120+ Caption About Life And Smile

Have you ever wondered what to caption about life and smile? Maybe you’ve heard pros and cons about each. Maybe you’re just a little confused. Well, I’m here to help with my guide to captions about life and smile so you can find the perfect word to describe it.

Caption About Life And Smile

  1. Life is short; Smile and make every moment count.
  2. Life is better when you smile when you’re happy! ????
  3. Say hello to a new day, and hello to the most important smile of all.
  4. Life is too short not to smile. ????
  5. Live life with a smile. Live life to the fullest, not just in your heart but also on your face.
  6. Life’s a beautiful thing when you look forward to the future with a smile.
  7. Don’t forget to smile ????☀
  8. Life is hard, but it’s also easy. And it can be both
  9. Life is full of good things. Smile and share the good people, places and moments in your life. ????
  10. We all need a little smile in our life. Make someone feel happy today with a quick video or photo of you smiling.
  11. Life is full of moments where you can smile. Share a photo of a moment that made you smile today!
  12. Sometimes it’s all about the little things in life. ????
  13. We all have a little worry, right? And some bad days. But we can always find a smile to share with someone. What is something you’re smiling about today?
  14. So many people live their whole lives without ever realizing how much God loves them. I mean, think about it: That’s pretty hard to do, right? But when you finally realize that He is the source of all your happiness, it changes everything.
  15. Life is a gift, so smile. ????
  16. Life is good. Smile and enjoy every moment of it.
  17. Life is a smile, love is a smile and laughter is a smile on your face. ☀????
  18. Life is better when you smile. ????
  19. Life is short. Smile, laugh, and make each moment count.
  20. Life is too short to be anything less than a smile.
  21. Life is too short to not smile, laugh and live it up!
  22. Life is for living, and I want to share with everyone the smile that I can feel when I look at these pictures.
  23. Life is short, live it to the fullest! What better way to do that than with a smile?
  24. Life is a beautiful journey filled with fun, friends and smiles. ????
  25. Life is a sweet ride, let’s smile while we look back.
  26. Life’s too short to sit around and sulk. Smile and the world smiles back. ????????
  27. Life is a series of choices, some good and some bad. But the important thing is to smile as you make them.
  28. Don’t dwell on the bad. Dump those thoughts and smile. Life is short. Smile.
  29. You’re not a bowl of cherries. Be free to be yourself and grow. Stay positive, stay curious and live life to its fullest.
  30. Life is full of smiles, be happy and enjoy every moment.
  31. Life’s too short to be anything but happy. Smile, it’s contagious!
  32. Smile, smile and smile some more—life is too short to not enjoy it.
  33. Life is too short to be stressed. Smile each day and enjoy the ride.
  34. Life is too short not to smile. Smile for no reason and everyone will smile with you.
  35. Life is too short to be anything but happy.
  36. Life is too short not to smile. So, what are you waiting for?
  37. Life is all about attitude. You can smile and enjoy everything, or you can frown and be unhappy.
  38. Life is not always perfect, but it will always be worth living. #LIFEINADAY
  39. Life is too short to not smile. Smile with me and let’s make the most of the moments that go by quickly.
  40. You can’t stop life from happening, but you can make it a little easier. Smiling is the best retraction to stress. The people who smile are the ones who have enjoyed life most.
  41. Life is too short to not smile. When you’re on the right path, make sure you smile as much as possible. ❤
  42. There’s a lot of things that can make you smile: the weather, when you find something nice to wear, or even watching your favorite show on Netflix. Whatever it is, just remember that life is full of lots of happy moments.
  43. A smile is the best makeup.
  44. Life is a journey and you’ve gotta smile along the way. #BeYou
  45. Life is full of adventures and opportunities. Smile, laugh and enjoy every second of it.
  46. Smiles are contagious, and that’s the best way to spread joy.
  47. Life is too short to be anything else but happy. Smile, and the world smiles with you.
  48. I smile when I see life, and life smiles back at me. That’s why my favorite thing about life is smiling. ❤️
  49. Life’s short. Smile while you still can. (Better late than never?)
  50. Don’t let the rain stop you from smiling. It’s a good day to be alive, even when the weather is bad ????
  51. Life is beautiful, and it’s always worth smiling about.
  52. Life is short. Smile, because it’s not over yet.
  53. Smile. It’s amazing what it can do for your day.
  54. Life is too short not to smile. The little things make life better #smilewithus
  55. Life is a beautiful journey. When you smile, the world smiles with you.
  56. Smiles are contagious so share yours with people around you.
  57. Life is all about smiles, not frowns. Have one for yourself, and smile as much as you can! ????
  58. Life without a smile is no life at all. Smiling every day will make you happy!
  59. Life is too short to be anything other than happy! Smile more and live better.
  60. Life is a series of moments, not years. Smile and live it to the fullest. ????♡
  61. Life’s too short to be anything but happy. ????
  62. Life is about the little things, like a smile from your best friend that makes everything better.
