130+ Little Mermaid Captions For Instagram

 If you’re looking to caption your photos using your favorite Little mermaid quotes, then look no further. We have handpicked a few hundred Little mermaid captions that are short and easy to use. You can even use these captions in Snapchat, Tinder or other social media apps.

Little Mermaid Captions For Instagram

  1. Little mermaids are magical and mysterious. They inspire wonder, curiosity, and captivate their fans.
  2. A little mermaid in the sea is always on a mission. ?☀️
  3. Let your inner little mermaid shine with our new collection of swimwear. ?
  4. Swimming is how the little mermaids find their way home.
  5. Life under the sea: an endless supply of waves, a steady flow of fish and little mermaid hairstyles that don’t require curling irons ???
  6. Little Mermaids and sea creatures are great at wearing their feelings on their sleeve. They’re free-spirited, fun-loving and float around with a big smile on their face.
  7. She’s a little mermaid through and through.
  8. You’re the most beautiful thing in my world. #LittleMermaid
  9. What happens when you go to the beach, but get lost in your dreams? ?? #LittleMermaid
  10. Little mermaids are more than just pretty faces. They’re fierce, confident and happy to have your support! ?
  11. Let the little mermaid in you come out and explore with your #adventures this summer!
  12. Everything is better in a little mermaid suit.
  13. No little mermaid is ever too small to leave her ocean home, but she’s also never too big to be a part of it.
  14. Little Mermaids are magical creatures that live under the sea. And they bring joy to all of us ?
  15. The little mermaid in you wants to swim the ocean, it’s always been there. ??‍♀️
  16. Little Mermaids are magical creatures who live in our hearts, they can make your memories come alive with a single stroke of their brush.
  17. She’s got the cutest butt, and we’re totally jealous. #LittleMermaid
  18. When you’re feeling down, take a break and look at all the beautiful things in your life. #LittleMermaid
  19. Don’t be afraid to explore the deep end of the sea #LittleMermaid
  20. Swimming in the sea of life. #LittleMermaid
  21. I’m going to miss waking up to the sound of the ocean. #LittleMermaid
  22. Captions for instagram to make your beauty routine a little mermaid dreamier
  23. What’s your favorite little mermaid quote? I’m so excited to share this with you.
  24. The Little Mermaid’s not just pretty, she’s sexy too ?❤️
  25. Little Mermaid, you’re like a perfect mix of pixie and mermaid. We love that you have a rogue-like attitude and a thirst for adventure.
  26. Sometimes you need to be a little bit of a mermaid. #LittleMermaid
  27. You’re all little mermaids, you’ll find your way home.
  28. Be a mermaid of the sea and look great while doing it.
  29. There is a whole world of underwater wonders under the surface. Captions to take your photos to the next level. #LittleMermaid
  30. Our little mermaids are always on the lookout for new adventures to get lost in.
  31. Capturing the beauty of simplicity. #LittleMermaid
  32. When they ask you why you’re playing in the water, just tell them it’s because your hair keeps getting caught in your teeth. #LittleMermaid
  33. You’d think a sea witch would be the last person to get stuck in a jam, but when it comes to you and your coffee filters…not so much. #LittleMermaid
  34. Our favorite little mermaid is having the time of her life! ?
  35. When you’re a little mermaid, the world is your oyster ?☀
  36. I’m looking for a little mermaid who would be kind enough to fall in love with me…
  37. The best cure for a rough day is a photo of a little mermaid with a glowing smile. ?
  38. If you’re a little mermaid, don’t worry… the ocean is your home.
  39. A little mermaid’s best friend is a mirror. She can look at herself and see all the good things she has to offer, right in front of her.
  40. Swimming in the ocean makes me feel like a little mermaid.
  41. Little Mermaids are patient, kind, and always on the lookout for ways to make the world a better place. They’re also cool AF.
  42. We know you’re a big kid at heart. So we made this for you. #LittleMermaid
  43. Little Mermaids are magical creatures of the sea who are often depicted as mermaids with human legs. #LittleMermaid
  44. In the presence of a mermaid, all things seem possible. #LittleMermaid
  45. When you’re out on a date and the guy you’re with grabs your hand and pulls you in for a kiss. #LittleMermaid
  46. We are creatures of the sea, but our hearts are on land. #LittleMermaid
  47. A little mermaid is a girl who’s happiest when she’s in the ocean.
  48. There’s a little mermaid inside all of us that is searching for her voice. Follow her, and let’s sing together ?
  49. Just a little mermaid…love to swim.
  50. Little Mermaids are the true princesses of the sea ? ?
  51. Little Mermaids have a lot of pretty hair, but we’d take you over the sea any day ✨
  52. Little Mermaids are salty, sultry and super sexy.
  53. She’s got the kind of smile that makes you feel like a million bucks. #LittleMermaid
  54. I’m just a little bit of the ocean. Let’s go exploring! #LittleMermaid
  55. Nothing beats a little mermaid emoji when you’re feeling pink and pretty ☁️?
  56. The Little Mermaid is a tale as old as time, but it’s not just a great love story, it’s also an amazing way to connect with your kids.
  57. You’re the perfect little mermaid ❤️
  58. Do you have a little mermaid in your life? Today is her birthday! Tag her in this picture and tell us what she means to you.
  59. So much fun collecting these little mermaids. #lucky #mermaid
  60. If you love being a little mermaid, we’re pretty sure you’ll love wearing our new collection of swimwear.
  61. Little Mermaids, mermen, and all the fishy creatures of the sea. You’re all so cute. ?
  62. She’s a beauty to behold. A little mermaid of your own.
