120+ Caption About Living In The Moment

We all go through moments that feel like we’re stuck in a rut or on repeat. In times like these, you have to look for a little inspiration and motivation from the inside. This is a beautiful sneak peek at the caption about living in the moment.

Caption About Living In The Moment

  1. It’s not just a day or even an hour. It’s a moment. Live in the moment
  2. Live in the moment.
  3. Live in the moment, enjoy every beautiful moment with someone special.
  4. It’s all about the moment when you live in it, not about what’s next.
  5. Feel the joy of being in the moment, capturing the magic of this wonderful world.
  6. Life is all about living in the moment, surrounded by those that make you smile and others who lift your spirits. Live in the now and enjoy every moment of this life you were given.
  7. You can’t live in the moment if you’re looking back.
  8. Life is a series of moments. Let’s live in them fully today, and capture them through photography.
  9. Take a walk and enjoy the cool breeze of fall.
  10. Life is just a collection of moments, some great, some not so much. But in the end, it’s not about the outcome. It’s about how you live your life and make the most of every moment.
  11. Life is a celebration. You only get one, so live it to the fullest and always hug your loved ones when you see them.
  12. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you lemons, cheer up and make lemonade!
  13. It’s easy to get caught up in what is going on around us, but it’s a good idea to slow down and take the time to notice everything from the color of the grass to the smell of your favorite fragrance.
  14. What we do and where we go, is out of love for others, not to get ahead. If you want to be successful, be kind.
  15. Live in the moment, but don’t forget about the rest of your life.
  16. Live in the moment. Be grateful for what you have, and make the most of what you have now.
  17. Live in the moment. Make every moment count. #liveinmotorcity
  18. If you’re not living in the moment, you’re really missing something.
  19. Life is about the moments, not about the routine or what’s to come.
  20. Living in the moment is all about enjoying what you have now and not worrying about what could happen or even what others think of you.
  21. The best thing about being in the moment is that there is no past or future. It’s just now, and right here.
  22. Don’t let your mind wander too far ahead. Let the moment be all you need
  23. When life keeps you in the moment, there’s no time to think about the past or worry about the future.
  24. A few hundred words can’t describe how much I love my life, but maybe this picture will. ????
  25. So many times we get so caught up in the past and don’t even recognize that we’re living in the moment.
  26. This is the moment. Not when you get your first car or when you buy your first home, but right now. Take a deep breath and enjoy it.
  27. We always need to live in the moment. This is the moment I am living in right now.
  28. It’s a beautiful world when you can live in the moment.
  29. Here’s to taking breaks and being in the moment.
  30. I don’t always live in the moment, but when I do, it’s always a good place to be.
  31. Keep your head in the moment.
  32. Life is short and the good times are even shorter. So live in the moment and make memories.
  33. No matter what comes your way, the only thing you can do is live in the moment.
  34. When you’re in the moment, there’s no telling what could happen.
  35. Don’t rush to plan the next trip, find your moments and live in them.
  36. No matter where you are in life, no matter what’s happening around you, there’s only now. So make the most of it. Live in the moment, because it will never come back.
  37. A moment to yourself is a moment to break free of routine and be free with your thoughts.
  38. You only live once, so make it count.
  39. Life is a constant journey and all you can do is whether or not you are traveling peacefully.
  40. Let’s focus on the present moment.
  41. Being present is about being fully alive, focused on the moment, and feeling joy.
  42. We’re living in the moment. Life is short and we should only be focusing on the present.
  43. You don’t have to be living in the past or future. Just live it today.
  44. Taking it all in and being grateful for the life ahead of you.
  45. Do you live in the now?
  46. It’s easy to get lost in the future. Live in the moment instead, because all that’s important right now is what you’re doing right here, right now.
  47. Living in the moment doesn’t mean living without a plan, it means planning with the direction of your heart and purpose.
  48. Life is short. Make the most of it. Happy Monday!
  49. The things that you focus on are what shape your life.
  50. The life you live today is the life you’ve chosen. Live it with joy and gratitude, for tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
  51. Life is an adventure, and the people you meet along the way are your greatest adventure companions.
  52. Life is too short to do things you don’t want to do.
  53. When in doubt, remember to live in the moment.
  54. When you live in the moment, everything is beautiful.
  55. Here’s to living in the moment, enjoying every sunrise and sunset.
  56. The best thing about living in the moment? You can’t lose.
  57. There’s no time but the present.
  58. Live in the moment. Laugh at yourself. Get up and do it again.
  59. Life is not a collection of moments, it’s a continual process.
  60. Don’t let the past weigh you down. Live in the moment, embrace change and remember that every moment is a chance to be happy.
  61. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle of life, but it’s important to be present on a daily basis even when you’re not trying to be.
