90+ Caption About Oath Taking

People everywhere are taking the oath because of one thing or the other. Here’s an article with captions about oath taking. 

Caption About Oath Taking

  1. Taking the oath to remain a member forever.
  2. Taking the oath is always a welcome step to take. #takingoath
  3. Taking an Oath is a solemn promise to ourselves and to the world that we will always conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity.
  4. Taking an oath is something we do when we change our mind about something and decide that it’s time to make a change. (Take a deep breath, relax and let the words sink in).
  5. As an American, I take the Oath to serve the people and defend their rights.
  6. When taking your Oath of Office, it’s important to take it seriously.
  7. Taking an oath is a formal commitment. Taking care of your health and happiness is a promise to yourself.
  8. Taking the Oath of Office is a solemn commitment but here’s how you can make it even more meaningful for yourself and your community.
  9. When you pledge your allegiance to a cause, let it be with pride.
  10. Taking Oath: Taking this Oath is a commitment to our iversons and the world we live in. We, the global community of freethinkers, are forming a worldwide bond of cooperation and peace.
  11. It’s an “Oath” I take to myself. To be my own master, to never miss a chance to learn or grow and to always be grounded in the truth of God’s Word.
  12. We take an oath to treat each other with respect and dignity while we continue to grow and learn together.
  13. Taking an oath is a solemn promise to do something or perform some action.
  14. Taking an oath is a promise you make to yourself and others.
  15. Taking an Oath is a promise to yourself and others that you will commit to your personal growth, goals and happiness.
  16. Taking the Oath is one of the most important things that a person can do. This is not just about politics or your career, but about who you are and what you stand for.
  17. It’s a day to take an oath, not just on our lives but also on the country and its people. Let’s be the change we want to see in this world.
  18. Taking Oath, that is what I am doing. I am taking Oath to make all my dreams come true. If you have the same dreams and goals in your life, then you will realize this too, when it’s meant for all of us to take oath.
  19. The Oath is a veil that covers the eyes of judgment. This is a place where we can speak our truths and be honest with ourselves, without judgment.
  20. We believe in taking oaths when it comes to partnerships. And this time, we really mean it! ????
  21. We take our oaths seriously. We won’t make promises we can’t keep. But more importantly, we work hard every day to live up to our expectations for each other and ourselves.
  22. Sworn to your own sense of self. You’re not a product of your environment, you’re a creator of your own reality.
  23. We’re taking our oath to always make you smile. #TakeOath
  24. Taking an oath is at one with your beliefs, nothing more.
  25. Taking your oath is one of the greatest moments of your life.
  26. A promise and a vow, sworn before the Lord of heaven and earth.
  27. Making an oath is not just taking an action, it’s about making a commitment as a member of a team.
  28. Taking an oath is a promise we make to ourselves, and most importantly to those we care about. It’s a commitment to live up to the highest standards of our values and beliefs whether it’s for ourselves or others.
  29. Taking an Oath to do what’s right, even if it means going against the grain or breaking rules.
  30. Taking the Oath of office is a solemn moment. It’s an opportunity to reflect on who you are and what you believe in. It’s also a chance to serve the greater good by making sure that America remains a beacon of freedom, hope and opportunity for all.
  31. It’s an oath. It’s a promise. And it’s something we hold dear to our hearts. Our commitment to you, to your health and well-being.
  32. Take an oath to yourself, a promise to yourself and you will never be disappointed in life.
  33. Taking the Oath is one of the most significant moments in life. Remember, you are never alone.
  34. Today I take this oath to do my best to consider all sides of an issue before I form an opinion.
  35. A promise to always do what is right and good, even when it may be hard.
  36. An Oath is a promise to do something. When you take the Oath, you swear to fulfill your promises and to protect each other.
  37. Taking an oath to uphold the laws and values of our nation, with honor and confidence.
  38. I took an oath to help people, to be brave.
  39. Taking an oath is the most powerful way to protect your beliefs and live with integrity.
  40. Taking Oath is a reminder to stay true to your values and morals, when it comes to your health, lifestyle, and well-being.
  41. Taking an oath is a solemn commitment to do something. In this post, we will be sharing some of the best quotes to inspire you to take that next step in your life.
  42. Taking an oath is a sacred commitment to be honest, open-minded, and compassionate. It’s a promise to the world that we are sincere about what we do and who we are as people.
  43. Taking an oath is a way to help you remember what you value most in life: your family and freedom.
  44. A promise to honor, respect, and cherish something greater than yourself.
  45. We take our Oath to be on your side, in the fight and to protect what you believe in.
  46. Taking Oath to do something is a big step, so it’s important to start slowly.
  47. I take Oath to defend truth and justice.
