we do, we end up getting something much better than what we had before.
  10. Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. But if you are truly passionate about your idea and truly want to succeed, then it’s not a matter of IF you’ll give up, but WHEN.
  11. In the face of adversity, there is only one way out. Keep moving forward and don’t give up!
  12. Life is a gift, so you don’t have to wait for it to be given to you.
  13. If you give up, you’re giving up on living, and that’s no way to live at all.
  14. “Saving” is such a simple word, but it’s one of the most difficult things to do. #GivingUpIsSoEasy
  15. “I can’t do this. I need to stop trying to be someone else and just be me.”
  16. It’s OK to give up. It’s way easier to cheat your way through a hard workout than to actually put in the work.
  17. The only thing holding you back is yourself.
  18. The best kind of “no” is the one you don’t hear.
  19. You can do anything for 60 seconds. Just try it.
  20. I am not giving up on you.
  21. I’m feeling a little down today. I’ve thought about giving up and quitting but so many good things are happening in my life, I don’t want to let them go.
  22. Sometimes when things get tough and you feel like giving up, remember to just keep on moving forward.
  23. We can’t always get what we want. But if you learn how to wait, you’ll always get what you need.
  24. I just keep trying and trying again. Eventually I’ll rise above the frustration and self-doubt, knowing that no matter how long it takes…I’ll get there.
  25. It’s not always easy being a pacifist. But if you stick with it long enough, you’ll find that the world becomes safer and more peaceful.
  26. It’s okay to give up, but it won’t be okay if you don’t try.
  27. The most beautiful thing anyone can do is give up on themselves. ❤
  28. When you’re ready to give up on your goals, it’s time to make a new plan.
  29. “I’m giving up on myself.” Those three words can destroy your life. But what if we made that statement positive?
  30. It’s not easy to give up your coffee addiction, but you definitely should. #Blessed
  31. I need to stop saying #giveup. I’ve never really only wanted something, I’ve just needed to trust myself and believe in my abilities so much that I can’t see the way ahead when it’s not there.
  32. No one is perfect and you can never be perfect; that’s why we are here to help you give up on things that aren’t working for you.
  33. Don’t let the days get you down. Keep pushing through and stop giving up.
  34. When you give up dreams, you’ll always be disappointed. Keep your eyes on the prize and be determined to achieve it.
  35. Don’t give up, even when the world seems to be falling apart.
  36. No one can give you the strength to change. You have to do it yourself.
  37. The only way to get better at something is by doing it. Don’t give up on the things you love when they get tough, and keep trying until you succeed.
  38. Don’t be afraid to say no. When you’re faced with a tough decision, remember you have plenty of people who love and support you.
  39. Giving up is never a good idea and here’s why.
  40. Giving up has never been one of my strengths.
  41. I have given up on what I thought was impossible.
  42. I’ve been so stressed out lately, I’ve been giving this up for myself.
  43. It’s okay to give up sometimes. It may not be the most fun, but it can make you a better person in life.
  44. When you’re in a rut and need a push to change.
  45. You might think that you’re giving up, but for me, nothing is more important than your health.
  46. I’ve given up on my resolutions. They’re just too difficult.
  47. I’ve heard the mantra “giving up” many times in my life, and I’m a firm believer in never quitting.
  48. We all make mistakes, but you don’t have to stay there. You can choose to give it up and get back up.
  49. It’s not easy to give up things you love and put your health first in order to heal, but it is possible…
  50. Sometimes it’s the tiny things that make a big difference. For me to “give up” on any one of these can be the push I need to go further.
  51. I’m giving up on college for a year to backpack around the world.
  52. I’ve felt like giving up so many times, but never for long. You are stronger than you realize.
  53. All that matters is what’s in your heart, not on the outside.
  54. I gave up at the last minute.
  55. What’s holding you back? Give up the things that hold you back.????
  56. I’ve never been one to give up, and I’m no longer going to do it.
  57. We’ve all been there, we give up. But we can’t fall off the wagon because this is our dream. This is our reason.
  58. I’m giving up on having perfect hair.
  59. Giving up is never a good idea. When you’re in a slump, just keep going and don’t give up on yourself.
  60. Let me ask you this. If you could give anything up what would it be?
  61. It’s hard to give up but it’s worth it when you can see your goals actually working. Being disciplined is not easy and requires a lot of work, but the results are worth it.