  62. The best is yet to come. Be present, go with the flow, and enjoy every minute with your loved one. #nofilter
  63. You don’t have to plan your way to happiness. It’s already there, waiting for you.
  64. Don’t be intimidated by the moments that you want to run for. Just go for it, because that’s where the magic happens.
  65. Life is more than just a moment. It’s a process and if you can learn to enjoy every single step in that process, then your happiness will be endless.
  66. Life’s a moment. Live in the now.
  67. This is the moment. This is your life. Live it.
  68. Live in the moment, live the life you have and make the most of it.
  69. Live in the moment not in the past or future.
  70. At the moment, all you can do is live in it.
  71. There’s nothing like being here, now in this moment.
  72. Life is too short to think about what you want. Live in the moment, live for now, and take it all in.
  73. The best moments don’t wait for you. They’re here, right now. And they have to live.
  74. Live each day like it’s your last.
  75. A place where the sun shines, the breeze blows and your heart sings.
  76. You don’t know what’s gonna happen, you just keep going until it happens.
  77. Let go of the past and live in the moment.
  78. What is it you focus on? Focus on the moment, and enjoy the ride.
  79. Living in the moment is the best way to take in each day’s beauty. ????
  80. There is no better feeling than being fully in the moment and living in the now.
  81. The moment you focus on living in the moment, the right one will show up.
  82. Let’s embrace the moment and live each day like it’s our last.
  83. By living in the moment, we can be more aware of our surroundings and realize how much is around us.
  84. The beauty of the moment.
  85. Life is a moment. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about what people think of you. Just live in the moment and enjoy each one ????????
  86. Focus on the moment. There is no point in worrying about tomorrow. Today is all we have and it’s worth living in the now.
  87. You can’t control the past, but you can always choose to live in the present!
  88. There’s a sense of freedom and peace in the moment that I never felt before.
  89. Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive ????
  90. Don’t be afraid to live in the moment.
  91. The secret to living in the moment? Not looking ahead!
  92. The moment is all we have. Be present and live in it.
  93. The best way to live is to be a part of the moment. And to enjoy every second of it
  94. The best things in life are just moments away.
  95. I don’t live in the past or future. I live in the present and appreciate every moment.
  96. Don’t get caught up in thinking about what happened in the past, or worrying about what will happen tomorrow. Instead of dwelling on things you can’t control, live in the moment.
  97. Life is a balance of pleasures, challenges and surprises. If you want to live a meaningful life, embrace the good times and the bad, because they’re all part of the journey.
  98. Don’t let the noise of life drown out your own voice. Even if you’ve got a million things on your mind, listen to what’s in your heart and know that everything is going to be okay.
  99. Thoughts are the painters of your mind, they can change anything they paint, good or bad.
  100. What’s the point of living if you’re not living in the moment? #LiveInTheMoment
  101. Making the most of each moment, wherever you are.
  102. When your life is full of moment. Not time.
  103. Here’s to living in the moment and not taking things so seriously.
  104. When you live in the moment, you can’t help but smile.
  105. The best times in life are lived in the moment. Capture them with us at [venue name].
  106. Meditation, yoga and being present are my favorite things in life.
  107. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be real.
  108. You don’t need to wait for the perfect moment to do what you love.
  109. Live in the moment. No need to live up to anyone else’s expectations or image of you. Knowing yourself is one of the greatest tools you can have in achieving all your dreams.
  110. To understand this life, you must learn to look at it through new eyes.
  111. Life is so much better when we live in the moment.
  112. Live in the moment. Enjoy every breath. Smile with me.
  113. Your life is what you make it, so live in the moment and enjoy the little things.
  114. In the moment, you’re so full of life. When you live in the moment, every day is a good day.
  115. The only thing you can ever get control over is your mind. Live in the moment ????
  116. Stop trying so hard to be someone you’re not. Live your life in the moment, because it’s short.
  117. When you’re in the moment, there’s no need to look back.
  118. You are never just living in the moment. You are always creating the moment and it’s that sense of wonder that makes moments really matter.
  119. We live in the moment. We don’t let our past define us, we choose to create a future that is filled with love and laughter.
  120. Enjoy the moment and live more in the present.
  121. The past is a memory, the future is an opportunity, and now is the present.
  122. Here’s to living in the moment and not stressing about the future.
  123. The moment is all we ever have. Live in the moment, live now, and don’t worry about tomorrow.
  124. Live in the moment. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  125. I’m living in the moment, right now. The past is gone, the future is uncertain, but I’m just so happy that I’m here and alive at this very moment.

Also see:100+ Caption About Living Your Best Life 

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