  48. Taking Oath is about more than just taking an oath. It’s about being fearless and brave, straight from the heart.
  49. Taking Oath means you are promising to uphold the values that your organization stands for. And that’s a promise you can keep!
  50. Taking the Oath to do my best, to love and support others, to advocate for our great city.
  51. The moment you take your oath and become a member in the club of bachelors, let this cocktail do the talking for you.
  52. When you take an oath, you’re making a promise. If you break it, it’s not your fault. When we work together, we’re putting our community first.
  53. I pledge to be honest, trustworthy, and responsible. I will not let my actions or words reflect poorly on my family, school, or community.
  54. Taking an oath is a powerful commitment to yourself and your beliefs. We ask you to take the Oath of Responsibility.
  55. Taking the oath to uphold the values of community, justice and freedom.
  56. Taking an oath means you’re willing to selflessly put someone else’s interests above your own.
  57. Taking an oath is an important commitment and mark in your life. It’s a promise to yourself, family and friends.
  58. We take an oath to do what we do best.
  59. Taking the Oath of Office is an experience that should be shared with friends and family.
  60. Taking an oath is more than just a promise. It’s a promise to do the right thing, even when it’s hard and sometimes even if no one is watching.
  61. Taking the Oath is an awesome experience. We are committed to our community, entrepreneurs and small businesses ????
  62. Take an oath today to be more good, more kind and more generous.
  63. Taking an oath is a solemn commitment. To keep it, you’ll have to do your best and stop at nothing to succeed.
  64. We do not take our Oath lightly. We do it for you, for all of us, and for the world we live in.
  65. Taking a rededication to your sacred oaths
  66. It is not just an oath, it’s a promise!
  67. Taking the oath to make a difference in your community.
  68. Taking an oath is a promise to do something, anything. It’s the weight of responsibility we put on our own shoulders. #TheOath
  69. Taking the Oath is no small feat. But it’s a promise that you’re here to stay and stand for what’s right. #StandingStrong
  70. The only oath we have to take is to be true to ourselves.
  71. The power of an oath is substantial
  72. Take the oath to serve, then prove its strength.
  73. Taking the Oath, renewing your commitment to the brand that you love and to the community that surrounds you.
  74. The Oath is a promise. We take it upon ourselves to do what we can to protect and serve the people around us.
  75. Taking an oath is one of the most important things you’ll ever do in your life. It means so much more than simply making a promise.
  76. The Oath is a circle of trust that binds us as we move through life together.????
  77. Taking on our Oath reminds us of the importance of keeping promises we make. It also brings our community together, especially when we celebrate the fact that we all share the same values and beliefs.
  78. Take an oath to support your community and life.
  79. The Oath of Office is a sacred promise, which should be taken seriously.
  80. Taking an Oath is the beginning of a powerful journey, where we pledge to serve our community and ourselves with love and respect.
  81. Taking oaths are a promise we make to ourselves, our fellow men and women, and to all humanity that we will live according to certain principles. A strong oath binds the heart, but it can also help us see things more clearly. #TakeTheOath
  82. We take our Oath to be true to ourselves, to tell the truth, and to uphold our end of the bargain. ????
  83. Taking the Oath. A promise to do what’s right, and stand up for what’s just. It’s one of the most important things we can do, and I am ready to make it here at @username
  84. Taking an Oath is like creating a new family. It’s something you do with friends and loved ones, because it’s not just about what you believe, but who you are together.
  85. As the sun sets on another day, we take an oath to strive for excellence and foster our community.
  86. The moment where we swear we will protect the ones we love.
  87. Taking oath to always tell the truth and being truthful
  88. Taking an oath is about doing something really important and putting your word in writing. It’s about committing yourself to a higher ideal
  89. The taking of an Oath is a sacred and solemn act. It binds us to a higher cause, and binds us to others who share our beliefs.
  90. Taking Oath is a global movement to promote peace and equality. Let’s show the world we care by taking a pledge to stand up for what matters most. #TakingOath
  91. Taking an oath is a promise to yourself, your family and the people you love. Take a walk with us down memory lane to see how the oaths we take change our lives.
  92. I take oath to always live a life that is worthy of respect and help others towards the same.
  93. Taking the Oath to serve is your most important job.
  94. Taking an oath is a promise you make to yourself, your community and the world. #OathToGood
  95. Taking Oath is a way to connect with other people who have taken this oath, and spread the news about it. It’s a simple way to help others find ways to take steps towards changing their lives for the better.
  96. We take our Oath to uphold our mission, every day.
  97. Take the Oath: Be kind to yourself. Honor your body, mind and spirit. Be honest about what you need, what it is that gives you life and makes you feel good.

Also see: 125+ Caption About Marriage 

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