100+ Caption About Not Giving Up

Sometimes you feel like quitting, but you just can’t do it. These captions about not giving up will inspire you to move on when you’re feeling down.

Caption About Not Giving Up

  1. You can’t give up if you don’t know what’s worth keeping.
  2. Don’t give up. You’re worth it.
  3. Don’t give up. You’re on the right track! Keep going!
  4. You don’t have to be perfect, but you do need to keep pushing forward. If you give up when things get tough, it will just make them a lot tougher…
  5. You can’t give up on a dream. Sometimes, you just have to do the work and keep pushing until the goal is in sight.
  6. I learned it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.
  7. Sometimes getting knocked down is just a part of the journey. Never stop believing in yourself and your dreams. Keep on pushing, keep on striving, and keep on dreaming!
  8. The best way to succeed is to keep trying. Keep on going even if you don’t get the result you wanted, it’s all part of the learning curve.
  9. There’s no shame in the first step of success. If it had been easy, everyone would have done it.
  10. A lot of times, you’ll need to work through a tough situation. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, and don’t give up.
  11. Life is full of challenges, but you can always find a way through with a positive attitude and stronger spirits.
  12. We all have days where we can’t seem to get the work done. But when we push through, we can accomplish anything.
  13. You can do anything you put your mind to when you have a little faith, some determination, and a whole lot of courage.
  14. You don’t need to be a great skier to enjoy the slopes.
  15. Why do we give up? Because our standards are too high. Because we don’t have enough self-confidence. Because we put too much pressure on ourselves. Because we care too much about what other people think of us. Because we’re afraid of change or rejection.
  16. When you want to give up but you keep going.
  17. You can’t give up when you’ve already started.
  18. When you fall down, don’t get up! It’s okay to climb back up again.
  19. It’s hard to give up when you’re too busy working for your dreams. Keep going, guys!
  20. The struggle is real, but so are the benefits. ????
  21. You are not a failure if you stop trying. It’s just one more milestone in your journey to succeed.
  22. Never give up on your goals, you never know when you’ll find a new path to follow.
  23. When your day gets tough, don’t give up. Keep pushing through and you’ll be amazed what a little determination can do. ????????
  24. No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back on your feet. You can do it!
  25. We are all so much more than we think we are. We may have a good reason to give up on something, but we don’t have to!
  26. Only you can make it happen—not the dark, not the doubt.
  27. The hardest thing to do is to only have eyes for one person at a time.
  28. Don’t give up if you’re having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. It may take a few days or even weeks, but if you keep pushing on and make it a priority to start your day, you will see results.
  29. You’re not alone. We all have days where we don’t think we can succeed and move forward, but it only takes one tiny step to turn that around.
  30. Sometimes in life, you have to stop and think about what you really want. Your mind has to get out of the way so you can focus on what’s important.
  31. When someone doesn’t give up on you.
  32. No matter how you feel, or what you’re going through, never give up.
  33. We’ve all been there—when we feel like giving up just because it’s hard. But remember, you’re stronger than you think. Keep going and never stop believing in yourself.
  34. Remember the people who don’t give up, even when it seems like you have nothing left. ☀????
  35. You will make it if you just keep trying. Don’t give up and keep pushing forward!
  36. There are tough times in life everyone has to go through but if you don’t give up, then you’ll always be on that journey of success.
  37. This year may be tough, but you’re not alone. Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep going!
  38. Don’t give up! You will not only be successful in life, but you will also have a positive impact on the world.
  39. At the end of the day, you’re only as good as your last effort. So don’t give up! Keep working hard and good things will happen.
  40. We are not defined by our failures, we learn and grow from them. Always keep pushing forward instead of giving up.
  41. You won’t always feel like it, but try to keep going. You’re on your way to becoming something great.
  42. We all have a little bit of fear in us. But we can’t let it stop us from doing what we really want. We all have the potential to be successful. It takes work, dedication and determination. 
  43. You’ve got this. No matter what life throws your way, you’ll find a way to get back up on your feet and keep going!
  44. A great day is when you wake up and are ready to take on the world ????☀
  45. The best way to get over someone is a breakup. The second best way of getting over someone is performing an exorcism on their ghost.
  46. Let’s not give up and never surrender.
  47. Not giving up isn’t a bad thing… it’s doing the hard work to be better.
  48. There is no try, just do it.
  49. There’s always tomorrow. Don’t give up.
  50. Don’t let the world or your circumstances get you down. Never give up!
  51. When life gives you a difficult task, don’t give up. Be persistent and take small steps in the right direction.