  63. Be the light in your life. Be the little mermaid you were meant to be.
  64. Going to be a little mermaid for a day.
  65. My curls are so pretty, I wish they were my hair ? ? #LittleMermaid
  66. Life is just one long wave and you better learn to surf. #LittleMermaid
  67. Our little mermaids will be taking a long overdue break from the ocean this week, but don’t worry—we’ve got you covered with some #InstagramTuesday inspiration.
  68. Make a splash of color and brightness in your everyday life too. Add a dash of little mermaids to your days and nights with our new collection!
  69. I’m a little mermaid with a big mission to remind people to take time for the things that matter—to themselves and others.
  70. The best part about wearing a little mermaid gown? Getting to be a mermaid.
  71. It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over. Fortunately, these little mermaids are here to remind us that mer-kin has never looked so good.?‍♀️
  72. What’s your dream? What are some of the adventures you’d love to live out? Have you ever imagined yourself in a little mermaid tail? #love
  73. When you feel like a little mermaid, but you can’t swim.
  74. Who says little mermaids only exist in the ocean? ☁
  75. The little mermaid in me wants to kiss the ocean. The human in me needs an umbrella ☔️
  76. Mermaids, little mermaids everywhere. ?
  77. The perfect wish for my little Mermaid.
  78. She is a sea of smiles. She is a ray of sunshine. She brightens the day when she enters the room and fills it with positivity. #LittleMermaid
  79. She’s a small fish in a big ocean, but she always catches your eye. #LittleMermaid
  80. I’m a big fan of salt water sunsets. #LittleMermaid
  81. Little mermaids are always on the lookout for the next adventure, find yours today.
  82. Our little mermaids are here for the best photo ops in town ?
  83. When you’re in the mood for a little mermaid action, it’s all about the details. That’s what makes the Little Mermaid so magical to me.
  84. When you think about the little mermaids, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? ☀️
  85. For those moments that you feel like a little mermaid, just wear the bracelet ?
  86. Little Mermaids in the ocean taking selfies. Little Mermaids on land taking selfies. Little Mermaids everywhere taking selfies! #LittleMermaid
  87. You are my little mermaid and I am your sea king.
  88. Mermaids are not rare. They’re so many of us. We’re all mermaids. ? #LittleMermaid
  89. Little Mermaids may never grow old, but we’re definitely getting old—and a little bit wiser.
  90. The best way to spend a day off of work? Under the sea with my best friend. #LittleMermaid
  91. When you’re having a bad hair day, the sea breeze will make your hair look like it’s been freshly blow-dried. ❤️ #LittleMermaid
  92. When the ocean just doesn’t feel like enough ?? #LittleMermaid
  93. We hope you have a happy Aquarius day ☀️?. #LittleMermaid
  94. There is no ocean like the one we share. #LittleMermaid
  95. Being a little mermaid has never been so easy. #littlemermaid
  96. Fall in love with these little mermaids. They’re so cute, aren’t they? ?
  97. Life is better with a little mermaid ??
  98. A little mermaid with ocean-inspired designs and fun colors, you’ll be at the beach in no time.
  99. Dive into this ocean of inspiration and creativity, where we’re capturing our little mermaids as they grow.
  100. ‘I’m not a little mermaid, but I love how this looks on me.’ ??
  101. Swipe to the left for more beautiful little mermaids ?
  102. I’m a little mermaid, and I like to wear mermaid tails.
  103. “I’m so small and cute that I can hide in your hand.” #littlemermaid
  104. A day at the beach is all about getting lost in a book, some waves and a little mermaid. ?
  105. When a little mermaid gets homesick, she doesn’t know what to do. She just wants to go home.
  106. Neptune’s not real. Little Mermaids are ?
  107. Beauty doesn’t mean you need to be perfect. Beauty comes from the inside out. ♥ #littlemermaid
  108. A little mermaid is all about the details that matter. ?
  109. If you’re looking for a little mermaid to help you out? Look no further. ?
  110. A little mermaid for the modern day #ModernDayMermaid
  111. She’s a little mermaid with not a care in the world. #engagedonthesea
  112. Her little mermaid costume is so cute!
  113. Be yourself. Wear your little mermaid tail proudly.
  114. Life is a little mermaid adventure!
  115. I’m a little mermaid with no time to waste.
  116. Summer is a great time to be a little mermaid. Surf, swim and dream of the day when you can make your own sea dwelling.
  117. Little mermaids all have one thing in common. They’re all under water…hope you find your perfect pair!
  118. Life is better with a little mermaid.
  119. This summer, let our little mermaids take you on the best adventure yet. ?
  120. A little mermaid feels like she’s found a new home in the sea.
  121. We’re all a little mermaid, so let’s celebrate our inner-creative weirdos!
  122. She’s a little mermaid, she’s my friend, and I’m totally in love with her.
  123. Little Mermaids are always looking for the next adventure, just ask them how they feel ?
  124. Little Mermaids ? are magical creatures who never grow tired of swimming in the sea.
  125. You’re a little mermaid, to be sure. But you don’t have to act like one all the time. You can be fun and flirty and $exy—and still wear a tail in public.
  126. Like a little mermaid, I find a way to sneak into your heart.
  127. A little mermaid, a little star. A lot of heart.
  128. She’s a real girl, she’s a little mermaid and she’s here to save the day.
  129. I’m a little mermaid, which means I love water and freedom. A little bit of both is all I need for my adventures in life!
  130. Who says you can’t have little mermaid hair and still be super productive? ?
  131. Little Mermaids are really cool. You can tell us in the comments.

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