120+ Wearing A Mask Caption 

You know how some people can pull off wearing a mask as a fashion statement? Others simply look plain weird. If you’re looking for funny captions for wearing a mask, scroll down and you’ll find plenty of wearing a mask caption to choose from. 

Wearing A Mask Caption 

  1. When you wear a mask, can you really be seen? 
  1. Don’t worry, I’m not wearing a mask! 
  1. She’s wearing a mask of sorts, but she doesn’t know it. 
  1. I put a mask on and go out in the world. The mask keeps me safe, but it’s still me underneath the mask. 
  1. Wearing a mask is hard, but we can do it together. 
  1. Wearing a mask is letting your true self go for a moment, but don’t forget to come back down. 
  1. Wearing a mask is like wearing a costume. It’s okay to be someone else every once in a while…you just have to remember that the real you is ALWAYS there. 
  1. Sometimes we need to wear a mask to protect ourselves from others. But I like to think that in the end, it doesn’t matter what you wear on your face, as long as you’re happy. 
  1. It’s what we wear to hide our true selves. But maybe it’s time for us to start embracing our facades. 
  1. It’s been a rough week. But wearing this mask makes me feel like a different person. It’s just not my day… 
  1. The truth about your face is the only thing you need to know. 
  1. Great question. We don’t know all the answers, but this is what we do know: people are great at choosing masks to live their lives behind. What’s yours? 
  1. Want to make a statement? Wear a mask. 
  1. Wear a mask that you want to see the world through. 
  1. The mask is me, the real me. 
  1. So much fun when you can wear a mask and still be yourself. 
  1. I’m wearing a mask, but I’m perfectly happy to let you in. 
  1. Our masks remind us to take them off. 
  1. When you wear a mask, it’s hard to see who is behind it.  
  1. You’re not a mask. You’re the person underneath it all. 
  1. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. #MaskMe 
  1. Go ahead and take a selfie. Anyone can wear a mask, but only the brave can own their own face. 
  1. I like wearing masks, because I feel like people can’t tell when I’m being fake. 
  1. We all wear masks, some of us just have more fun with them than others. ???? 
  1. Mask yourself in the sun, with a little help from @username. 
  1. We are all masks. Our true selves are still there, but the more we flesh out our roles, the less we become ourselves. 
  1. When it’s hard to be yourself, sometimes you just have to wear a mask. 
  1. It’s hard to tell who you are when you’re wearing a mask. 
  1. Let’s face it, we all wear a mask. What’s yours? 
  1. Wearing a mask is how we get to feel more. It’s also how we get to know each other. 
  1. You don’t have to wear a mask all the time, just when it feels right. ???? 
  1. When you’re wearing a mask, how do you decide who you are? 
  1. You can’t always wear a mask, but you can always wear a smile ???? 
  1. I don’t know what it is, but something in me just got a little bit more comfortable when I wear a mask. 
  1. Wearing a mask is super fun, but you should also take the time to remove it sometimes and see what happens. 
  1. Wear a mask and go out there. You won’t have to answer anyone except yourself. ✌????️ 
  1. Looking good? Yep, we’re jealous of your awesome mask ???? 
  1. Without masks, life would be boring. 
  1. Why choose between looking at the world and living in it? Wear your mask today, and tomorrow you’ll have more to show. 
  1. Don’t let your life become a facade. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and honest and embrace the real you. 
  1. We’re all about letting your personality shine through, and that’s exactly what we love about you. 
  1. A mask for everyday life and a mask for the stage. #ad 
  1. Wear a mask and be someone else today. 
  1. Wearing a mask is like wearing a disguise, it tells people what they want to see, and not who you are. 
  1. Life is a mask you wear, to hide what you are, but not from me. 
  1. Let’s be honest, we all want to wear a mask. ????‍♀️ 
  1. I’m wearing a mask today. I want to wear a mask every day, because this is not the real you. 
  1. Sometimes the mask you wear is just a mask, but sometimes it’s what is most comfortable. 
  1. When you wear a mask, who do you become? 
  1. Wearing a mask isn’t always the best idea. But sometimes it’s the only way to get through life. 
  1. You can’t always wear a mask. Sometimes, you have to reveal your true self. 
  1. When you want to wear a mask, what do you focus on? The eyes? The eyebrows? The smile? 
  1. You know how you sometimes need to wear a mask to get through your day? Well, I’m not wearing any mask today. 
  1. People often hide behind masks, but life is more beautiful when you’re not afraid to show your true self. 
  1. Sometimes, taking off your mask can be more freeing than putting it on. ???? 
  1. Masking up is coming back in style. #maskedbythetwist 
  1. Wearing a mask doesn’t mean you’re hiding something; it means you’ve got something to hide. ???? 
  1. Wearing a mask can be a fun way to express yourself. You can use it to show who you really are. 
  1. There’s something so freeing about being able to wear a mask. 
  1. The mask is off. 
  1. One thing we can say about masks: They have the power to make us feel more confident. 
  1. Never reveal your true self. Wear a mask, let it go, and never be afraid to show who you are. 
  1. Don’t be afraid to wear a mask. It’s okay to not feel confident all the time or show your true self. Be true to yourself and don’t let anyone tell you who you are or what you can do. 
