130+ Caption About Liking Someone

If you’re struggling to come up with a caption to post about liking someone, I’m here to help! Here are some captions about showing someone that you like them.

Caption About Liking Someone

  1. I like you because you’re funny and thoughtful.
  2. I’m a sucker for the good-looking ones.
  3. I’m liking you. And you’re liking me back. ????????????
  4. When you really like someone, it’s easy to say “I’m sorry” and mean it.
  5. I’m a sucker for a cute smile. ????
  6. When you see someone that makes you smile or even laugh, and you want to tell them how much they mean to you. ????
  7. I feel like the person I am at my best when I’m around you.
  8. You do not have to like someone to like them. But you can’t like someone unless you find something in common with them.
  9. The feeling when you see someone who has a nice smile and eyes that sparkle with hope.
  10. I can’t stop smiling when I think of you.
  11. I can’t believe I like someone. It feels like a dream come true.
  12. When a stranger smiles at you, it’s an open-faced invitation to smile back.
  13. I just like to post pictures of my friends and family, it’s cool how they look and how they do things.
  14. I like that you’re always so positive and fun. Thanks for being who you are????
  15. This ____ is so cute. I don’t know how to explain it, but I love this person.
  16. Say I like you when you are being yourself and not when you are being someone else.
  17. How do you feel about this person?????
  18. I like you. I’m glad we got to know each other. ????
  19. I like being around you. Let’s do this.
  20. I like you.  If you feel the same way, let’s be friends!
  21. I’m loving your outfit.
  22. Liking someone is a lot like finding yourself in the same club with someone who has a taste for happiness.
  23. If you like someone, then give them a second chance. If they don’t make it right or treat you right, then let them go and move on. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  24. Not sure what to do with your crush? Here’s a friendly reminder that Liking someone is optional and doesn’t have to lead to anything. Keep doing what you’re doing.
  25. This is how I feel when I like someone: ♥️????
  26. I like it when a guy likes me back.
  27. When you’re into someone, and they’re into you too. #admirestagram
  28. I’m not sure what love is, but I know what it feels like to be loved.
  29. I’m a sucker for the good ones.
  30. ???????? I like the way you make me feel.
  31. You see, I just like the way she smiles. ????
  32. Liking someone is always a good feeling. We hope you find the same in our new collection!
  33. This is why we like you so much—you’re always so kind and generous! ????
  34. This is a nice feeling. ☺️
  35. We’ve all got the best friends, but how about the ones that are there for you no matter what? I’m lucky to have a friend like that in my life!
  36. I like that you’re always up for an adventure and don’t mind a little rain.
  37. You can’t beat the feeling of liking someone ????.
  38. Hey, I just like you ????
  39. If you like someone, tell them. If they like you back, ask them out, and if they say yes, enjoy every second of your date!
  40. I like to spend time with people I can laugh with and laugh at, who make me feel good about myself.
  41. “I really like your style, it matches mine and I think we’re going to look good together.” – Me
  42. I can’t help but smile when I see you. ????
  43. When you like someone, you take them on a journey. And that’s why it’s so important to be careful who you share it with.
  44. I like to go all in with #YOLO moments. ????
  45. I’d like to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate you.
  46. If I could give you one gift, it would be the ability to love yourself.
  47. I like to think I’m a pretty chill person, but when someone makes me laugh it’s hard to keep my cool.
  48. I don’t think I’ve ever been so enamored with someone I once thought was nothing more than a friend.
  49. When you see something good and you know it’s you that’s making it happen.
  50. I like to like people who like me. ????
  51. I really like this person, who else could it be?
  52. I’m really liking this person.
  53. I like this person because he/she is so cool.
  54. Those who like you make the world brighter.
  55. I think he’s a pretty awesome dude. ????
  56. The feeling of liking someone is like that of happiness. The more you like them, the happier you become because you know they’re there for you and want to be with you forever.
  57. If you’re having a bad day and you see someone smiling, it makes you smile.
  58. You know you’re in love when you look forward to the moments spent together and can’t wait to see/communicate/hang out with that special someone
  59. I like to think of myself as a good listener. I just want to listen and be there for you when you need me.
  60. I just really like how you clean your windows ????
  61. He’s been my best friend since we were kids and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  62. I like this person because they’re funny and nice ???? #LikeEverythingAboutYou
  63. When you realize you like someone.
  64. You know what this person likes, but you want to be their favorite so badly.
  65. Dudes, I like this guy.
  66. Because everyone deserves to be liked.
  67. The best way to cheer someone up? Tell them how much you like them. ????
  68. There’s something about liking someone who is beautiful, smart and funny that makes me happy.
  69. There’s nothing like liking someone, because you can’t help but smile when they smile back. ????❤