  62. I’m more scared of letting you down than of never being heard.
  63. When you’re trying to quit a bad habit, don’t give up. Keep going. It may be hard to do, but it’s worth it in the end.
  64. I’m not perfect, but I’ll always be a fighter.
  65. It’s okay to say no. You don’t have to spend every second of every day doing what you don’t want to do. You can say no and still be kind, smart and strong.
  66. The journey is more than just a goal. It’s about the process of getting there, both the highs and the lows. It’s the lessons you learn along the way.
  67. Giving up doesn’t mean giving up—it’s just taking a break.
  68. It’s okay to give up if you’re not here to win.
  69. It’s not about giving up, but about what you do after you’ve given up.
  70. Giving up is not a solution, but it can be an important part of getting on with living.
  71. The hardest part about giving up is convincing yourself you actually want to.
  72. I’m giving up on the idea that I can’t be in control of my future.
  73. When you give up, you teach yourself that there’s no purpose in trying. All the while, it will always be your choice to stay strong and keep pushing through.
  74. Giving up is really just not believing in yourself enough to keep going. So when you feel like quitting…remember: You are stronger than you think.
  75. Giving up doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It means you’re doing something new, that’s hard and scary, but important to what you really want for yourself. And who knows? Maybe you’ll actually win.
  76. It’s good to be in a season of giving up. It will lead you to new and better things!
  77. When you’re tired, it’s tempting to give up. But if you hold on just a little longer, the challenge will be worth it.
  78. I’m not a quitter. I got this.
  79. I may have given up on you, but I’m not giving up on myself.
  80. When you’re certain you’ve tried everything, but still struggle… It may be time to stop giving up and start giving in.
  81. Giving up is the hardest thing in the world to do. But when you learn how to let go, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is and how much better life gets.
  82. It’s not easy giving up when you’ve been doing something. But you’ll be glad to know that in the end, it is worth it.
  83. I’m giving up on trying to make this relationship work because it’s never going to.
  84. You’ll find out if you can handle the truth.
  85. I don’t want to give up on my dreams, but sometimes I just need a little push.
  86. We all want to be happy, but sometimes it’s hard to say no.
  87. When you feel like giving up on your goals, remember this…no one can stop you from achieving them. You have to work for it and that is not a bad thing!
  88. Asking for help is never a sign of weakness, but rather a sign that you need support. You’re not alone.
  89. A life full of regrets is better than a life full of moments you wish you could go back and change.
  90. Giving up the fight and embracing the peace of surrender.
  91. Give up. It’s easy to say, but not always easy to do.
  92. Giving up is not an option. You’re stronger than that.
  93. Giving up on the things that don’t matter is a good thing. So, keep the important things and let the rest go ✌????️
  94. I’ve been told that by giving up all the things I love, I’ll be happier in the end. But so far, it hasn’t worked out that way.
  95. I’m trying to give up my habit of checking Instagram every 15 minutes. It’s not you, it’s me.
  96. The only things we can control are our thoughts.
  97. Don’t give up, I still believe in you.
  98. It’s hard to say goodbye, but it’s good to know that we are not alone.
  99. When life gets in your way, it’s up to you to push past obstacles.
  100. Don’t give up on your goals, even if you feel like you’re not making progress. There is always room for improvement, and you can get there faster than you think.
  101. There’s always more to be done, but in the meantime you can smile and delight in what’s important for you.
  102. Giving up is not the problem. The problem is what you give up when you give up.
  103. Giving up is the easiest thing to do. But it’s not the hardest.
  104. Don’t be afraid to give up on things or people that are no longer working for you.
  105. Giving up is always a tough decision to make. Sometimes, you just have to take a breath and realize how fast time flies by.
  106. When you’re faced with the ultimate challenge, don’t give up.
  107. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, we all give up when things get tough. But it’s how we keep going that matters.
  108. It’s so easy to give up on yourself when you’re not seeing progress. But that’s the wrong mindset. Be patient, stay consistent, and you will see results—one day at a time.
  109. If you want something, then go get it. You can’t give up on failure and your dreams until you try.
  110. When you decide to give up and stay in bed, you realize that it didn’t work but you still feel better.

Also see: 135+ Caption About Hard Work

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