  63. Life is full of excitement. There’s always something new to learn and experience. And that’s what makes life worth living!
  64. Life’s too short to spend it frowning. Smile, and we’ll smile with you.
  65. Life is full of smiles and laughs. And that’s what makes us happy.
  66. Life isn’t always easy, but it’s more fun when you smile.
  67. Life is an adventure. Smile, laugh, travel and stay inspired. #LifeIsABadThing
  68. Life is beautiful and so are you. Smile more. Life is short, make the most of it! ????
  69. Life is the most beautiful thing we will ever experience. Smile, smile, and smile some more.
  70. Life is a beautiful journey. So take some time to enjoy the ride, and smile for every moment of it.
  71. It’s all in the way you look at it. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. Smile!
  72. Life is about living, smiling and loving.
  73. Life is about smiles and laughs. Share yours with the world. #smile
  74. Life is a beautiful thing. Smile and enjoy the ride.
  75. Life is short. Smile while you’re still young ????
  76. You only get one shot at a smile so make it count.
  77. Life is all about the smile. There is nothing better than seeing someone with a smile on their face.☺
  78. The best way to celebrate is with a smile. ☺
  79. Life is too short to take yourself too seriously. Smile more—it’s contagious.
  80. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you lemons—smile.
  81. Life is short and filled with smiles. Smiling makes us happy and that’s what we should do as much as possible.
  82. Life is too short to care what other people think. Smile and live your best life!
  83. Life is a smile, not a frown. You will never succeed when you look on the negative side. You are here to make friends, so start smiling and sharing your warm smiles around the world.
  84. Smiles are made to be shared, so today we’re sharing some of the smiles on our faces because it feels good to laugh, smile, and laugh.
  85. Life is too short not to smile. I would much rather be the one who smiles because of you than the one who tries to frown it away.
  86. Life isn’t life unless you smile. ????
  87. Life is a blessing, smile while you enjoy the moments.
  88. Happiness is a choice. Choose to smile!
  89. Life is full of surprises, so be prepared to smile often.
  90. Life is an adventure, grab a piece of it. Smile and remember that life can be a beautiful thing.
  91. Life is what’s happening while you wait. Smile, laugh and love. ????
  92. Life is all about living in the moment. Smiling is one of the best things you can do for your health and happiness. ????
  93. Life is a journey, not a destination. Smile at every moment and enjoy the ride ???? ????
  94. Live your life to the fullest. Smiling is contagious, so if you’re smiling more, people will smile back at you more.
  95. It’s impossible to stop smiling when you love what you do. ????????
  96. Life is a series of moments, not an accumulation of days. Don’t sweat the small stuff and smile for a #smileforwednesday !
  97. Life is better with a smile on your face.
  98. That moment when life is a smile and you are the sunshine.
  99. Life is short. Smile more.☺️
  100. Life is an adventure. Smile and have fun, it’s the best way to live your life! ????
  101. This is what life is all about: a smile, a laugh and a glass of wine.
  102. Life is what you make it, and don’t let things get you down. Smile… That’s the best medicine!
  103. If you see someone who is overwhelmed by life, smile at them. It gives the person permission to smile back.
  104. Life is too short for frowns. Smiling is free and it feels good. ????
  105. Life is all about balance! Work hard and play hard. Smile, laugh and live life to the fullest.
  106. Life is good when you smile and laugh with people you trust.
  107. Life is too short to not smile. Smile, even in the face of sadness, because life is so much better when you do.
  108. Life is a journey, not a destination. Smile, and let’s see where we go together.
  109. Life’s too short to not smile. Smile for yourself, for your loved ones, for someone who’s special to you and because it’s always better to have a laugh than cry.
  110. We all know life is short. Make every moment count by being happy, grateful, and kind. Smile because it makes others smile too.
  111. Life is all about the smile you wear on your face.
  112. Life is a beautiful, bright story. Smile and let your inner light shine.
  113. Life is full of surprises. Smile at them, not down at them. ????
  114. Life is too short to not smile. Smile and make others smile too. ????
  115. Life is a river. Smile while you’re in it. #RememberThat
  116. Smile and enjoy life. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to smile, laugh, and love as much as you can.
  117. Life is a journey and we should always smile when we’re on it.
  118. Life is like a smile. It starts with a small effort and grows stronger every day.
  119. Life is full of ups and downs, but the trick is not to take them too seriously (even when they are). Smile when you do it.????
  120. Life is all about smiles, smiles are contagious and you’ll find yourself smiling more often when you’re surrounded by positivity. ????
  121. Life is too short to worry about what others think. Smile and enjoy your day. ????
  122. Life is too short to not smile, and I’ve learned that the most important thing in life is not to take yourself too seriously.
  123. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

Also See: 140+ Wearing A Smile Caption

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