  70. I just want to tell you how much I love the way you smile.
  71. If they’re happy, so am I.
  72. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
  73. Let’s be in touch ✨
  74. You really need to love yourself. After all, you are the only one that can make life better for yourself and your loved ones.
  75. I liked someone, like them a lot.
  76. #PeopleLikingPeople is the best kind of compliment. ????
  77. You know that feeling when you like someone? Yeah, it’s love.
  78. Liking someone doesn’t mean you are going to go out with them. It means that you like what they post, and you think it’s funny.
  79. I like this person because she’s funny and interesting
  80. When you like someone, they suddenly become someone you can’t help but smile at.
  81. Let the feeling of liking someone spread throughout your heart and mind.
  82. You got me, I’m into you. ????
  83. ???? I’m liking someone. ???? I’m literally having a good time. ???? If you’ve got the same thing going on, let me know ????
  84. I can’t stop smiling when I’m around you.
  85. You know it’s love when your heart skips a beat. ☀☔
  86. I like you because you are nice to me, because you are kind to your friends and family, and because you are the type of person who will always be there for everyone. ????
  87. I love when I accidentally text someone at 3AM and they respond, “Me too!”
  88. I just want to tell you how much I like you.
  89. I like you a lot.
  90. I really like this person and I want to spend the rest of my life with them ❤️
  91. Liking someone is a feeling. You can’t really explain it, but it’s a powerful little thing that makes life good.
  92. I like you. Not in a weird way, in a way that makes my heart flutter and my cheeks warm up.
  93. We all know that feeling when you see someone who looks like they’ve been through life and love—and you want to be them.
  94. You may think that you’re just friends but let me tell you, there’s something about liking someone that makes a connection with them feel so much more.
  95. Liking someone is a special experience. It’s a way of expressing that you see something in them that makes you want to know more. 
  96. There’s something about meeting someone who you enjoy being around. You laugh and smile, every moment is like it was yesterday.
  97. Just because you can’t be with someone doesn’t mean you have to stop loving them. ☺
  98. It doesn’t matter how far apart you are, if there’s a spark between you, it’s bound to find its way back.
  99. This is what I like about you.
  100. The best thing about liking someone is that it’s a two-way street.
  101. I like to see things through the eyes of someone who is my friend.
  102. If you like someone, take the time to tell them – it only takes a minute to show someone you care.
  103. If you like someone, tell them. Because if they don’t know, chances are they won’t get it.
  104. It’s all about the feeling you get when you see that person smiling.
  105. When you like someone and also want to stay in bed all day in January.
  106. Like: I am in awe of you.
  107. You can tell a lot about a person by their smile. A smiling face is contagious and it’s easy to like someone when they’re happy. ????
  108. It’s not easy to like someone, but it’s even harder when they’re not there. #BestwayToSaySorry
  109. I love you. Can’t wait to see you again ????
  110. You can’t fight it. You just have to go with it. ????
  111. Once you reach your limit, you can always go back.
  112. Here’s to liking someone who likes you back. ????
  113. “Liking” someone is a good thing. It might mean you want to hang out with them, or it might just mean that you like what they have to say.
  114. I’m liking you on Insta.
  115. I can’t stop smiling about how much I like this person.
  116. You’ll never see me swipe right, but I still want to like you.
  117. I like it when you smile because it’s usually followed by a wink. ????
  118. The best way to like someone is being genuine and real. Even if they don’t return the feeling, it’s still a good start!
  119. Liking someone feels like your heart melts, but it’s just a chemical reaction. Trust me, I know!
  120. If you like someone, tell them and let them know. It’s much better to be open and honest than to be kept in the dark because you want to protect yourself.
  121. It’s hard to describe the feeling of being in love with someone. But when you find yourself doing these things, you know it’s real.
  122. I like someone and I think he likes me too. But we’ve never said it. 
  123. When you like someone’s posts, comments, and pictures.
  124. You know you like someone when you see them and can’t stop smiling.
  125. Sigh of relief when I hear that someone likes me back.
  126. Liking someone doesn’t mean that it’s forever. But it means we like them for now.
  127. Congrats! You have just liked a post. Here’s to your future friendship, wherever it may take you.
  128. I like to think that when it comes to finding the right person, you can’t go wrong with choosing someone who is willing to make you smile.
  129. I like to see some of the funny things he does, but I also admire him for his outlook on life.
  130. There is no such thing as Perfect, but if someone you like is Perfect for you, then who cares about what people think.
  131. These two are some of my favorite people to be around. I’m so grateful for them in my life right now.
  132. Your smile brightens each day, and I think that’s the best part of you.

Also See: 120+ Caption About Being Loved

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