  1. Masking your true self is hard, but sometimes it’s necessary. 
  1. Don’t let your past define you. Wear it with pride
  1. Showcasing some “mystery” vibes on a casual day☀️ 
  1. You can’t see me like this, but I’m still there. 
  1. I’m wearing a mask. It’s not the one on my head, but it’s definitely hiding my face. 
  1. We’re wearing our masks today. ????☔️ 
  1. It’s hard to talk about life when you’re wearing a mask. 
  1. When you wear a mask, you are not who you really are and that is what makes us go crazy. 
  1. It’s a brave new world out there. Wearing a mask, you’re not afraid to be who you really are… ???? 
  1. Life is like a mask; you wear it, live it and then get to take it off. 
  1. Sometimes we have to wear a mask. To hide what is true from us so that we can see clearly. 
  1. “Wearing a mask is a funny thing. You always want to believe in what someone else is saying, even if it’s not always true.” 
  1. Sometimes we wear masks, to hide from the world, from ourselves, from our fears. Sometimes we need to take them off and see what’s underneath… 
  1. You can’t see me, but I’m here. 
  1. In some cultures, wearing a mask is considered a sign of great respect. In others, wearing a mask is as natural as breathing. 
  1. Wear your mask with courage and strength. You can be whoever you want to be no matter what anyone tells you. 
  1. Masking up is all about expression and self-confidence. It’s not a sign of weakness, but rather strength. 
  1. Turning a blind eye to the things that happen around you. 
  1. I’m wearing a mask and it doesn’t matter. 
  1. You know that feeling when you’re wearing a mask? 
  1. I’ve been wearing a mask, and I like it! 
  1. When life gets too serious, it’s time to wear a mask. 
  1. Wearing a mask is never fun, but it’s usually worth it. 
  1. A mask is not a mask, it’s just a version of you. 
  1. Wearing a mask means that you are not just being yourself, but you are hiding who you really want to be. 
  1. It’s okay to wear a mask sometimes. It gives us freedom, as long as you don’t lose your soul in the process ???? 
  1. Sometimes it’s good not to be yourself. ???????? 
  1. Sometimes we need a break from our normal selves. It’s okay to wear a mask, especially when you’re feeling vulnerable or emotional. 
  1. Be your best self, even when it’s not who you thought you were. 
  1. I’m not here to remember the past. So why can’t we forget about that one person who wasn’t worth it? 
  1. This is what you look like when you’re wearing a mask. 
  1. I’m wearing a mask but it’s not me. It’s just how I look. 
  1. It’s a mask. There’s nothing to be scared of 
  1. We’ve got nothing to hide. So, we’ve decided to wear a mask ???????? 
  1. What’s better than one mask? Two masks! 
  1. There’s a certain freedom when you wear your mask. 
  1. Wearing a mask is something we all have to do sometimes. But it’s not the same as wearing a mask in your everyday life. 
  1. It’s a simple escape. Just for today, put on a mask and be someone else. 
  1. We all wear masks. Sometimes it’s quite easy to see what’s under them, but other times, can be very hard to do and is not always obvious. 
  1. Trying to hold it together, but you know what’s better than holding it together? When you’re not wearing a mask. 
  1. Don’t try to be yourself, just be… a mask with a purpose. 
  1. It’s never a bad time for a mask. 
  1. Unleash your inner superhero this Halloween with our new, limited-edition Mask Collection. #MaskHalloween 
  1. Behind every mask, there’s a story and memories… 
  1. Sometimes, the best thing about getting older is that you can wear a mask. 
  1. A mask is just a mask.  It’s no different from the ones that you see me wear, but it’s not for everyone. 
  1. It’s Monday. Getting ready to start your day. But first, a little reminder that it’s okay to wear a mask when you’re happy and smiling ☺️ 
  1. Let’s be real. We all wear a mask sometimes. Here’s to keeping our true selves under the surface and not letting the world see who we really are. 
  1. What do you wear when you don’t have to show your face? ???? ????‍♂️ 
  1. When you’re wearing a mask, you’re always someone else. So, when you take it off, what do you become? 
  1. We don’t have to hide behind a mask. We can be whoever we want to be, whenever we want to be. 
  1. You get so good at what you practice. And so good at not feeling anything. But then eventually, it’s time to put on the mask again. 
  1. If you want to know what someone is thinking or feeling, look at their face. It’s the first place they show their emotions. 
  1. We all wear a mask. What’s your face? 
  1. It’s better to wear a mask than be the person you really aren’t. 
  1. In a mask, you can be anyone. But who am I? 
  1. You want to wear a mask, and I want you to wear a mask… You want the world to see you, but I don’t care about the masks. 
  1. A mask is a way to protect yourself from the world. It’s okay to wear one, as long as you don’t hide behind it. 
  1. I’m wearing a mask today, but I promise you my face is real! 
  1. Have you ever wanted to wear a mask? What’s it like to be someone else? 
  1. A mask is a perfect way to hide your true self, but you can only wear it for so long. 
  1. There’s a mask on my face. But it doesn’t cover up who I am, or what I believe in. 
  1. No one knows your face, but we know the music you play. 
  1. A mask is just a tool of expression. You can put it on and take it off as many times as you want. 

Also see: 140+ Wearing A Smile Caption

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