  52. Don’t give up on something that you really want because you’re afraid of failing. In life, there’s always going to be failures because that’s how we grow and learn.
  53. You’ve got this.
  54. When I want to give up, your voice is the thing that always reminds me to keep going. ????
  55. Just because you’re not where you want to be right now, doesn’t mean you can’t be great.
  56. There will be times when you feel like giving up. Just know that you don’t have to. Keep pushing forward and things will fall into place ✨
  57. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. You will find a way, no matter what.
  58. You don’t ever have to give up on your dreams. You just do it with a little more strength & patience.
  59. We’ve all been there. It happened to me too. But you have to keep going! Stay strong and never give up ????
  60. There’s nothing like the feeling of getting up in the morning, grabbing both your coffee cup and your planner and being ready to tackle anything.
  61. Don’t let life’s obstacles get you down. Don’t give up.
  62. We can’t give up. We will never give up on our dreams.
  63. Sometimes it’s the little victories when you don’t give up that make all the difference.
  64. Don’t give up on your goals. Keep working towards them even if it is hard. You will get there.
  65. You only get one shot at this. Don’t let it go to waste.
  66. You’re not alone; you’ll never be alone.
  67. You can’t give up. There is always a chance to get better at what you love ???????? ????
  68. One person’s failure is another’s victory. You can’t win it all but you can lose some battles and still keep going because you will always get back up every time.
  69. In today’s culture of giving up, it’s easy to give in and get frustrated. But the more you fight, the harder it gets. So what are you waiting for? Be that person who doesn’t give up even when everybody else thinks they have.
  70. You may not be where you want to be – but you’ll get there if you keep going. ????
  71. It’s the people who never give up that change the world. It’s a long, hard journey. But the reward is always worth it if you stick with it!
  72. We all have days where we want to give up. I know my days are no different. But you’ve got this ????????
  73. It’s ok to have a bad feeling once in a while. Just don’t give up on your goals and dreams. Be genuine with yourself, and you will be fine.
  74. I think it’s amazing how giving up can bring you new opportunities and make life more exciting.
  75. Even if you don’t feel like it, even if you think it’s impossible to do… You can still be happy. It takes hard work, sometimes even more than before you started your journey to get there. But as long as you keep going, never letting anything stop you from reaching your goals, then you will be successful.
  76. Not giving up means never having to say “I quit.”
  77. When you fall, there’s nowhere to go but up. #nevergiveup
  78. There’s no room for quit in my world.
  79. Don’t give up on yourself. You’re worth it.
  80. The best way to succeed is to keep showing up and not giving up.
  81. No matter how hard it gets, keep going. Don’t let the odds push you around.
  82. Never give up on your dream. Not when it feels like the world is against you, not when you don’t believe in yourself. Never let others tell you that you can’t do something or that you’re not good enough.
  83. You gotta keep on keepin’ on.
  84. Failure takes courage, but success takes work. It’s a long journey, and it might get hard, but don’t ever stop pushing past your limits. Keep going and never give up.
  85. Don’t give up on your dreams. You don’t have to be perfect, just keep working hard and the rest will come in time.
  86. Don’t give up because you think it’s too hard or you’re tired. Keep going, there’s always a solution if you keep trying.
  87. Never give up on your dreams. You’ll always find a way to get there if you keep pushing hard enough.
  88. We all have that one friend who just won’t give up on their goals. Keep going! You’ll get there.
  89. What’s the worst that could happen? Well, maybe you’ll get healthier.
  90. Not giving up is a sign of strength. So keep pushing, keep fighting and believe in yourself.
  91. When you’re going through a tough time and want to give up, remember…
  92. It’s hard to give up. It feels impossible, but it doesn’t have to be! ????
  93. Don’t let the world (or a close friend) drag you down. Keep going, no matter what.
  94. One of the best lessons I learned in life is that there’s always a way. So keep pushing, keep going and never give up on your dreams.
  95. It’s a hard thing to admit, but sometimes you have to lower your expectations. It’s all about where you’re at and what your goals are. No one can do it for you.
  96. If you think about it, the pain of quitting is nothing compared to the pain of staying.
  97. The first step to getting over any challenge is admitting you have a problem. Remember that and never give up on your goals ????????
  98. Don’t give up on your dreams. Even though it might be hard, keep pushing and never stop believing.
  99. I’m going to keep trying, even if it doesn’t seem like it’s worth it.
  100. Don’t let the tough times overwhelm you. Stay strong and keep pushing forward.
  101. The key to happiness is knowing when to keep going, and when to give up.
  102. Never give up. Never lose hope. Never let yourself get discouraged. Keep pressing forward.

Also See: 105+ Caption About Giving Up

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